This journey of bariatric surgery has really put me out of my comfort zone! In many ways! To begin with, admitting I'm "Morbidly Obese". What a tough rock to swallow saying that out loud. Next, is telling my husband my weight. Then onto addressing these issues with my Dr. and taking steps to make changes. Just when I thought these uncomfortable encounters were over, I had to talk to a Psychologist...a complete stranger. Asking extremely personal questions. Answering honestly. Come to find out, Im not as crazy as I had thought! That, or the craziness of todays society has made me seem very NORMAL ! He told me that my support system isn't incredible and that I needed to seek other means of support. Which lands me to another "out of comfort zone". HERE! To divulge my weaknesses(which previously, I, of course NEVER had!!). Rely on strangers to lift me up when I am down. When I feel life can't, in any way get better. Also, to hopefully smile and applaude whatever successes I or anyone else may have! I had always been the "strong" person in relationships. Whether it was with friends, family, or Significant others. People turned to me to lean on. Now, a week into this 2 week liquid diet pre-surgery. Im finding myself needing others. People who have experienced the same feelings. The same anxieties. The same excitement! The total mix of emotions that play on ones mind is ridiculous. I hope to connect with people that have been through it. Are going through it. Or even considering going through it. I've humbled myself this far. To face the fact that my life wasn't going anywhere but 6 feet under. Ready for this change. Ready for a new life. Ready for support.