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Homemade Greek Yogurt!

I have really missed cooking since having surgery, plus buying Greek yogurt for the extra protein is expensive....so, I went in search of a recipe to make it!
This recipe starts with a half gallon of milk (I used skim), but I wanted to start out small, so I used 4 c. of skim.
I also added 2/3 c. of powdered milk for more protein. Where it says to add the "starter yogurt", I added 1 T. for my small batch.
Now, if you have an oven that will warm at 100 degrees, use that setting for the few hours it will be in there. My oven didn't so I used a heating pad!
I incubated mine for only about 4 hours and it was nice and firm, I probably could have done 3 hrs.
When straining the yogurt I used coffee filters in my colander instead of cheese cloth. Anyway, I strained it for about 3 hours and then it just kind of peeled right off the coffee filters for me :p. I put it in a container, and am actually eating some right now with some fruit and splenda added to it. It is much better then the yogurt in the stores! Enjoy!

Ladybicknase-Your recipe is much less involved than mine. Mine requires a precise pre-heating step to break down the enzymes that can cause the yogurt to be stringy. I'll try your way the next time but will post my recipe here. I have also seen recipes from college students that just call for a quart size carton of mild with a little yogurt added, shake it up, put it in the sun to culture for 5 or 6 hours and voila...you have yogurt. Sounds very scary to me *LOL*