You have my sympathy, everyone reacts differently to the surgery. I had nausea every time I ate, well into my fourth month, it has subsided a good deal but occasionally I still have a problem. Hard protein is such a chicken and steak are impossible for me, so I go for cheese fish or an occasional egg. Heartburn is also an issue for me so I have large containers of antacids at home work and in the car.
I don't think what you are describing is not that unusual you are adjusting to your new plumbing and it may take awhile. Look on it as an adventure where you have to search out food that appeal to you. Your grocery costs are down so you can look at better quality foods in smaller portions, that has been my tack. I eat lobster tail and smoked salmon more often that I ever had, and it make sense, one tail equals two meals. Search and you will find many good things that make sense. But you may have to wait until your body is ready.
In the mean time go easy, broth is fine, stick to what you can tolerate. You won't die of starvation. You and your body will eventually catchup to one another.