It's ABout Time
I am gonna be honest with you, I feel I wasn't told about different things to expect or if I was, I was so hiped up and anxious for the surgery that I didnt' listen.
I didn't realize how nauseau I could be at times, how the smell of food would bother me and how my taste buds would change, but thankfuly now at 8 weeks out it is getting better.It is still an issue with having to accept the small amount of food my body can have now, mind or matter, and to constantly tell myself stay away from carbs. there is a great site that has been very helpful to be, she had the surgery and went from a size 28 to a 6 and has awesome receipes and ideas and pics, love that site and has archives of information.By Christmas you'll be way on your road to a NEW you,
I have had my days when I've said" why did you do this to yourself, but now that some pounds are gone and some clothes are too big reality has hit and I am glad a new me is being birthed daily. one bite at a time
and when they say walk at hospital and at home, trust me they are telling you that for your own good for it really does help with the healing process.