Got everything ready for the shakes and starting to get my bag packed for the hospital
got my jammies, pillow and blanket,CPAP, laptop loition and my going home clothes is there anything else i need to bring?
Well had my first HMR didn't think i would like it well color me surprise it wasn'thalf bad. A little on the on the thicke side but not bad at all. think i will add just a little more water on the next one any suggestions on flavors i have choc. and vanilla
I'm starting to hate these shakes only got 09 more days for these shakes and 1 day of clear liquids and jello so ready for this to be over got everything ready for hospital got a few last minute thing to pack. will keep everyone in formed.
does anyone have any ideas on stoolsoftenerss that work real goodand fastt?
well doing good if my scales are right i'm down to 324 and almost got 2 boxes done and 2 more to go
one more week to go yeah!! yeah!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!