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Southern Fried Chicken Liver- For iron


Growing up I only used chicken liver to catch catfish. It was later in my adult life that I discovered fried chicken livers when in Jackson Mississippi for a school. I fell in love immediately. Though I never made them at home, with me being deficient in iron I find other means to boost my iron levels as the pill form is often hard on my stomach. Great thing about these is though they are breaded, so long as you don't double coat them I'm not having to fight the fried breading that is often hard to swallow. This is also why I prefer to cook in oil vs Air fry since the air fryer is easy to dry out the exterior. I'm season mine fairly light with a couple pinches of each salt, pepper, cayenne and sweet Hungarian paprika. Intend on trying my next batch with either salt, pepper and creole seasoning or Italian seasoning (or fresh oregano, parsley, basil, rosemary mashed in a pistil and mortar). Then let my wife season hers to her liking since she is not a salt lover. I intend on making these at some point every week to help keep my iron levels up. It's also cheap. I purchased my chicken liver for less than $2 a lb container.

Rinse the livers in water and then soak them in milk or buttermilk for at least 2hrs. This helps flush them out and knocks some of the strong gamey flavors common in liver. No nutrient's are lost. Serve immediately, the longer they sit the more moisture the breading absorbs. Pepper Gravy, Chicken Gravy, Ranch Lemon etc is all great to dip or sprinkle also.



  • 1 pound chicken livers
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 quart vegetable oil for frying

    1. Place chicken livers in a colander; rinse with cold water and drain well. Blot dry with paper towels.
    2. Whisk egg and milk together in a shallow dish until blended.
    3. Place flour, garlic powder, salt, and pepper into a zip-top bag; shake to combine.
    4. Heat oil in a deep fryer or large saucepan to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
    5. Dip chicken livers in egg mixture to coat, then transfer, one at a time, into flour mixture, shaking the bag to coat completely.
    6. Gently place coated livers, a few at a time, into hot oil; cover with a splatter screen and cook until crisp and golden brown, 5 to 6 minutes.
Air Fryer
Preheat airfryer to 380f
Load the fryer single layer
Cook at 380 for 10 min
Spray livers with oil and flip
Spray other side with oil
Cook additional 10-15min at 380f un

Freeze leftovers
Reheat leftovers in air fryer at 325f for 8-10min
In the Narnia Chronicles, there's a recipe that features chicken liver. I don't remember it word for word, but essentially, you saute chicken liver in butter and season it lightly with whatever spice you prefer. I think I used garlic and cumin. Then you add a small handful of raisins and saute it all until it's cooked well through. You can eat it solo or put it on rice, or sprinkle over hummus. It's absolutely delicious, though it may take a few tries to get it perfect for your taste.