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Did any one have second thoughts

Im so happy someone asked this question. I went to my first nutrition apt and it made me afraid. Can I do this? 20 oz 3 times a day, regulated routine, every day. .. Like all obese people Ive tried every diet, and for three years tried to keep to 1500 cals a day, with no substantial weight loss. I look at, if I dont I will die early. And I wont like whats left of my life. I guess Im scared. I have changed my lifestyle but its not working and I need a jumpstart.
I must admit that I had similar worries, but after the surgery I don't have the cravings that I used to have. Most of the foods that I used to eat don't even tempt me anymore. I have lost my tolerance of fatty foods. I gave up alcohol long before the surgery but would take a sip of my wife's wine here and there. Now even a sip of wine makes me queasy. The great thing about this surgery is that it makes it easy to not over eat and I have to eat slowly or suffer the discomfort. Take advantage of the how easy it is to eat proper. One thing that I have started to do is to not eat anything bite size. In other words make sure that most of your food needs to be cut. I hold the fork with my non-dominant hand cut with dominant hand. Then switch my fork to my dominant hand then take the bite. This slows down my eating.
Remember that this surgery is a tool. A hammer won't drive a nail all by itself; You have to swing the hammer for it to make it work. With this tool the job is so much easier. Come up with strategies that fit your lifestyle and you can do it.
Good luck to you!
I must admit that I had similar worries, but after the surgery I don't have the cravings that I used to have. Most of the foods that I used to eat don't even tempt me anymore. I have lost my tolerance of fatty foods. I gave up alcohol long before the surgery but would take a sip of my wife's wine here and there. Now even a sip of wine makes me queasy. The great thing about this surgery is that it makes it easy to not over eat and I have to eat slowly or suffer the discomfort. Take advantage of the how easy it is to eat proper. One thing that I have started to do is to not eat anything bite size. In other words make sure that most of your food needs to be cut. I hold the fork with my non-dominant hand cut with dominant hand. Then switch my fork to my dominant hand then take the bite. This slows down my eating.
Remember that this surgery is a tool. A hammer won't drive a nail all by itself; You have to swing the hammer for it to make it work. With this tool the job is so much easier. Come up with strategies that fit your lifestyle and you can do it.
Good luck to you!
Thank you for your uplifting support. Can I ask which surgery you had? Also, have you had problems with energy after giving up caffeine? I get a bad fibro brain fog in the afternoons, realizing why I had Pepsi - it was to push my energy up.
So I'm less then 2 weeks away from my bypass. Having second thoughts on it... its really want I want but my anxiety is getting the best of me all the pros, and all the cons I'm extremely nervous. Has any one experienced these emotional pre surgery?
I have just started all of the pre test clearance, and I’m also ready having second thoughts. It just seem like it so much going on at one time. With changes on the job and trying to get all of test scheduled around work. Anxiety high. I set in my office last week and just cried.
So I'm less then 2 weeks away from my bypass. Having second thoughts on it... its really want I want but my anxiety is getting the best of me all the pros, and all the cons I'm extremely nervous. Has any one experienced these emotional pre surgery?
So Toya joined on May 8th and that was also the last time she was here. She made only one post and never checked back to see if anyone answered it. So either she is a troll or she decided she doesn't need our help. I always check people's profiles before I respond because I don't want to write some post trying to sincerely help somebody only to find out it was a complete waste of my time.
I have just started all of the pre test clearance, and I’m also ready having second thoughts. It just seem like it so much going on at one time. With changes on the job and trying to get all of test scheduled around work. Anxiety high. I set in my office last week and just cried.
I be been dealing with a lot of anxiety a nd consequently fibromyalgia pain. I've gotten some great support on here. One thing I try to keep in my sight, if I don't have this zurgery , what does my future look like? Will I live long, will I be happy, Do I want to live the rest of my life uncomfortable Nd socially invisible? How am I feeling right now? I want to be happy. Whether I'm beautifully thin or not, I could care less but to be able to get around easier, move bette, have lots more energy, and feel healthier - yes, that is what I want. I dont enjoy thinking of food. I would rather be imensed in creating a painting, being outside training my new service puppy or hanging with my fantastic husband doing something. Without this surgery I will lose this for my future. Write out a pro and con sheet for you. This is your decision and your life. No one gets to tell you any differently. So far, I've found a lot of people who have gone thru these feelings of do I really want to do this? I think you should be asking yourself this as any surgery is a risk. But eating a lot of food is also a risk, what's the difference?
I must admit that I had similar worries, but after the surgery I don't have the cravings that I used to have. Most of the foods that I used to eat don't even tempt me anymore. I have lost my tolerance of fatty foods. I gave up alcohol long before the surgery but would take a sip of my wife's wine here and there. Now even a sip of wine makes me queasy. The great thing about this surgery is that it makes it easy to not over eat and I have to eat slowly or suffer the discomfort. Take advantage of the how easy it is to eat proper. One thing that I have started to do is to not eat anything bite size. In other words make sure that most of your food needs to be cut. I hold the fork with my non-dominant hand cut with dominant hand. Then switch my fork to my dominant hand then take the bite. This slows down my eating.
Remember that this surgery is a tool. A hammer won't drive a nail all by itself; You have to swing the hammer for it to make it work. With this tool the job is so much easier. Come up with strategies that fit your lifestyle and you can do it.
Good luck to you!
you reminded me of the surgeries passing the food hormonal indicators, so do you have to eat when not hungry? Is it no matter what day your three meals daily? I'vs only had one apt with nutritional dude.
Fox, there is also a social stigma attached to being fat. There is shunning and isolation and not getting invited to things. I also experienced a lot of pain in a lot of places when I was fat. And sometimes when I was in public gangs of boys would mooooo at me. But worse than anything was the position I put my child in. I heard him having an argument with a girl at school one day. He said something to her and she retorted with "Yeah, well at least my mom doesn't weigh 500 pounds!" Cruelty is designed to shame you if you don't fit into someone's idea of what is acceptable.
I have just started all of the pre test clearance, and I’m also ready having second thoughts. It just seem like it so much going on at one time. With changes on the job and trying to get all of test scheduled around work. Anxiety high. I set in my office last week and just cried.
i find all the doctor appointment s overwhelming. And Im on disability! I realize they are necessary, but too many at one time. You might mention it and request a lower amount and you need to slow down or you can try doubling them up so you kill two birds with one stone. Hang in there, you got this! Imagine how much more energy you will have, think of the benefits youll gain.
Thank you for your uplifting support. Can I ask which surgery you had? Also, have you had problems with energy after giving up caffeine? I get a bad fibro brain fog in the afternoons, realizing why I had Pepsi - it was to push my energy up.
I had the roux en Y. The first few weeks my energy level was up. To be honest I never thought twice about caffein. And I did drink lots of it. I actually bought a Keggerator with a tap and Nitrogen tanks to make my own nitro coffee at home last year. I used to guzzle the stuff! Just sold the whole lot. My energy levels did drop after that but I think some of it was hormonal changes. I found a great paper in the International Journal of Endocrinology. It talks about some research that they did on men with high BMI's>45 before and after roux en Y and gastric sleeve. (sorry ladies they didn't look at changes in women but I'sure there are some). So I attribute my low energy levels to that. Keep in mind that estrogen is very soluble in fat so when a person male or females burn up large amounts of fat very rapidly lots of estrogen in released into the blood relatively fast. That could really throw things off. The good news is that the worst of the hormone imbalance was at one month post-op and things improved at 6 months and were even better than the prop levels. Lets face it, carrying that much weight stresses every system in your body. So losing the weight can only improve things.
I think that what your body might be missing the most from Pepsi is the sugar. Please don't touch sugar and keep artificial flavors to a minimum. Think of artificial sweeteners as a gateway drug. Also stay away from carbonated beverages because the release of the CO2 as it's in your pouch can stretch it and cause you to be more hungry. If you're early in the recovery you could even rupture some staples and end up in emergency surgery.
Sorry for the long posts and responses but sometimes there is no quick way to say some of these things.
Keep plugging away and good luck!!
actually, I'm an old-timer (12 years post-op). You sounded like you were saying people who'd had the surgery should NEVER take ibuprofen in the whole rest of their lives. Is that what you meant? If so, can you explain? thanks.
Yes it is best to avoid NSAIDS completely and forever. After having bariatric surgery you are more prone to ulcers.
Unfortunately, ibuprofen has already done a number on me. I was taking 600 mg twice a day for post-surgical shoulder pain. In my research I discovered that Ibuprofen is completely contraindicated in a person who has had bariatric surgery. It's true, Frank, like you say, you can never take Ibuprofen again. It's like poison to your colon. I have more information about that but I'm going through tests right now and I don't want to talk about it until I know what I'm going to do about it.
I had the roux en Y. The first few weeks my energy level was up. To be honest I never thought twice about caffein. And I did drink lots of it. I actually bought a Keggerator with a tap and Nitrogen tanks to make my own nitro coffee at home last year. I used to guzzle the stuff! Just sold the whole lot. My energy levels did drop after that but I think some of it was hormonal changes. I found a great paper in the International Journal of Endocrinology. It talks about some research that they did on men with high BMI's>45 before and after roux en Y and gastric sleeve. (sorry ladies they didn't look at changes in women but I'sure there are some). So I attribute my low energy levels to that. Keep in mind that estrogen is very soluble in fat so when a person male or females burn up large amounts of fat very rapidly lots of estrogen in released into the blood relatively fast. That could really throw things off. The good news is that the worst of the hormone imbalance was at one month post-op and things improved at 6 months and were even better than the prop levels. Lets face it, carrying that much weight stresses every system in your body. So losing the weight can only improve things.
I think that what your body might be missing the most from Pepsi is the sugar. Please don't touch sugar and keep artificial flavors to a minimum. Think of artificial sweeteners as a gateway drug. Also stay away from carbonated beverages because the release of the CO2 as it's in your pouch can stretch it and cause you to be more hungry. If you're early in the recovery you could even rupture some staples and end up in emergency surgery.
Sorry for the long posts and responses but sometimes there is no quick way to say some of these things.
Keep plugging away and good luck!!
I haven't been on in a month I m sure. I purchased a Great Pyrenees puppy, to train as a service dog. She is now 4 months and weighs over 40lbs. Just a tiny puppy, lol. Taking quite a bit of my time. I had over 11, yes 11, doctor related appointments for June. Wiped me out. Fibro flare up but I'm determined to see this thru. I only have 2 apts left for clearance. My tiny service dog has been you going with me, except for last week of June. (So far no special gifts deposited in public, that's a win). I swear I feel like I've not had much time for processing info. Frankmac, thank you for sharing your personal life with me, us. I'm a voracious reader and read medical research quite a bit. I will share the info of estrogen to my husband. I'm sure he will jump for joy! (Not, lol). I did have a bad did get experience 2 weekends ago. I bought unsweetened koolaid, peach/mango. I bought quite a bit of it, excited to enjoy it. On Sat I drank quite a bit of it, loving the taste. Later that evening, I asked my husband to check the label. As he was looking he said, Kelley, I think this is not unsweetened. WHAT! I said. Sure enough I had been downing a huge amount of sugar. Sunday, when I got up, I felt absolutely horrific. I had a headache, I felt sluggish and like my brain was swimming through water. I could not clearly think. Not fun. Of course the experts, I talk to were thrilled this had happened. Now is the time to make mistakes, I was told. Lol I have given up carbonated drinks, but last week I got extremely bloated over dairy. (I drink almond or coconut milk, we had run out and hubby had substituted milk) I reached for Pepsi- it was in the early AM. Then when awoke got some fennel tea. I'll have to ask some questions on this. This has definitely been a learning experience this past month. Sugar hangover, bloating, having my debit card chewed up and dragging my service dog around, which makes me look badly. We have a puppy class starting next week. Alas, I have no easy remedie s for my mistakes except don't do them.
I have had many second thoughts! Mine is 5 weeks away and my mom keeps saying, "are you sure you want to have this done?"
I am because I believe my life will be much easier and better quality when I get a big chunk of the weight off and in 49 years I haven't been able to get there on my own. Think of how you will feel next year at this time!
I have had many second thoughts! Mine is 5 weeks away and my mom keeps saying, "are you sure you want to have this done?"
I am because I believe my life will be much easier and better quality when I get a big chunk of the weight off and in 49 years I haven't been able to get there on my own. Think of how you will feel next year at this time!
Annieluv, I really find people asking if your sure, on an important decision, not coo l. They mean well, are concerned for your safety. Sometimes I wonder if they ask because they don't want you to change. Change can be fear based. I've found my husband trying to entice me with goodies, at the beginning of this journey. I don't know if it was change, or being comfortable with things, or he had, in his conscience thought I might succeed and then he would look bad. Many reasons. I tackled it head on. If they continue to ask you these kind of descions, you might say, I want to change my life to be the best I can. Explain how you'll benefit, personally. And then lay it to rest by stating this is your decision, please respect my wishes and give me tons of love and support. Asking if your sure may make you really reconsider al l the cons of the surgery versus what the blessings are from it. Kind of a positive intention on their part, but putting a negative in your head. It's difficult to decide to have the surgery. You don't need people riling up your insecurities. You read as someone who is strong. Things like this can challenge you.
I haven't been on in a month I m sure. I purchased a Great Pyrenees puppy, to train as a service dog. She is now 4 months and weighs over 40lbs. Just a tiny puppy, lol. Taking quite a bit of my time. I had over 11, yes 11, doctor related appointments for June. Wiped me out. Fibro flare up but I'm determined to see this thru. I only have 2 apts left for clearance. My tiny service dog has been you going with me, except for last week of June. (So far no special gifts deposited in public, that's a win). I swear I feel like I've not had much time for processing info. Frankmac, thank you for sharing your personal life with me, us. I'm a voracious reader and read medical research quite a bit. I will share the info of estrogen to my husband. I'm sure he will jump for joy! (Not, lol). I did have a bad did get experience 2 weekends ago. I bought unsweetened koolaid, peach/mango. I bought quite a bit of it, excited to enjoy it. On Sat I drank quite a bit of it, loving the taste. Later that evening, I asked my husband to check the label. As he was looking he said, Kelley, I think this is not unsweetened. WHAT! I said. Sure enough I had been downing a huge amount of sugar. Sunday, when I got up, I felt absolutely horrific. I had a headache, I felt sluggish and like my brain was swimming through water. I could not clearly think. Not fun. Of course the experts, I talk to were thrilled this had happened. Now is the time to make mistakes, I was told. Lol I have given up carbonated drinks, but last week I got extremely bloated over dairy. (I drink almond or coconut milk, we had run out and hubby had substituted milk) I reached for Pepsi- it was in the early AM. Then when awoke got some fennel tea. I'll have to ask some questions on this. This has definitely been a learning experience this past month. Sugar hangover, bloating, having my debit card chewed up and dragging my service dog around, which makes me look badly. We have a puppy class starting next week. Alas, I have no easy remedie s for my mistakes except don't do them.
We have a Great Pyrenees named Thor. He turned 13 in April. We don’t have much time left with him. They are amazing dogs! Training is very important. He has protected our children like they are his sheep.
We have a Great Pyrenees named Thor. He turned 13 in April. We don’t have much time left with him. They are amazing dogs! Training is very important. He has protected our children like they are his sheep.
Awww. We had two prior and I love how they get between you and a possible threat. It feels good to be protected. Love the name Thor. They use them to protect their animals around here. The gal, I got her from, said since they have had their they have not lost one sheep from the coyotes. Pretty important for a small farm. Th st are smart but independent individual s. The inde pendant quality is why I had to drag her. She was trying to get out of the collar. No problem if I didn't have a leash on her, put one in-house feet braced.
I'm still trying to qualify for my surgery but still not decided on sleeve or roux en y. I still have to lose the required weight prior to surgery and I'm finding it hard to lose the weight and I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing. So, I'm having second thoughts also but I know I need it. I've been obese for a long time with chronic problems now. How did you all decide whether to do the sleeve or roux en y?
So I'm less then 2 weeks away from my bypass. Having second thoughts on it... its really want I want but my anxiety is getting the best of me all the pros, and all the cons I'm extremely nervous. Has any one experienced these emotional pre surgery?
I have my surgery on Wednesday, 5 days. I've been silently having second thoughts. Mostly about all things I won't be able to do ever again.
But then I think well do I want to spend the rest of my life watching life pass me by.
No I dont, not anymore. So there's more I've been missing that I will be able to have than what I have to give up.
Hope that helps
I could be wrong. But I have heard that it can be an irritant to your stomach. In my experience it has been when used for prolonged periods of time.
My surgeon explained no ibuprofen, Advil, alieve, celebrex or any of those types of drugs because they have an adverse affect on the stomach lining even in people who don't have surgery like this. Since the stomach will now be much smaller and it puts you at risk for other adominal issues
We sometimes don't realize when someone has left the group until a newcomer responds to one of their posts. If you hover over Toya's avatar, you'll see that she joined the group early in May, made one post, immediately signed off, & has not been seen since. This is sometimes the behavior of trolls & it's really hard to tell. Anyway, if Toya IS still reading, I hope she had the surgery or made the right decision for herself, whichever outcome is more relevant. And I'd love to hear an update from her. Thank you, Marci, for responding so helpfully to her. That's a sign you're going to be a great member of our group.

We've had the NSAIDs discussion many times now & wow, what would I have done if I hadn't had this group to warn me about that? My doc had me on 1200 mg of Ibuprofen a day for shoulder pain (had it replaced, still hurts) for a long time. Next thing I know, I'm in agony, writhing in my bed with pain in the right side of my low abdomen (specifically, the sigmoid colon). Maybe this wasn't caused by my long use of ibuprofen, but it turned out to be my first diverticulitis flare-up. Ibuprofen is listed as a contributing cause to bowel erosion & other problems & people are being warned away from it.

You can never take NSAIDs again after you have bariatric surgery. Ask your doctor to recommend or prescribe to you a pain medication that won't eat you alive.