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Taking your lunch to work


I expect to go back to work at the end of the month. I have always taken my lunch and now, I need to know what my lunch will look like. Will I always be stuck with protein drinks? How much is normally packed in a lunch? Should I schedule a visit with my nutritionist to discuss this? What have others of you done?
Your lunch can look however you want it to. Just remember to get in your proteins and fruits/veggies before eating carbs. Of course it will be much smaller than previous lunches. Just eat the same things you would on the weekend.


I am a month out and I keep stuff at work so to not be tempted to venture out. I keep greek yogurt, string cheese, ham and turkey breakfast sausage in the breakroom and I have stuff like sf pudding, soup, protein powder (chocolate, vanilla and unflavored), protein bars (quick easy high protein) and peanut butter at my desk. Today breakfast was 3 turkey sausages and lunch will be an apple with 2tbls peanut butter and string cheese.

Eating is easy but you have to come prepared. You will have to pre-plan meals. I like to load everything I plan to eat that day in myfitnesspal the night before. So going into the day I know exactly how many calories I have and where I will be protein wise so I know if I need to tweak anything I have room to do so.
I pack my lunch and breakfast the night before and only eat what I bring. I find it easier to decide for the day what I'm going to eat then stick to the plan.
Today I brought protein-enriched oatmeal for breakfast and also had 2 cups of coffee. For lunch I had 2 oz of baked salmon, 2 oz of mixed vegetables, and 1/2 an orange. For dinner I'll have a veggie burger with 1 tablespoon of steak sauce and an ounce and half of edamame. I'll have 1 protein shake during the day, usually in the morning.
I'll be low on my calories and protein, so I'll add a protein-enriched pudding or a protein bar. Right now I'm working on not going over my 60 Gm carb limit so I need to get rid of the protein bar and factor in something else.
There was only one day when I forgot my lunch so I bought a sandwich with grilled chicken and could only get down a few bites. Took the rest home.