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Help! 19 years post-op and gained so much weight!

I had maintained a 100 pound weight loss for 15 years, but then all hell broke loose in my life and I have been doing so much emotional/stress eating. I have also gained a taste for beer. I am cutting back on that dramatically. I was drinking 6 beers a night. I am going to be totally honest here because I need help. Please no nasty comments. We are all human and react badly to bad situations and that is what I have done. Now I recognize that I need support to get back on track. I still have my pouch tool and I can use that to get back to where I want to be. Please tell me that I can lose this weight again and also understand that this can happen to anyone. Nothing in life is foolproof and lord knows I've been a fool. I have reacted so badly to my life in the past 4 years. I just wish I hadn't done this but I did and now I need to get back to where I want to be. Help!!!
Hello! First off, I’ll never be the first to throw stones-or last or middle LOL We all have setbacks, but recognizing them is the first step and you’re already there. What are the psychological factors that are bringing you to eat and drink? What tools did you use to maintain such an amazing weight loss for so long (high five on that by the way!) I know you can get back to where you were with some adjustments to your life.
Thank you so much 3momchaos! I so appreciate your positive feedback. I need it so badly. I guess that I was in a better place emotionally and in my life before and 4 years ago, my whole life imploded. I have not dealt well with it. Both my in-laws were diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's and needed care and they lived an hour away from me. My husband of 30 years cheated on me. Then just toss a worldwide pandemic on top of that dung heap and here I am! 90 pounds heavier and drowning in guilt and shame. I went to counseling and hubby and I did marriage counseling and that is better. I guess what I really need is for others who have been there and understand the whole gastric surgery thing to just encourage me and support me and convince me that although I have messed up, I can get back on track. My daughter has had gastric surgery, but she is too close to me and our family dynamics to talk to. I do not want to dump my mess on her. That was already done to her and I just don't want to do that to her again. (She is the one who discovered her father was cheating on me. It took a toll on her.) So both my in-laws have passed away and I have started my own home-based business selling things I sew at craft/artisan shows. I do have good things happening for me. I just need some encouraging nudges from others who have been there/done that.
Welcome to our group Micheleb, I will be the first to admit that I have been there with regain after having lapband many years ago. You are not alone and life happens. I am teetering on the edge myself right now as a huge life change has hit me this past week. I confess I am not eating well and need to rein this in. We can do this together, one step at a time.

One of the things I have to remind myself and will share with you that you need to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself!) It is not selfish. If you don't take care of yourself first, then it gets harder to take care of others, or be happy. I am sorry for all the things you have been up against. Life can be so hard. There is a woman I watch on YouTube that has helped me tremendously. She is the one where I learned to apply F.L.Y. She too has had stumbles along her journey but she is very transparent and she is great on working on herself and helping others. My Level 10 Life by Erin Branscom. And she has a great habit tracker to help you stay focused. Please check her out.

Feel free to post here as often as you like. I hope we can help you get back on track! All the best!
Thanx so much Judy! I just feel like such a failure. I know life has been hard for me but I feel so disappointed in myself. I guess that I will always be a food addict, and I sure have been medicating myself with it! The beer thing is another way I have been medicating myself. That crap needs to stop and right now. I feel like I can stop it but the food thing will be harder. Sigh Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. Love that F.L.Y.!
I wanted to also confess I feel like I am out of control also. I feel stuck at the last 4-9 lbs I want to lose. It is snacking in the evenings when I am home. I eat a small measured meal and then I don't feel "satisfied", something is missing. Trying to figure out in my head how to give myself what is missing and how to fill the "hole". I checked out the youtube channel Judy recommended and it looks like a fantastic resource. Thank you so much Judy! You are a wealth of knowledge. I am a food addict also, trying to fill the hole in my soul. I was thinking I am self sabotaging because I know I am so close and don't think I deserve it. So glad for this group and all of you. The human connection is irreplaceable.
Michele, I am sorry you are having a hard time, you have been through a lot.
Hope we can be here for you and that it will help a bit, feel better soon and put down that beer, great first step.
Hi, Michele. I am sorry to hear that you had such a rough go of it. And honestly, it's all too easy to imagine ending up where you're at now. So no judgement. So, I'll just tell you that you can lose it again. And luckily, you know exactly how to do that, since you managed to be so successful for so many years. I think it's important to get back to those first basics; weigh/measure your food and track it on your preferred app. I personally do not know a single person that gets it right when they are guesstimating amounts and calories. Especially when they've been overdoing it for a while. I am glad to hear your life has calmed down and wish you the very best of luck.
Hi missyinacage! Thank you so much for your kind words. I do know how to do it. I guess it is just kicking my own butt in gear and doing it, eh? I need to buy more fresh fruit and veg. We are also remodeling our entire kitchen and it is just easier to get take out than to cook in total chaos. Ugh It sounds like I am making excuses but they are real reasons. I feel like cause and affect has it in for me and my weight goals right now. But awareness is half the battle. I also bought an adult tricycle and need to start riding the dang thing! I should set some goals for doing that. I will ride around the block every day and expand on distance from there. I am so out of shape! Argh! How could I have done this to myself??? I am so angry at me!
We all fall, but it’s how we get back up that define us. If you order out, order something that you won’t regret later. There are plenty of things you can get, even from drive thru, that aren’t so bad. Before you start on your trike, try walks. Once you’ve committed to walking a few times a week switch things up with the trike. Track your protein and water. You can do this!
I had maintained a 100 pound weight loss for 15 years, but then all hell broke loose in my life and I have been doing so much emotional/stress eating. I have also gained a taste for beer. I am cutting back on that dramatically. I was drinking 6 beers a night. I am going to be totally honest here because I need help. Please no nasty comments. We are all human and react badly to bad situations and that is what I have done. Now I recognize that I need support to get back on track. I still have my pouch tool and I can use that to get back to where I want to be. Please tell me that I can lose this weight again and also understand that this can happen to anyone. Nothing in life is foolproof and lord knows I've been a fool. I have reacted so badly to my life in the past 4 years. I just wish I hadn't done this but I did and now I need to get back to where I want to be. Help!!!
We are human and will have slides. Try to go back to the beginning and remember the small portions. Exchange the beer with a zero calorie drink. You can do this! Take it one day at a time and purge your kitchen and pantry, like you did at the beginning. I have faith in you!
I know you are struggling, but you aren't a failure. You maintained a lot of weight loss for a long time, and that is incredible. You've got the strength and fortitude to do it, but you've been through some things that pushed you in an unhealthy direction. There isn't anyone on earth who isn't susceptible to those life experiences.

I can only share info based on what I've read since I'm not quite a year out from surgery. However, the key is going to be food, period. Your smaller stomach really isn't going to be the key to success for you, as you've seen, it is certainly possible to gain weight with a smaller stomach.

You'll want to take it slow. Rapid weight loss will only slow your metabolism and increase hunger. You've probably built up some resistance to hunger and satiation signals, so you are going to need to really be conscious not only of what you eat, but the volume. Don't make drastic changes all at once like going on a fad diet or adding in a ton of exercise. Those things almost always backfire.

I would recommend not focusing on how many calories you are eating, per se, but make changes in food choices little by little. Obviously you know the beer isn't helping with it's extra calories, so eliminating that would be a good thing. If you feel you've got any issues with addiction, you should reach out for some professional support in that area.

You don't have to do this right away, but over time eliminate foods with added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and highly processed foods (try to avoid anything with 10 or more ingredients). Choose lean protein and eat a wide variety of plants (not just "veggies" but herbs, nuts, seeds, fungus, etc...anything that grows).

If you like to cook but don't plan meals well, consider doing something like Hello Fresh or some other meal delivery service and choose the healthiest options. Explore vegetarian dishes and other things you wouldn't normally make for yourself that aren't high in simple carbs and fat. If you don't like to cook, look for fresh pre-made meals and not frozen processes stuff.

No matter what stage of the game you are, this battle is won or lost in the kitchen and in our minds. Both of those things have to be on point. But I'll stress again not to tackle everything all at once. Don't lose weight too fast or it will completely backfire. You don't have the hormonal benefits of the surgery any longer, so your weight loss is now entirely on your choices around food and mental health.

If you are snacking on things, stop bringing them into the house. Look for healthier options to snack, like raw veggies and hummus (or whatever) that you can use as a healthy "trigger" food to turn to. If you are hungry turn to that and fill up with that instead of chips or whatever. Slowly make changes to your choices.

You have exhibited strength before, so you have it in you. Be slow and deliberate.
Hey Michele. You are stronger than you realize. By your reaching out to the people here, you are being embraced by a group of truly caring new friends. And if you really want a beer, please consider Bud Zero, Old Milwaukee near beer, Heineken 0.0, or O'Doules, all of which may help you have that satisfying beer taste with zero alcohol. My fiance has tried all of the above as he moves into sobriety & they seem to work for him.

I'm so glad you have seen you are not the 1st to struggle, and you are certainly not alone throughout your journey. Best of luck as you "train" yourself to get back on track. Please check out the 'daily inspirations" that Judy started & others have added to. I read and reread them daily & they really help me! ❤❤
I read in a weight loss book that individuals are their own worst enemy. We judge ourselves harder than anyone else. It is time to forgive yourself. Make a plan and move on. We are here for you, that is more than anyone can ask for. Blessings to you and May your return journey be everything you need.
Sharon, thanx for hopping on the confession train with me. It is so hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable, isn't it? I was afraid I would be attacked and put down. I could not handle that right now. But everyone here is so kind and supportive and I am already feeling better.
Fantastic you are feeling perkier! I felt a lot better also joining you and Judy walking the path to clean up our acts. I did not throw the ice cream bars I had in the trash, but I AM NOT GOING TO BUY THEM AGAIN. I made a plan to try to interrupt my "bad behavior" when I start thinking about snacking, by taking a walk in the garden. When I snacked at night this weekend I did my watermelon cubes or carrots and hummus (got that idea from Judy and Ryan and bought them last trip to the store). Not the funny shaved baby carrots those are imposters, but the cute tiny ones. My dogs love them too, so we all snack. I do much better with pre-cut fruit in the fridge and no cookies in the house.
I made it through Walmart and the grocery store without buying anything that isn't "lo cal". I am not the most articulate person on the forum, but I am there with you also. You did it once and you can do it again. Excellent suggestion from Karen about the alternate beers, I don't like beer so not something I know about, have other vices in my wheelhouse.
Fantastic you are feeling perkier! I felt a lot better also joining you and Judy walking the path to clean up our acts. I did not throw the ice cream bars I had in the trash, but I AM NOT GOING TO BUY THEM AGAIN. I made a plan to try to interrupt my "bad behavior" when I start thinking about snacking, by taking a walk in the garden. When I snacked at night this weekend I did my watermelon cubes or carrots and hummus (got that idea from Judy and Ryan and bought them last trip to the store). Not the funny shaved baby carrots those are imposters, but the cute tiny ones. My dogs love them too, so we all snack. I do much better with pre-cut fruit in the fridge and no cookies in the house.
I made it through Walmart and the grocery store without buying anything that isn't "lo cal". I am not the most articulate person on the forum, but I am there with you also. You did it once and you can do it again. Excellent suggestion from Karen about the alternate beers, I don't like beer so not something I know about, have other vices in my wheelhouse.

Sharon, I think you articulated that very well! My mind is much clearer today, I don't know if it's because our heat spell broke and it's a gorgeous day outside or if I'm finally accepting my situation and realizing that no matter what I need to take care of myself.

Oh and I too buy the tiny carrots not the ones they pass over as baby carrots and are just shaped to look like them. And I liked what you said about "interrupting" bad behavior. Great advice!
Fantastic you are feeling perkier! I felt a lot better also joining you and Judy walking the path to clean up our acts. I did not throw the ice cream bars I had in the trash, but I AM NOT GOING TO BUY THEM AGAIN. I made a plan to try to interrupt my "bad behavior" when I start thinking about snacking, by taking a walk in the garden. When I snacked at night this weekend I did my watermelon cubes or carrots and hummus (got that idea from Judy and Ryan and bought them last trip to the store). Not the funny shaved baby carrots those are imposters, but the cute tiny ones. My dogs love them too, so we all snack. I do much better with pre-cut fruit in the fridge and no cookies in the house.
I made it through Walmart and the grocery store without buying anything that isn't "lo cal". I am not the most articulate person on the forum, but I am there with you also. You did it once and you can do it again. Excellent suggestion from Karen about the alternate beers, I don't like beer so not something I know about, have other vices in my wheelhouse.
What a sweet and helpful post! All of them have been. We can do this together, right? That is precisely why I posted here. I knew others were, no doubt, struggling like me even if not as badly. I have really messed up but am ready to get back on track.