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I want to kill someone


I am almost 4 weeks out. I am losing weight, not as fast as I had hoped, the last 2 weeks I lost 3# each week. But the big problem right now is I am like a lit fuse. It takes very little for me to explode with anger. I have no patience. Every little thing bothers me. For instance, while cleaning out my car my hair kept falling into my eyes. I was so mad I wanted to grab the scissors and just chop it off. I have gone off on my daughter, husband and in my mind, most every old lady in the grocery store. I dont know if its results of the surgery, or could at times be related to menopause ( its been 7 months since the last one!) I also quit cold turkey my zoloft after 12 years. There was not a tolerable liquid to take so i just stopped it. I have been very blessed in that I have not had the usual awful withdrawl symptoms. But maybe that is it. Anyway I really hate myself right now, I am mean.
Remind me not to go grocery shopping in your area. No, seriously though, you need to not be so hard on yourself. You've been through a lot in a short amount of time. You need to heal, physically and mentally. Cut yourself some slack. Also, check back with the Doc on your blood work. I was so mean a dozen years ago I too hated myself. Come to find out I was severely hypothyroid. I was put on meds for that and became a new person in a very short time. I've heard this operation messes with your hormones too. Keep us posted.
hi PJB sorry to hear you are going through so much, but trust me you are not alone, each of us that has had the surgery goes through some major changes and alot them I wasn't told about before surgery. how severe your taste buds can change and the "anger issues and loss of patiences" I think it can be alot of things, pain, loss of comfort foods we had before, nauseau and dry heaves, depression. I don't know why they would not let you take your zoloft in pill form, heck the vitamins are so huge sometimes I wonder how they are gonna get through new stomach pouch. menopause sucks royally any woman will tell you that, and there isn't a pill to fix it if so I haven't found it either.
I've had to deal with days when I too didn't like myself etc, I think that I was personally so excited and hyped up about the surgery and becomming thinner that it's a let down when the weight don't come off as fast as we want it too, at first it seemed like it melted off, last 10 days nothing,I'm at 8 weeks and somedays I tell myself, what have you done to yourself? you're stuck with this for life,
depression is what makes you want to chop your hair off etc, everybody I have talked to said they too dealt with some form of depression, but medication does help. I think the med. they use to knock us out for surgery messes with our system too and all the changes. trying to get the protein in and eat so little is a full time job in itself and can be aggravating.Every tv commerical is food, and 99% we can't have at this stage, YIKES>>>>>>>>
I have found answers to alot of my? on here and have met some very supportive people,
you know your a brave women and you are reaching out for help saying, hey something isn't right, so your on your road to getting better because you already see there's issues, you're not alone pjb, there are alot of women too whom are facing the same feelings you're experiencing right now.I've had to apologize to my kids more than once for loosing my temper ,talking too rudely and loud you're human and at least my girls have been supportive of me but I still feel bad as a mom cause I don't want to hurt there feelings when I am feeling down, not there fault.look up menopause and see all the side effects it has and I would also look up zoloft and see what kind of effects not having it causes.I know my son has taken it for years and I can tell when he has missed a dose for he truly is a different person without his med. I pray things get better for your soon, no turning back now. this time within 6 months maybe we will be at our goal weights and feel like happier people without all the side effects we're dealing with now.
Stopping Zoloft is a NONO, it can cause bad depression, anger issues, neediness and some other unpleasant effects so talk to your doctor and see if he will allow you to restart your medication or give you and alternative.
I think some of it is anger you had to do the surgery and most people do not, that you are now limited to what you can eat etc but talking to many, they all feel, all in all, it was a great decision and your weight will come off slowly and surely. Try to relax, and try to cut yourself some slack.
Hi pjb,

I agree with Sandie on this one. Surely there are some other meds you could take, perhaps an oral liquid or even a transdermal patch might be available. Can you crush the zoloft? Sometimes we need just a bit of help along the way. If it is hormonal they definitely have a patch you can wear. I did for years but don't need it anymore.

As for vitamins, mine are chewable and they make liquid ones too.

Good luck, maybe a nice relaxing massage, or some quiet time would help. I know the little things set me off at times but I kind of have been that way all my life. It is short lived most of the time.
I CAN take zoloft, I am choosing not to. Zoloft can be crushed and comes in a liquid. Both have the worst taste you can imagine. I have tasted bad medicine before but this burns my throat and causes me to salivate for 30 min like you do when you are about to vomit. Any other liquid or food i take to try to rid my mouth of the taste and sensation will take like the med itself. It is absolutely unbearable. I started taking the med years ago for help with severe PMS mood swings. Since I no longer need it for that reason and the med is intolerable in the form I can take, I decided this was a good time to stop. I will have to google and see if anger is an issue with folks who have stopped it.

Thanks to you all for your kind words
Oh my! I feel for you! I take celexa. I just crush it up and take with apple sauce. It's hard to swallow but somedays are better than others. I too think its a combination of everything. You've got a lot going on to pin point it. I'd consider going back on your Zoloft. Then see how you feel. You need to feel good about yourself to do this right. And please give yourself some slack! Be kind to you!
Zoloft needs to be weaned off of and not suddenly taken away. Anger is depression with pants on sort of speak. They originate from the same place but anger is like agressive depression. It is a lesson that many meds are not to be stopped abruptly and antidepressants are one of them for sure. There may be other antidepressants that may be more palatable, I suggest you speak with your doc that writes the prescription for the antidepressant and get back on one that you can take and does not disgust your taste buds.
You are going through alot, loss is one thing we all have in common doing this surgery and loss brings depression and anger, so many changes etc. Be easy on yourself!!
pjb-Incase you decide to try the Zoloft again here is a little trick to kill the taste. Eat 1 to 2 teaspoons of peanut butter immediately before taking it. The trick is to make sure your tongue is still coated with the PB brfore taking the pill. Chances are you won't taste it all :) :) :)
I have been on antidepressants for severe menopausal depression. Even though I'm 10 years done with all that stuff, I stay on the antidepressants. Stopping them for me is not good. I'd rather feel better so I take the pills.
I'm on effexor xr right now and I guess will have to change since it's an extended release and we're not supposed to take any extended release medicine. Anybody know anything about that???
Can i do that with the complex b vitamin? Omg i dont know what to do when it comes to that. It makes me so sick, the smell, taste everything about it! Bout im only 2 weeks out...