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Surgery date and new to site



I am new to this web site but many of my people tell me it is good to have a support group to go to. My surgery date is Feb 7th.....and I am not going to lie when I tell you I have my brave face on while I tremble inside. I am all ready for it and have all my ducks in a row. I am soooo excited....then the thoughts come creeping in my mind and it is overwhelming....then the fear sets in while I look at gastric bypass gone wrong on the internet.....I know it is not the thing to do, but I do.....the question I have....If I cannot lose this weight on my own??? Why do I believe that I can do what I need to do after surgery???? I have been telling myself that I am smart and wise and will know better, but I know better now and I still eat that crap!!! Thanks for listening and posting......

Greetings Angela;

Welcome to the site. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery in Feb!!
This is a good site and you will learn alot. Your Team should be giving you information on your upcoming surgery, etc.. so you can start practicing your chewing and your sip, sip, sipping.

Welcome Angela, I think you'll find this site very helpful. It has been to me. After the surgery your body won't let you screw up too much by eating the wrong things. Dumping it's fun..it will keep slapping you in the face until you learn. Have more faith in yourself. You can do it. We are always here to listen. Carla
hi ANGEE welcome to this site, I agree with what others have said, and the feeling 's your're experiencing are normal, all of us had those same feelings. I even considered not having it at the last min. but I am glad I went through with it, for it gave me the tools I need to succeed. I tried every diet out there, and with this surgery you have a smaller stomach and it helps you to not over eat and makes us more concscious about everything that we put into out mouths. just think that by this time next year or possibly sooner you'll be at your goal weight and you'll be healthier and thinner for life.this site offers advice, and place to vent and to meet others whom understand what we are going through. I've made friends on here and I look forward to sharing my experiences with them and learning from them too, also get some great receipes too. also there is another great site that is full of good reciepes and the lady had the surgery and she went from a size 28 to a 4. her site is called TheWorldAccordingToEggFace.com check it out I love going there to get receipes and to be encouraged by how she succeed.
Hi, Angee, and welcome to the site. It really is a great place to bounce ideas around, get non-emergency advice, and sound off when we're feeling low. What you're feeling is something that we have all felt, too. During my 2-week pre-op liquid diet, I came close to calling it off - at least once a day. Keep in mind that the horror stories you are reading are just that. They don't take into account all of the success stories.

Think of it like this: if you google the traumatic effects of a car accident, you will find some truly life-altering stories...but most of us still commute to work and to fun every day, and arrive just fine. Yes, there are risks out there, but 99.9% of the time, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks (no pun intended!).

Between now and your surgery date, my advice is this: talk to all the people you can, and find out the good, the bad, and the ugly. Ask about dumping syndrome, and really listen to what you are told. Listen when people tell you about the hormonal fluctuations after surgery, when you will cry about why you just did this to yourself. Listen to the joy in people's voices when they talk about buying clothes that they haven't fit into for 20 years or more. Listen to the health benefits of getting off medications, and the probability that they will live longer. Do your homework, and know that you will be going into this with all the knowledge you can get.

And then come back and give advice to others!!!!!

Good luck!
OMgosh you guys are awesome....I am amazed on just how lil you need to hear to feel great.....I know personally 3 people have done this and I talk with them a lot....thank you for that advice. I know all experiences are gonna be different, I just feel this the only option left, and I am so excited to even have this option....I have been told many many times I am the healthy fat girl, mainly by doctors......I dont have high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty heart.....what I do have is an extra body making my work very hard. I work in a factory and on my feet 10 hours a day 5 days a week. I have pain in my knees, feet, and back....finally they listened to me after 3 years of shots and pain pills....and now that they have listened I again get stressed.....and to you that said the liquid diet made you almost wanna quit daily......it may make me want to quit hourly.....I hate soooo much to be hungry....I get 2 shakes, 1 cup veggies and 4 oz meat a DAY.....lol....I can eat all of that for a meal and still eat more.....Thanks thanks to you guys!!! It is very nice to be able to talk and no hear silence cause they have no idea what is going thru your mind......

angie i too am new to the sight. I saw your post and was touched by old memories of 5 months ago. I had the gastric sleeve done 5 months ago , I am 68 yrs old and wish that I had done this years ago. I feel great I have lost 77lbs since surgery. After the first week It ws almost like I didnt have it. I can eat just about everything now. I have a friend who had the by=pass at the same time I did. She looks amazing and has lost 90 lbs. You just have to be sure to take your vitiamins. especially with the bi pass. Be sure to get your iron in.For the first 6months your hunger gland is asleep and you do not feel hunger at all, after it starts a little at a time. but it is so much easier. Im sure uyou will do well. I weighd 287 to start and now 210 after only 5 months. I wear a comfortable 16. I am so happy and my knees feel so much better.