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Hi everyone. I have to confess something. Got to get it off my chest. I think I can win the award for the oldest person to have the sleeve. I was 69 when I was sleeved and now 3 years later I am still struggling. It kinda ticks me off quite frankly. Before I get on a rant I would like to say that I am so glad that I had the surgery even if I never lose another pound. My pre-surgery weight was 232 and I got down to 192. Now I am at 216-ish. But I no longer have to take insulin, my metformin was cut in half, my blood pressure medication was cut by 75% and my cholesterol lowering med was also reduced. Color me happy! I would still love to lose weight and maybe be able to wear a size 14 - 16 again, but we shall see.

I have a big questions to ask? Does everyone keep food logs? I have never been faithful with this even though I know it would help. It feels punitive to me and I think it just kept me in "diet" .mode when I am really after changing habits. Just curious. Hope your day has been good.

P.S. I hate dieting!!
Food logs are helpful. They are a tool. The sheet I have is called a bubble sheet. It is normally given to diabetics and is for 1500 calories. I am not diabetic I have very good A1C 5.2 I think was last measure. I am on the full liquid phase after surgery so I haven’t been using it, March 2ni go to puréed and I will start using it again. Only I think portions will be 2 0z of protein, 2 0z of carb and 2 oz of veggies spaced out to accommodate intake. Snacks are milk products cheese yogurt milk 1/2 cup of choice. Have powdered proteins unflavored, vanilla and chocolates depending on food I add to. On my bubble sheet I took to office store and they made it into a spiral notebook for me. I have a place for the date at the top, time of meal or snack on the side, and a space underneath to write events on that day, good day bad day shopping day with late or skipped meal times. The dietician loved it and I gave her copies to use as sample.


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I had the surgery at my heaviest at 217. I know what you're thinking...that isn't that havy compared to others. But with it came a lot of health problems.

So after several attempts of weight loss and only losing 10lbs for a 3 month stretch I decided to learn more about surgery.

Niavely, I thought if I could just eat less I would lose. Well we know I set myself up for sadness and depression.

I was down to 176 and gained 20 lbs back but still never lost what thought I would in the first year.

My therapist said go on Facebook. There are support groups. You can’t do this alone. So, I put myself out there on a facebook group for bariatric patients and what did I get? Not support. People criticizing me for losing so little. However, someone on there mentioned talking to my surgeon for a revision. Does anyone know what this entails?

I am hoping to not only get actual support from this post but maybe find someone that can relate to me and my struggles and possibly find someone I can do this “with”. My husband is supporting me with what I need but he has never been fat.
I was a skinny child and then got heav in early adulthood. So I know what it feels like to be 130lb and I am incredibly sad I took this route of surgery and am not anywhere close to where I want to be.

Heartbroken and sad...
please don’t beat yourself up anjla. We are all fighting to make ourselves better. I had my first set back today. I am 15 days out from surgery. My body is making me pay for it. Without this site and it being after office hours I would be lost. It isn’t dumping syndrome that got me. I over ate for my first purée meal today. I checked my log book it says 3 protein.... so like a dummy I made 3 eggs scrambled. The dietician said scrambled eggs would be okay for this phase. I didn’t finish the eggs cause my tummy was telling me it was full, the dogs got about 1 egg scrambled from what was left. Then I left the house for errands; pick up script, buy husband some cashews, go to physical therapy follow up and get some stuff from the store. As the day wore on my tummy was protesting. Tried drinking water to help the food pass through but it felt like it was making things worse. Laid down when I got home and no matter what position I was in my tummy was mad. So I searched the site using keywords to find a solution. Tried some tums hoping it was just gas. The tums made me vomit but it brought some of the egg back up. I do feel better now. I could beat myself up or I can learn a lesson from this. Tomorrow I will go back to full liquids to help my body reset, then in a couple of days I can start out smarter. Tonight I will wait a while and try some protein water. In the meantime I will be thinking of you and your journey.
Anjla, I track everything I eat on the web site Sparkpeople. It shows me the truth; I've prolly been eating about an average of 2500 calories per day. I try not to get down on myself, and I try to use the tracked food as data to show me what I'm doing. I'm in a mighty struggle right now and get up each day vowing to "be good," and most days missing the mark. I met with my surgeon for the one year appt.; he suggested I think of going from the sleeve to the gastric bypass. That threw me for a loop. He set up an appt with the dietician to get the ball rolling; I was going to skip the appt b/c I know what I'm supposed to be doing. I kept the appt anyway, and did feel supported, encouraged, and she reviewed eating rules which was good for me to bring back to awareness. I'm not sure I want another surgery, and dietician told me that Medicare won't commit to paying for surgery till after it happens. Seems weird.
Anyway, I'm still getting up each morning trying to be positive and get through the day without sabotaging myself.
Anjla, I track everything I eat on the web site Sparkpeople. It shows me the truth; I've prolly been eating about an average of 2500 calories per day. I try not to get down on myself, and I try to use the tracked food as data to show me what I'm doing. I'm in a mighty struggle right now and get up each day vowing to "be good," and most days missing the mark. I met with my surgeon for the one year appt.; he suggested I think of going from the sleeve to the gastric bypass. That threw me for a loop. He set up an appt with the dietician to get the ball rolling; I was going to skip the appt b/c I know what I'm supposed to be doing. I kept the appt anyway, and did feel supported, encouraged, and she reviewed eating rules which was good for me to bring back to awareness. I'm not sure I want another surgery, and dietician told me that Medicare won't commit to paying for surgery till after it happens. Seems weird.
Anyway, I'm still getting up each morning trying to be positive and get through the day without sabotaging myself.
I have discovered that I am hitting up to 2,000 calories a day and am not nearly active enough to support that many calories. I eat lots of carbs which my food tracker showed. I knew it but seeing it recorded and tallied made more of an impression. I am surprised your surgeon recommended a bypass procedure. It would be tempting to just get on down the road but like you I don't think I want another surgery. Anyway, I wish you all the best and love your positive way of looking at things.