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Starting out: How do you gain momentum?

Does anyone no what the best fruit to eat?? My dietician is saying eat some fruit,but I'm scared of the sugar intake.
I make a fruit smoothie every morning to have with my egg whites, I mix a half cup of frozen blueberries half cup of frozen strawberries, one frozen banana, half cup fat free yogurt and Half cup water, put in blender and split with my hubby
I have to think about moving into a place by myself. This house has five junk food fanatics. I am the sixth wheel. I can't eat any of what they bring in if I want to lose and yet. It looks great. I moved in with my mom cause she's getting up there in the years but so dI'd half the family. Tsk. I really need the encouragement to shop separately and cook separately. It's nice to have those things done for me but...welp. I think I can.
I have to think about moving into a place by myself. This house has five junk food fanatics. I am the sixth wheel. I can't eat any of what they bring in if I want to lose and yet. It looks great. I moved in with my mom cause she's getting up there in the years but so dI'd half the family. Tsk. I really need the encouragement to shop separately and cook separately. It's nice to have those things done for me but...welp. I think I can.

Hi Carolyn. I am actually very happy to be living alone right now while I'm still beginning my weight loss journey. I have so little control at home if I have any goodies in the house! So I don't buy them-not even the 100-calorie packs. You know that old Lays potato chip commercial - "I bet you can't eat just one . . ." Well, that's me at home. I just can't stop at one of anything and feel satisfied. So keeping junk food out of the house totally works for me, but would be a problem if I lived with others who want to eat junk food. It's funny though, at work, people can have what they want in front of me and even offer me some and I don't have a problem refusing. Maybe because I know my work clothes will feel too tight on me if I eat too much! Carolyn, maybe either moving out or having a special cabinet or space in the kitchen where you keep only the foods you like and eat might help keep you on track with your ongoing weight loss. ;)