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I don't mind telling you I am terrified about this virus. I had SARS in 2002 and lived alone with no help, not that I would have asked anyone to come into my sickroom. Living in Seattle with the Space Needle and especially the Monorail from the Seattle Center to downtown, and the Pike Place Market just a few blocks from there, we are a central locus for disease of all kinds from other countries. I live less than a mile from the edge of the bay where all ships dock and sail west to east and west again. When I had SARS I was commuting on the Monorail and I feel certain it was there I came in contact with it. I remember wishing I would die, it was so awful, and being unable to get back into my bed after falling out and dragging myself to the bathroom.

I had another flu some years later where I was so sick, I was in some kind of dissociative state, naked from the waist down, dragging myself to the door thinking I'd called an ambulance, ready to roll down a flight of stairs when the ambulance did arrive and took me to the hospital with kidney failure. I'm a strong person but completely respect the power of influenza. I just saw a show on PBS a few weeks ago that featured visionaries who'd been around a long time, including Stewart Brand of the Whole Earth Catalog & his contemporaries. They have all been on the edge of warning us to take care of our earth for 50 years, and have been mocked and scorned by the government and big corporate polluters. I try to be as much like them as I can be and have watched my world deteriorate, just like they cautioned us it might.

Anyway, what defense do any of us have against this thing? Why won't it stop? On that program, one of them said that we wouldn't manage to kill the earth or die by nuclear fire, but that the population of the world would eventually be wiped out by influenza. I'm afraid to go to the grocery store or to answer my door or pick up my mail. I'm not going to my Al-Anon meeting today because I'm afraid to leave the house. In Seattle, we just suddenly had 6 deaths, as of yesterday, mostly in rehab facilities where our elderly ones live. But that means a lot of healthcare workers have been exposed, so the last thing I'd do is go see a doctor right now.

If you're newly post-op, be especially careful. You don't have the defenses you'd have if you were fully healed. Don't screw around. Make sure your meals are well balanced and take those vitamins. This flu attacks the weakened immune system, so take as many water-soluble vitamins as you can hold. Vitamin C is the one people most associate with that, and you can't take too much. What you don't use, you just pee away. But watch out for the fat-soluble vites that live in your organs. Take the right amounts, no more. And adjust your diets to avoid as much processed food that's been handled by people and lean toward vegetables and well-cooked proteins. This would be a good time to depend on dried beans for protein, reconstituted with something cured and stable like bacon or ham-bones.

Avoid junk and DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD! YOU don't have a clue what's been handled by whom!

Here's the official word about it, followed by a funny/not funny video:

There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
    • CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
    • Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
For information about handwashing, see CDC’s Handwashing website
For information specific to healthcare, see CDC’s Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings
These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. CDC does have specific guidance for travelers.


A friend in Iran sent me a little movie I'll try to link here. The outbreak in his country is getting more serious by the minute. click on the image & you should be taken to an ironic little 10-second video.


Really, be safe, everyone. The best way to avoid a pandemic is to avoid getting the virus.
I was at universal studios Sunday and Disneyland yesterday going back to Disneyland tomorrow and I did not see one person wearing a mask and they’re from all over the world. I was washing my hands and using sanitizer all day long because I’m afraid of getting the virus ever since Orange County got the health warning. They have some of the people who have the virus in lockdown close by us and stores like Costco are running out of supplies. Oh but I forgot it’s a hoax and Democrats fault according to the orange man.
BTW, does anyone know where that tower in the video is located? I don't recognize it but it's obviously a big city. I'm thinking Canada, but who knows? there just aren't that many towers around the world.

ah, I think it's the Milad Tower in Tehran.

more on Covid-19:

I was at universal studios Sunday and Disneyland yesterday going back to Disneyland tomorrow and I did not see one person wearing a mask and they’re from all over the world. I was washing my hands and using sanitizer all day long because I’m afraid of getting the virus ever since Orange County got the health warning. They have some of the people who have the virus in lockdown close by us and stores like Costco are running out of supplies. Oh but I forgot it’s a hoax and Democrats fault according to the orange man.
oh my god, that's right! You were in the thick of it, in a very opportunistic spot to get all kinds of airborne nasties. That CDC warning I posted above said healthy people shouldn't wear masks, but if you feel any symptoms, you should slap one on. That has the added benefit of allowing people to stand far away from you, which is only fair, especially if you're stupid enough to put people at deadly risk of illness because you can't stay at home until your symptoms pass or you get sicker, then well.

Sometimes Seattle reminds me a lot of Disneyland with the incredible crush of tourists and the long lines everywhere to see our goofy town. I used to buy produce at the Pike Place Market because it is simply the best, freshest, most varied stock in the area, not to mention the fish, which is pretty much caught out the back window, then cleaned & laid out on ice for the customer to take home. Dunno why a tourist would want either of those, but the Market is a major draw. Thank god for our bus system or natives would never be able to get near the tourist attractions to actually shop. The whole town is an E ticket ride, you know?

It never made sense to me that employers expect people to come to work when they feel sick. I was lucky enough to dictate when and where I'd work because I was a writer, and also for a dozen years, a landscape designer/gardener. but most people don't have that choice and the unwashed majority don't even get sick leave, so we're screwed.

I am so comforted by D'ump and his optimistic outlook! I think I'll go out to a government building and lick a doorknob.
Yeah it was hard at both places to be germ free at times I was causous other times I just forgot and omg so many people there. I’m sure someone had to be sick with something.Ugh going back tomorrow with my wifes relatives to Disneyland. On the other hand I’ve done pretty good eating! Hamburgers with no buns kinda yuck , veggie wrap at Universal Studios and yogurt. Only thing though been averaging about 6 miles a day and since last Tuesday when I weighed myself I only lost 2 pounds that was including walking about an hour the rest of the week . Must be one of those slow losers.
Yeah it was hard at both places to be germ free at times I was causous other times I just forgot and omg so many people there. I’m sure someone had to be sick with something.Ugh going back tomorrow with my wifes relatives to Disneyland. On the other hand I’ve done pretty good eating! Hamburgers with no buns kinda yuck , veggie wrap at Universal Studios and yogurt. Only thing though been averaging about 6 miles a day and since last Tuesday when I weighed myself I only lost 2 pounds that was including walking about an hour the rest of the week . Must be one of those slow losers.
Good for you Bill! Great that you stuck to the diet and with all that walking, I bet you're in for a huge loss week soon! Your body is just adjusting for sure. :)
It never made sense to me that employers expect people to come to work when they feel sick. I was lucky enough to dictate when and where I'd work because I was a writer, and also for a dozen years, a landscape designer/gardener. but most people don't have that choice and the unwashed majority don't even get sick leave, so we're screwed.
Makes me almost glad to be stuck in the house!!!
BTW, does anyone know where that tower in the video is located? I don't recognize it but it's obviously a big city. I'm thinking Canada, but who knows? there just aren't that many towers around the world.

ah, I think it's the Milad Tower in Tehran.

more on Covid-19:

I couldn't open the video...
I’m not overly concerned about it. I’m not sure if Missouri has had a reported case yet, but by the time it reaches the Midwest, schools will probably be letting out for the summer. We have no concrete travel plans for the summer, so I’m not going anywhere I can be exposed. My husband will have to travel to ATL and LA for work over the next few months, and if he brings it home he does. My take on it is that it’s like FLU B this year-which hit my house crazy hard. My twins both got it, temps up toward 104.0, horrible coughs, and body aches. We’re all fairly healthy, so as long as we keep up our multivitamins, probiotics, hand washing, and healthy eating, I feel like we’ll be ok.
by the time it reaches the Midwest, schools will probably be letting out for the summer.
If it lasts that long and gets that far, the world will be in huge trouble.

This is a world-ending flu, like nothing yet seen or experienced. The only way to stop it from being a pandemic is to avoid being exposed to it, and avoid exposing others to it if you get it. Even my doctor's health organization has sent out cautions to all who are patients of its physicians.

I wouldn't be worried if anything was really known about this virus, but it's a new strain and has quickly become lethal worldwide. So I AM scared.
El, we are soul mates there! I don't know why people don't welcome an opportunity to wash their hands when they get one. The experience is lovely with soft soap and warm water, gently massaging and rubbing foreign substance off the skin and then drying and (if possible) lotioning. It's like taking a little shower 5 or 6 times a day. Most likely a lot of people avoid it because so many public places to wash only have cold water and dirty sinks and maybe they're out of paper towels or have a suspicious looking cloth towel dispenser--- who knows. But I always feel like a new person after washing my hands, and usually splash my face a bit as well, to feel fresher, & slap on a fresh coat of lipstick. If hand-washing can hold contagions in check, why not do it? I don't even like to be within 3 feet of people if I don't know their hygiene routines. I have to see my hand surgeon today and am dreading it.
El, we are soul mates there! I don't know why people don't welcome an opportunity to wash their hands when they get one. The experience is lovely with soft soap and warm water, gently massaging and rubbing foreign substance off the skin and then drying and (if possible) lotioning. It's like taking a little shower 5 or 6 times a day. Most likely a lot of people avoid it because so many public places to wash only have cold water and dirty sinks and maybe they're out of paper towels or have a suspicious looking cloth towel dispenser--- who knows. But I always feel like a new person after washing my hands, and usually splash my face a bit as well, to feel fresher, & slap on a fresh coat of lipstick. If hand-washing can hold contagions in check, why not do it? I don't even like to be within 3 feet of people if I don't know their hygiene routines. I have to see my hand surgeon today and am dreading it.
Good luck today Diane!
one of my federally elected representatives will be fielding COVID19 questions on Monday, March 9. I'm sharing the link to the livestream with you. even if you don't live in Western Washington, you could listen in and maybe learn how things are going.

Telephone Town Hall & Briefing on the Coronavirus
Monday, March 9, 2020
6:00 pm PT

Dial-in: 855-286-0292
Livestream: https://jayapal.house.gov/live/
i just got another email "warning" about the virus. we can't start relaxing as long as people are traveling in confined spaces like ships, jets and trains. the virus is out there and there's nothing pharmaceutically that anyone can do about it. it just has to run its course, and so far, that's been causing epidemics in third world countries, but it's also being detected here, on both the east and west coasts.

In Seattle alone, the city council has purchased an entire motel and set up portable living units on city-owned vacant lots as quarantine sites. We have a huge homeless population here and that is the most likely place it will spread, and it could go out of control like a wildfire if people don't take precautions.

i have a box of latex gloves and am wearing a pair now, which is why i'm not taking a lot of care with my typing, which is hard to do with gloves on.

here's my healthcare agency's advice, which bears repeating:

Update: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Greetings once again,

To follow up on the many questions coming from our CHI Franciscan patients, we want to share some simple tips to help you reduce your risk for viral upper respiratory infections including the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

To reduce your risk and the spread of infection, please:

1. Regularly wash your hands or use hand sanitizer

2. Decrease your hand to face contact (face touching)

3. If coughing, cough into the inside of your elbow or sleeve

4. In group settings, maintain a degree of space between others (3 feet)

5. Reduce unnecessary social interaction

6. If you have a clinic appointment and have a fever and cough, please call the clinic before arrival

7. If you have a cough and fever and would like to be seen, please call your provider first for instructions or screening locations

Following these suggestions will help to reduce your risk and the risk to others. While the use of a face mask for a healthy person is a personal choice, some studies suggest the risk of infection is actually greater due to the increased facial touching. So our suggestion is to encourage the use of facial masks only when a person has symptoms such as coughing or sneezing.

The Washington State Department of Health has established a call center to address questions from the public. If you have questions about what is happening in Washington, please call 1-800-525-0127 and press #.