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Seems to be working! How long did it take to go back to work?

Kim M

Ten years after my first appt for surgery, I finally reluctantly did it on June 7. My recovery is slower than I thought. I will see my doc on Thurs. and am suppose to go back to work on July 2. At this point, I don't now if I will be able to keep up with the pace of my job. I had the sleeve and a few others that had it did well and I thought almost a month would be enough time. Was wondering how others did and how long it took them to go back to work? I do community outreach work and do a lot of driving as well as working with individuals that have numerous struggles which I am there to help them with. I am 57. Please tell me something other than everyone one heals differently. Glad I found this site. Sending positive vibes to all in need.
Hi, Ok I wont tell you that we all heal differently. I have a friend who had the sleeve a few weeks ago and she was out and about after about a week and most of the folks in my support group that had the sleeve were out and about quicker than I was I was kinda jelouse:rolleyes:. I had the RnY and I was out for a month and I was still not 100% but it didn't take long once I got back to work to start getting all my strength back to wher I was before WLS. :cool: Tom
Like Tom, I had the RNY. I was extremely tired for the first 10 weeks and slowly started to regain my strength over the next 3 or 4 weeks. I didn't have much physical discomfort after the first 2 weeks. Just make sure to follow the surgeon's instructions regarding lifting requirements, etc. Also, if you get plenty of sleep now and take naps when you feel tired you will recover much faster. Same thing goes with getting in your protein and fluids each and every day. The protein will help you heal faster and better than anything else you can eat right now.

I had the roux-en-y on 06/06/12 along w/primary surgery for a large hiatal hernia; I was given the standard answer of 6-8 wks. I initially thought that was an incredibly long length of time but now see that it really isn't.

I know my boss would like me to come back as soon as possible but there are a lot of considerations to take into account for my job & the prep and time I will need to add to the amount of time I'm at work to accommodate eating while I'm there as well which I've told her about some time ago along w/the HR Mgr.

The HR Mgr told me months ago not to rush things and truly take the time I need & letter the surg determine when I can be released to either part-time or full-time work again. The old me would have plowed through everything constantly begging to get to go back but I'm listening to my body, the HR Mgr, parents & the vast amounts of information that the Bariatric Team has provided.

I've made up my mind that I'm going to be completely honest with how I truly feel, what's going on & the medical evaluations. Also, I need to make sure my head is in the right place & I've got the endurance. I do payroll, accounting, etc. & the grind can be mentally intense in my work environment especially reacting to others' lack of planning & accommodating deadlines they know I have well in advance. For these reasons I'm going to be the new me and not rush things. I imagine my surg doesn't want me to have anymore setbacks & will work w/me on a reasonable return to date & whether or not that may include part-time work initially. Ultimately, I'm the only one who knows what going back will bring.

Good luck, listen to your body & be honest w/yourself & medica professionals. They know if you're milking it & most likely share your concerns & will go with the conservative approach to protect you.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately, my employer is not that understanding. It is back to work wiht no restrictions full time or stay home. I'm worried if I go back on July 2 and do not have the energy to keep up and have to take off again it will be worse than just postponing going back for another week. Well I will see how this week plays out. Thanks again for the support.
Hi Kim, It almost sounds like it would be best if you waited until you are 100% until you got a release from your doctor, I would definayely discuss your work situation at your next visit and discuss your work situation so they don't release you until you know you can keep up. Just keep walking evryfay, I know that really helped me get my energy back, even though I wasn't 100% when I got back it only took a short while until I was. Rember you don't need the addition stress right now so do what is best for your recovery. :cool: Tom
Walk a lot, nap a lot, keep up with the protein for healing. Maybe after this week you will be ready. And stop worrying. Stress can only help to set you back.
Well I did postpone going back to work for a week. I was scheduled to go back on Monday and on Thursday I got numerous calls informing me of results of bloodwork I insisted my surgeon run. Vitamin A, D insufficient, as well as magnesium and iron. I was also told I needed to see a kidney specialist and have my liver checked every month until further notice. This was in addition to a call I received last week informing me my parathyroid levels were high and I needed to see an endroconologist. It might explain why I have not made a quicker recovery. I have doctor appt's all next week and just feel very overwhelmed. After talking with my supervisor on Thurs and telling her I would return, I had to call her back and tell her I needed to postpone it another week. Bummed out, but struggling to stay postive.
Kim-I'm glad you decided to put yourself first and not rush back to work. Make sure you let us know how you are doing.
Good call Kim. It will be best to get your vitamins and other things going on under control before you head back to the stresses of work, that would only compound the problem. Keep thinking positive, my thoughts and prayers are with you. :cool: Tom