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Three Weeks Post Surgery


:)Hey Everyone, This is my first post. I am looking for some answers about my surgery. I had a Gastro-Sleeve done on May 7th, 2012. How much weight are you expected to lose per week? I am down 34 LBS so far. How important are the protein shakes? Just can seem to get them down. The taste is horrible. I have slipped a couple of times with my food intake. Ate a hamburger last Thursday. I really felt bloded after that. Did this hurt me? I do feel hungery all the time and I am eating more than what the surgeon has reccomended. Any help would be greatly apprie:rciative. Thanks Ron
Hi Ron, Welcome. I had the RnY but some things are similar for us. The important thing about protien shakes is it will help you get in at least 64 grams of protien in a day which is important in the healing prosses, a lot of folks with the RnY and sleeve have trouble with the protien drinks, luckily I did ok with them. The amouynt of weight you lose a week will vary from person to person we are all different and lose at a differnt pace, you should also acount for gaining muscle and losing fat, muscle is leaner so as you replace the fat with miscle you will losw inches but the scale will be at a standstill, not to worry this happens to everyone. You are more than likely hungry because you are not getting enough protien or maybe you just feel hungry, it happens, the hamburgar mad you feel bloted because you stomach is the size of a small bannana and your body was telling you it was to much at once, you need to start listening to what your body tells you, our old stomachs are gone now so it will take time to get used to small portions. Try to follow your meal plan the sghould have been lined out for you by your doctor or nutritionist befor you left the hospital if they didn't give it to you sooner. GoI hope I answerd some of yopur questions, make sure to come back let us know how you are doing, there are a lot of great folks here to help answer your questions. :cool: Tom
A Big Thanks

Thanks Tom. I am going to give those shakes one more try. I know my protein intake is very low right now.
Ron-I had an RNY on 2/27/12 and still can't eat a hamburger pattie or most any other meat without feeling bloated or uncomfortable. If I use a small amount of very lean hamburger in my homemade soup and cook the heck out of it I can eat that without any problems. The meal plans we are given to follow are only a general guideline. Each of us will progress at very different rates. The important thing is to get enough protein and fluids in daily and take all of the required supplements. The other thing is to rest and get enough sleep. Our bodies tell us what we need and also what we shouldn't be eating (or drinking). You have to sip all fluids slowly, chew all food thoroughly and eat very slowly. Early on it can take an hour to be able to eat a meal without feeling discomfort or nausea. Don't push the envelope, take things a day at a time. You will eventually be able to eat most everything you like but in a healthy manner. As for the protein shakes, you need to try different brands until you find one you can handle. Usually the surgeon or nutritionist can recommend a few that other patients have tolerated well. Just make sure to check the label to make sure you are using the lower carb version. A lot of the shakes have similar packaging and it's easy to grab the wrong one.
Tom, I really appreciate the info you have given. I have read quite a few of your responses. You have mention you need to eat between 800-900 calories per day. Can you give me a sample of what this is for breakfast-lunch-dinner. What would you eat to achieve this. Thanks again.
Hi Ron. There are some great protein drinks out there. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I have already been trying out different ones to see what I like. EAS makes a great one that is very low carb and you can get it in the pharmacy area of your local Walmart. They are 11 ounces and are ready to drink, so far I have tried the chocolate fudge and the french vanilla. They are really smooth, and I put half of it in a water bottle to save for later in the day, as I am learning to control how much I am putting in right now. This is hard for me because I tend to drink fast or gulp and that is a big no no. Some good ways of getting protein in would be tuna, eggs, yogurt, albacore tuna, cottage cheese, I hope this helps some. Please measure everything so you aren't putting too much in at once.
Ron, the EAS Edge Advantage...they are 17g of protein and 3 net carbs which are awesome. I'm getting strawberry this week and will let you know how that one tastes. I find that the days I drink my protein I feel better. I noticed I have felt bad all day today, and today I didn't drink any protein....go figure. Just shows that I will have to be very faithful
Tom, I really appreciate the info you have given. I have read quite a few of your responses. You have mention you need to eat between 800-900 calories per day. Can you give me a sample of what this is for breakfast-lunch-dinner. What would you eat to achieve this. Thanks again.

Hi Ron. I had two shakes a day just to make sure I got enough protien that was about 300 calories +/- and 60 gms +/- of protien depending whether I used milk or a pre made shake For breakfast I would have one scramled egg and one turkey sausage link 125 cal., lunch would be a yougurt or cottage cheese and 1 or 2 oz lunch meat 150 cal and dinner would be 2 oz ground meat 1/4 cup refried beans w/ cheese approx 225 cal. I really felt like all I did was eat and at times I just couldn't finish everything, for the first year I had to remember to eat because I did not get hungry and when I returned to full duty i would start getting weak when I forgot to eat and that would prompt me but if I wasnt busy I would end up having a protien bar or a shake because it was just easier. Now I am up to 1200 to 2000 calories a day depending how much energy I expend, I really need to keep a close eye on what I eat when fire season picks up or I start feeling hypoglicemic and when things slow down I have to train myself to slow down on the calories. Hope that was some help. Your doctors should have sent you home with some sample meal plans to help guide you through the first few months. :cool: Tom
Hi Ron,

I had the sleeve 01/31/12 and I can tell you what I eat in a day. Similar in volume and calories as Tom. Breakfast= one hard boiled egg, Snack =100 calorie yogurt, Lunch= 2 oz. turkey, a vegetable, Snack= 50 cal. cheese, Dinner= 3-4 oz skinless chicken and a veggie. I drink as much water as possible, I do have one cup of coffee in the morning.

I never feel hungry, most often I have to force myself to eat all that I mentioned. When I do have a hamburger I eat it plain (no Roll) and can only eat half, I buy the 90% lean. If I feel that I want something else to eat I may have a piece of fruit, however my Dr. told me anytime I eat something to make sure I have protein with it.
Tom, Thanks for the info. Should I be eating food of that type you mentioned only being 3 1/2 weeks post-op? You are right, the surgeon did see me home with sample meals. Getting burned out on them and just looking for alternatives. Thanks, Ron
Tom, Thanks for the info. Should I be eating food of that type you mentioned only being 3 1/2 weeks post-op? You are right, the surgeon did see me home with sample meals. Getting burned out on them and just looking for alternatives. Thanks, Ron

Good morning Ron. That was just a sample meal plan, you should stick with the types of food recomened by your doctor. I had the RnY so when and what we introduce to our meal plan may differ. I couldn't stand the thought of pureed foods so I stuck with protien shakes, yogurt, cottage chees and other soft foods that were alowed. Look through your sample meal plans and see what they recommend, I have have a binder with a detailed set of meal plans that gave me direction on when I was able to introduce different foods, if you don't have that call your doctors office or nutritionist and find out. I think you should be real close to the stage where you can expand your food choices though. :cool: Tom
Tom, Thanks for the info. Should I be eating food of that type you mentioned only being 3 1/2 weeks post-op? You are right, the surgeon did see me home with sample meals. Getting burned out on them and just looking for alternatives. Thanks, Ron

Ron-Just a suggestion. Take a look at Stouffer's line of Lean Cuisine frozen entrees the next time you are at the grocery store. Read the ingredients list to make sure you can have everything based on your prescribed meal plan. They actually taste pretty good and you should be able to find a few that appeal to you and may provide the variety you are looking for. Just stay away from the pasta entrees. I usually keep 2 or 3 in my freezer for something to fall back on when I am too busy or just don't feel like fixing anything. Another thing you might try is making a pot of soup. You can buy frozen veggies and toss in some lean diced ham or very lean ground beef and you'll end up with a bariatric friendly batch of delicious soup that is easy on your tiny new pouch. You can even portion it out and freeze it for later or pack it for a work lunch. Just keep track of the calories and proteins as you make it then divide the nutritional content by the number of servings you make it into. Homemade soup is one of my "go to" foods am I sometimes even have it for breakfast a couple of times a week :eek: