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Pre-op weight issues

Hello everyone, I hope all is well. This is the first time I actually posted a thread with my concerns, so I hope that any fellow members can give me some advice. Well first off, I never considered WLS in the past and was dead set on losing weight the old fashion way. Needless to say it dìd work and I lost 100 pounds by dieting (limiting my calorie intake to no more than 1200) and working out (one to two hours of cardio per day). One reason this was a success was because I was not working at the time and I had ample time on my hands to focus on nothing but dieting and weight loss. Once I lost the weight and reallife events started stressing me out, I gained back every pound I lost plus extra. That is what brought me to this point, considering WLS to aid me in losing this weight once and for all. I have traditional Blue Cross and Blue Shield and the surgery is definitely covered if the patient meets all the requirements. First off, I am 35 year old female, 308 pounds, and 5'5 in height, therefore the major requirements are met. I had my psyc evaluation and completed five of the six months of doctor supervised dieting. My concern is that I have not lost any weight what so ever, as a matter of fact I have gained roughly 25 pounds since I first started. I am started to get worried because my doctor said that if I cant lose any wiehgt (she never gave me an amount of weight to lose) that BCBS could deny me the surgery. I have one last month to show some dedication and lose any amount of weight. I am starting to freak out because I dont want the last five months to be all for nothing. I have really buckled down and hopefully I can lose at least 10 pounds before I go see my doctor for the last month weight in. Can anyone, especially those with traditional BCBS, give me any information or advice and let me know if I will be ok or if I just wasted 5 months have been a waste of time since I have gained weght instead of losing. Please help me ease my mind, am I totally screwed or what?
Was the six months of weight loss supervised? Did they offer things like behavior changes, diet plans, protein shakes, and did you see a doctor every month? I am not sure about losing pre surgery weight but my center said it did not really make a difference (they were talking about Medicare and not BCBS). It seems to me that if the trial was supervised and you followed their direction it is further proof that you need the surgery. Just remember it is only a tool and you have to do the work. It is a lifetime commitment to conquer the battle with food and staying healthy. It is the only thing that has ever worked for me and I am having some problems right now due to the inability to exercise. Good luck, I am sure the six months was not wasted. I just hope it was supervised correctly. Joy
Hi Joy, thanks for the reply. Well to answer your question, I am under a doctor supervised weight loss plan (1800 calories a day of mostly lean proteins and fruits/veggies). I see the doctor monthly for my weight in and review.