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Constant hunger??


I had surgery in July 23rd I've done well so far but constantly feel hungry. I feel if I eat I'll make myself sick but the feeling if hunger never goes away. How long should I expect to feel this way? All I can do is sleep it off but I have school starting in 2 weeks and want to be able to goto class and stay out with my friends not just sleep 20 hours a day.
Hi Trish...are you eating enough Protein? I had my bypass on July 25th and never have felt hungry...I actually have to remind myself to eat my meals and get all the protein and liquid in. I have found that the protein is the life saver. You didn't tell us anything about your eating habits. I am on pureed foods right now until next Wednesday, when I can move on to "soft" foods. I am enjoying cream of wheat, greek yogurt, pudding & Soup, along with my protein drinks...I add protein powder to these foods to get it in. Tell us more about what your routine is. Are you also excercising?

I'm on the soft foods now. Mostly chicken and pudding. I do need to get more provide but the shakes make me sick. I walk a bit but I've been very achy and constantly naucious. I know mostly I'm lacking the motivation to get up move, and force myself to eat.
Trish-It's highly unusual to feel hungry less than a month after surgery. This is something you should let the surgeon and nutritionist know. Some nausea is normal but you should discuss constant nausea with your surgeon. Were you lactose intolerant before surgery? If you haven't done so already try getting a good quality low-carb protein powder and mix it with water instead of milk, it might be easier on your pouch. Check out Unjury.com A lot of people don't feel hungry for a year. I started getting my appetite back after 5 weeks but was only hungry in the mornings. You should be eating 5 or 6 very small meals a day, including protein supplements. I still have problems eating "whole" meats and rely on canned tuna, chicken and turkey for my protein and also eat cottage cheese and pre-packaged entrees with soy based protein instead of meat. I also have to drink protein shakes 1 to 2 times a day in order to meet my protein goal.
Hi there. Just a reminder to everyone that there is low fat lactose free milk you can try if mmixing your protein powder with regular milk upsets your system. I have never much liked milk,and that is what i have been doing.
I to am constantly hungry, just 12 days post op. Right now i am on soft foods diet (mostly chicken, turkey, ham, soups, cottage cheese). I do 60 - 90 grams of protein per day, but i seem to always be hungry. When i do eat i could only eat a small amount probably 2 - 3 ozs. I thought it was weird because i read that people forget to eat some days. i do long walks daily. I've had no surgical problems and actually feel good, just thought it was weird to feel hungry still??
Jacy-Welcome to the forum. It is very unusual to feel hungry that soon out of surgery. I was still "running away" from food until the third week after surgery. The most I could handle was hot cereal and instant potatoes made very thin and protein shakes. I'm also surprised you are eating chicken, turkey and ham this early. These foods were not on my meal plan until the pureed phase. I'm happy to hear you are doing well.
Im feeling less hungry now that I'm further out this is the beginning of my 7th week. Wow weeks fly by. But for the past two I haven't felt so hungry. But now I feel as if I eat way too little. I am in able to do 3 meals a day. I mostly drink G2 and chew on ice, kinda back at the liquid diet stages. Apple sauce is my best friend!!
I think it's because I'm not eating much that when I do try to eat I start to. Or feel well. And I'm still struggling with getting my protein in. I can now have protein bars so that helps a bit but I've become so terribly picky. I don't enjoy many favors and I'm craving spicy food but I know I wouldn't be able to hold it down.
Trish-You need to call the surgeon if you are having trouble following the meal plan. You can't live on G2 and ice. You will end up with complications if you aren't getting adequate nutrition.
Try Quest bars. I do not like most protein bars, but I love these. 20-21 grams protein 170 cal. They have helped me so much. I also like premiere protein vanilla or strawberry---not choc---protein shakes from Costco. 31 protein, 160 cal. Good for in between my little meals and getting in the protein. T.
Constant hunger can also be a sign of stomach / pouch irritation... The stomachs way of protecting itself is to simulate hunger in order to make its owner add food to help with over acid production and the resulting irritation.

Talk to your surgeon or nurse about it.
Lots of good advice here.

I haven't felt hunger since day 1.

Like so many have stated, our new meal plan, the operation and the protein lend to NOT feeling hungry.

I am now 7+ months post op; still no hunger.

I log my foods. I make sure I get my 80-90 grams of protein and I make sure I don't overdo the carbs say about 100 to 150 grams a day and sometimes when I am focused less than 100grams.

The only problem I have is fats. They make me sick (butter, sausage, bacon, pork??? ). So I stay away from these foods or a severely limit my intake of them.

Take StinkerBelles advice and follow Ralph's program. Nausea and hunger feel a lot alike. Call your doctor now. Heck you are two years post op now...are you still with us?