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Statistics on V Sleeve G surgery


I'm having VSG surgery on Dec. 12 and am very excited. UC Davis hospital is performing the surgery and have been great. They don't have any published statics regarding improvements in comorbidities after gastric surgeries regarding the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy because this procedure is (was ?) less than 10 years old.

I'm wondering if any of you who have had this surgery has noticed an improvement with Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia (cholesterol ), hypertension (blood pressure), sleep apnea, and any other weight related maladies? I've chosen the sleeve because I have severe osteoarthritis and will need to take NSAIDs again once the itty bitty pouch heals ( May it ever be so tiny?).

UCDMG doesn't require a pre surgery liquid diet yippee, happy me. (Don't know what that has to do with anything, it just popped out; did I mention how happy about that I am?)

Anyway, I am just doing the last of my due diligence and asking you wonderful people an important question. You see I have all the above illnesses and want to eliminate them from my life forever.
I am 17 months post op VSG. My A1C went from 6 to 4.7. No issues with blood pressure, but at my recent physical it is lower than before at 100/68. My cholesterol has seen the most improvement. Pre surgery total cholesterol was 278. It is now 186. My HDL is high which is good and my LDL is normal. While my knees still are not great, I am able to exercise, do steps and am in less pain. I have a back injury and that has not gotten any better. But I didn't think it would. My vitamin levels are all good. I had to cut back on my b12 as it was too high. I used to take NSAID's all the time, but they have caused some mild kidney damage. So I am unable to take them now. I do have to take Prilosec each day as people with sleeve sometimes get reflux. I am healthier now than I have been in years. Wishing you all the best in your upcoming surgery. Good health to you.