• American Bariatrics is a free online Bariatric Support Group. Register for your free account and get access to all of our great features!

Requiring I am in this support group?

How do I provide proof that I am in this support group for my doctor?
go to the home page, which is American Bariatrics Support Group, either on a computer or on your phone, and you can take a screen shot or show your doctor the page in person. If you are in this group and obviously online, you will see an image like this


In the right half of the image, it should show your name, like you see my name in this image, and below that, "Members online" where your name should appear, as mine does in this screen shot. You can also print it out or just save the image as a jpeg or png file and carry it on your phone. If you aren't highly computer literate, you can ask a friend who is, or go to a computer store and ask a tech for help, or your local library can help you.

If you are required to be in a support group like this for some reason, I would take that requirement seriously by posting an introduction to the group, telling your story, and print that out. A support group works best when you participate by sharing your feelings. If your doctor requires you to be in a support group in order to prescribe medication, I think you should be very honest about your level of participation. I don't enjoy having a member here who is really just using "me" and the group to meet a requirement, but won't add to the group and OFFER SUPPORT BACK TO THE GROUP.

I wish you success and all my best wishes.


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go to the home page, which is American Bariatrics Support Group, either on a computer or on your phone, and you can take a screen shot or show your doctor the page in person. If you are in this group and obviously online, you will see an image like this

View attachment 5763

In the right half of the image, it should show your name, like you see my name in this image, and below that, "Members online" where your name should appear, as mine does in this screen shot. You can also print it out or just save the image as a jpeg or png file and carry it on your phone. If you aren't highly computer literate, you can ask a friend who is, or go to a computer store and ask a tech for help, or your local library can help you.

If you are required to be in a support group like this for some reason, I would take that requirement seriously by posting an introduction to the group, telling your story, and print that out. A support group works best when you participate by sharing your feelings. If your doctor requires you to be in a support group in order to prescribe medication, I think you should be very honest about your level of participation. I don't enjoy having a member here who is really just using "me" and the group to meet a requirement, but won't add to the group and OFFER SUPPORT BACK TO THE GROUP.

I wish you success and all my best wishes.
They gave me a paper to have someone sign for insurance purposes.
They gave me a paper to have someone sign for insurance purposes.
No one can sign any documents in an online support group. I suggest you look for a bariatric support group locally. Your surgeon's office might be able to help you with that. At my hospital, there was a support group in residence. However, it was at night and meant I had to drive or take the bus in the dark in order to attend. The group also allowed family members to be there, which really just meant a lot of people in this big circle would be staring at you, not saying anything. I felt like a monkey in a zoo.

But if your doctor has required this take it back to him/her and ask for a referral to a support group. If you run up against obstacle, keep taking the issue back to your doctor or insurance provider. If it's required, they should know the routine and be able to assist you in getting the proof you need.

There's no real administrator here, so I don't think being in this group can help you in meeting this requirement. That means you have to find a physical group in your area, which you might be able to do by searching online in your zip code. But I've never heard of this requirement before, so I guess I can't be as helpful as I'd like to be. But if it's a requirement, the entity that requires this step should be able to direct you to the right resource.

On a personal note, I'd encourage you to share your story with us, as a few members will probably respond immediately to welcome you to the group. But this requirement may only apply to a physical group, so again, go back to your doctor for verification and referrals. This is a GREAT group. I've been here since 2008 and I rely on this group so much to help me stay on track. But when insurance companies get involved, their requirements might be stringent, especially since you say they want a signature on some kind of form. Your doctor/surgeon should be familiar with this already.

Best of luck. Welcome to the group.
После моего обращения в компанию "Вершина" для проведения экспертизы, я был впечатлен уровнем профессионализма, с которым сотрудники компании подошли к моему делу. У меня была задача получить независимую экспертизу для юридического процесса, и специалисты "Вершины" помогли с точной оценкой. Они предложили комплексное решение, начиная с консультации и заканчивая подробным отчетом, который был оформлен с учетом всех юридических нюансов.
Компания предоставляет широкий спектр услуг, от автотехнической экспертизы до оценки недвижимости, что делает их универсальными специалистами для различных ситуаций. Эксперты сразу произвели впечатление высококвалифицированных специалистов с глубоким знанием своей области. С первого контакта они четко и доступно объяснили, как будет строиться работа, какие документы необходимы и какие результаты можно ожидать. Они всегда держали меня в курсе о каждом этапе выполнения задачи, что обеспечивало полную прозрачность процесса.
Особое внимание привлекла их тщательность и внимание к деталям. Экспертный отчет был подготовлен с учетом всех деталей моего дела и оказался ключевым доказательством в суде, что значительно облегчило защиту моей позиции. Важным аспектом стала их готовность дать разъяснения по каждому пункту отчета, что также помогло мне лучше понять технические моменты и возможные риски.
Впечатлило также и отношение сотрудников компании к клиентам: все взаимодействия происходили в атмосфере вежливости и оперативности. Я чувствовал, что моя задача была их приоритетом, что добавило уверенности в правильности выбора компании. Благодаря их профессионализму и ответственному подходу я смог получить точный, объективный и детализированный отчет, который удовлетворил все мои ожидания и даже превзошел их.
В итоге, сотрудничество с компанией "Вершина" было для меня крайне положительным опытом, и я без сомнений рекомендую их всем, кому требуется качественная экспертиза или оценка.
Вершина: Независимая оценка, экспертиза и судебная экспертиза