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stressed out


I am meeting with my surgeon tomorrow. All my paperwork was supposed to be in by now. I called today to pre-register for
my appointment and inquired about the paperwork, ie: EKG, blood work, psych, sleep study, and a few other things. They don't
have it!! I quickly made phone calls to the peeps with my records and asked them to re-fax everything. I just don't get it. What
are they getting paid for? I was so stressed out today that I ate a candy bar!!! It's not funny. Thanks for letting me vent.
Hi Sandie! Not really on any special diet. I read the "Wheat belly book" and kind of go by that. No flour and very little sugar.
It was hard at first. I swear I eat more now and I have lost 20 lbs. ! It's cool. I recently tried spaghetti squash for the first
time and am hooked. People ask "if you can't eat anything with flour then what do you eat?" LOTS!!! Fruits, veggies, meat and
dairy. I want this operation because of medical issues. I hope it keeps me motivated.
I wish I could lose weight that way, I have tried EVERYTHING and when on a diet I am compulsive to stay on the diet.
Hi Sandie, I always went on different diets in the past and I would lose weight initially but I would always gain the weight back and a little more because I could never stay with it, they always requred me to stay on really small portions of food and/or liquid meal replacements and 2 hours of exercise a day. Now I have the tools to have small meals and don't mind having a protien shake to replace a meal and exercising isn't a chor anymore, I actually like getting out and exercising now. :cool: Tom