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Newbie Introduction


Hi, my name is Susan. I am 37 years old & married to the love of my life, Scott. We celebrate 19 years in a few weeks. We have two boys, 16 & 5 years old. I am a stay at home Mom & I had the Gastric Sleeve surgery on March 5, 2013. I weighed 379 two weeks prior to my surgery & now I currently weight 302lbs. I have reached my 3 month date & it has started to get harder & harder. I'm looking forward to not only getting encouragement on here, recipes, exercise tips, but looking forward to meeting new people as well & answer questions on things that I do know about.
Hi Susan,

Welcome to the board. Wow, 77 pounds down in 3 months is great. Several questions:

1. Are you getting in all your protein?
2. Are you getting in all your water?
3. Are you writing down everything you eat?
4. Are you getting exercise? (at least 30 minutes a day)
5. How are your clothes fitting?

OK, it is very important that you get your protein and water in, if you don't weight loss will become harder as you go along. Eat your protein first, then veggies and if there is room a small amount of carbs. Water is also essential, sip sip sip all day long. If you are not keeping a journal of everything that you take in, liquids and food, start doing so, it is very instructive. How much exercise, walking, climbing stairs etc are you getting is important. Exercise does not always mean jumping jacks, lifting weights etc. Just walking, taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good exercise. You say it's getting hard now, has the weight loss slowed down? If so, how the clothes are fitting is important, because as we exercise and do more, we build more muscle mass, which weighs more than fat, so our clothes fit better, but the scale doesn't reflect the change. Use a tape measure to see where you are at, and then measure once a week or once a month to see how you're doing, in addition to weight. Keep following your plan and let us know how it's going. Hope this is of some help.



Hello Susan,

Welcome to the Forum. What Frank said is right on. Additionally, they told me at my weight loss center that you can't continue to expect a rapid weight loss. My friend who had a bypass done reached a point where she lost maybe two pounds a week during her final weeks, and not every week. Good luck.