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How do we deal with people that don’t agree

He pushed and pushed until I finally reacted. Had a locksmith rekey my door lock and didn’t give him a key so now I’m just waiting for the next step
Bdeirdra, I've been wondering about you. But I found something just for you, which I'm attaching here.

Ms Bdeirdra, we don't have this surgery for our spouses, or parents or children. This is something we do for ourselves. Whether the reason is to look good, or improve our health, or a little of both, it's not going to have any lasting effect on those around us. I am so sorry to hear you are not getting the support you need and deserve from the one person in the world that should always be in your corner. Good Lord, let's take that man out behind the woodshed (as my grandmother was fond of saying). If this is truly what you have made your mind up to do and you have researched all the different procedures and the pros and cons to each and if you have mentally prepared yourself for a different mindset and way of thinking to go with your new body, then by Gosh, you need to go for it, with or without him. I had a RYGB surgery the beginning of June and so far, I don't regret a second of it. I had great support from my spouse but I would have made it through without the support. Maybe along with a new body, you might just need a new man. Here for you girl!
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