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30 Day BACK TO BASICS Challenge


Protein: 74
Calories: 1403
Water: 78
Steps: 5250
Exercise: walking

Yesterday I took a walk in the next town over where they are filming a Hallmark Christmas movie. It was fun to see the decorations and the fake snow. They weren't actively filming when I was there because I heard that they were going to film a night scene. The movie is called "One December Night" and will tentatively air November 13.

Oh, and the farmers market was also going on in town, so I went to that. What temptations.... awesome breats, croissants, cookies, pies, etc but I said no to all. Wow! And when I got home and got a little hungry I told myself, don't even think about eating that junk when you passed up delicious croissants!!! :D

Here are some pics of my walk:





Day 24
Nope, no tracking so I'm not sure what went on. I do know I was hungry all day and didn't make the best choices.
I did get some exercise and got ahold of myself early evening, so there is that.

Tomorrow is Sunday FUNday. We're taking off for an all day road trip up to Michigan for . whatever the road brings. (except food, since I'm already planning snacks lol)

Have a great time tomorrow!

Protein: 74
Calories: 1403
Water: 78
Steps: 5250
Exercise: walking

Yesterday I took a walk in the next town over where they are filming a Hallmark Christmas movie. It was fun to see the decorations and the fake snow. They weren't actively filming when I was there because I heard that they were going to film a night scene. The movie is called "One December Night" and will tentatively air November 13.

Oh, and the farmers market was also going on in town, so I went to that. What temptations.... awesome breats, croissants, cookies, pies, etc but I said no to all. Wow! And when I got home and got a little hungry I told myself, don't even think about eating that junk when you passed up delicious croissants!!! :D

Here are some pics of my walk:

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What fun Judy!
Planet Fitness, like every gym, has joining fees. But you can get their basic gym membership for $10 a month. If you want to be able to bring a friend for free and use their massage and/or tanning beds, it's $20 a month. It's no frills but they do keep cleaning supplies everywhere. Supposedly for people to clean up AFTER themselves, but I always cleaned before and after. People are gross, I agree lol

I am thinking of joining the Y though, because they have a sauna, hot tub and a pool. But even the Y is quite a bit more expensive than PF.
I get my gym membership for free through Medicare silver sneakers program.
Planet Fitness, like every gym, has joining fees. But you can get their basic gym membership for $10 a month. If you want to be able to bring a friend for free and use their massage and/or tanning beds, it's $20 a month. It's no frills but they do keep cleaning supplies everywhere. Supposedly for people to clean up AFTER themselves, but I always cleaned before and after. People are gross, I agree lol

I am thinking of joining the Y though, because they have a sauna, hot tub and a pool. But even the Y is quite a bit more expensive than PF.
I wish the Y was in my budget; I'd join in a hot minute, or at least when Covid booster becomes available for Moderna. Last time I checked, membership was over $500. :oops:

Thanks for the info about PF. I'd like to try them one of these days. Strength training for my muscles is definitely in my future plans.
Wow, that's a lot. What do the give you, gold lame towels?

Because I live way below the poverty line, first from SSI disability, then as a senior citizen, the Y gave me a reduced membership, less than $20 a month. It covers full access.

YOU have to ask the membership supervisor for the discount, but they are happy to give a limited number of memberships which they call scholarships.

YMCA fees are affordable for the upper crust, but the organization encourages people with poverty funds. I named my price and they gave it to me.
Wow, that's a lot. What do the give you, gold lame towels?

Because I live way below the poverty line, first from SSI disability, then as a senior citizen, the Y gave me a reduced membership, less than $20 a month. It covers full access.

YOU have to ask the membership supervisor for the discount, but they are happy to give a limited number of memberships which they call scholarships.

YMCA fees are affordable for the upper crust, but the organization encourages people with poverty funds. I named my price and they gave it to me.
OMG thank you for that idea. I never even thought about asking for a reduced fee/scholarship. We also are below the poverty line. I don't know if the towels are golden, but that price always seemed to be ridiculous even for a college town with so much poverty & a large elderly population. Think I'll give them a call next week.
Wow, that's a lot. What do the give you, gold lame towels?

Because I live way below the poverty line, first from SSI disability, then as a senior citizen, the Y gave me a reduced membership, less than $20 a month. It covers full access.

YOU have to ask the membership supervisor for the discount, but they are happy to give a limited number of memberships which they call scholarships.

YMCA fees are affordable for the upper crust, but the organization encourages people with poverty funds. I named my price and they gave it to me.
Diane, I am on disability too. I have Medicare through disability. My silver sneakers gets me free membership at the Y. Oh but that is through my supplemental plan.
I have Silver Sneakers too, but at first, it wasn't adopted by my YMCAs. I'd already had a membership that I'd begged for, and the Y came through. Any program is fine with me, as long as they accept my card or driver's license at the desk. I've brought friends and family along and was bemused by their lack of enthusiasm. Different strokes for different folks.

A day at the Y is my version of a spa day. I work out, treadmill and stationary bike, Universal gym, then swim 2 laps, take a Jacuzzi, then sauna or steam, lukewarm to cool shower, then change into street clothes, after lotioning from A to Z, and do my makeup and hair at the lighted mirror bank.

I follow that with a nice bottle of spring water and an occasional Clif bar on my way home.

I feel like the most beautiful woman in the world for the rest of the day!

Protein 86
Calories 1592
Water 78
Exercise yes

I was really hungry (stomach hungry) about 9 or 10 pm last night and I am trying not to eat after a certain time of day, but this was a nagging hunger. So I followed one of the Intuitive Eating mantra's, "honor thy hunger, respect thy fullness." So I picked a healthy snack of grapes and a cheese stick. Pushed my calories higher than I wanted but I am proud that I didn't reach for something unhealthy. I am getting there!!! (My positive affirmation of the day.)

For me, I am correcting a bad behavior that I got into the last month or two. It made me realize how addicted to food I am and I let it take over for a time. It was hard to stop at first and I had a few setbacks along the way, but I really feel good about it now. I learned a lot and have my eyes wide open. I hope I can always pause and make sure it actually stomach hunger and then nourish that hunger with healthy food and wise choices.

Protein 86
Calories 1592
Water 78
Exercise yes

I was really hungry (stomach hungry) about 9 or 10 pm last night and I am trying not to eat after a certain time of day, but this was a nagging hunger. So I followed one of the Intuitive Eating mantra's, "honor thy hunger, respect thy fullness." So I picked a healthy snack of grapes and a cheese stick. Pushed my calories higher than I wanted but I am proud that I didn't reach for something unhealthy. I am getting there!!! (My positive affirmation of the day.)

For me, I am correcting a bad behavior that I got into the last month or two. It made me realize how addicted to food I am and I let it take over for a time. It was hard to stop at first and I had a few setbacks along the way, but I really feel good about it now. I learned a lot and have my eyes wide open. I hope I can always pause and make sure it actually stomach hunger and then nourish that hunger with healthy food and wise choices.

Protein 86
Calories 1592
Water 78
Exercise yes

I was really hungry (stomach hungry) about 9 or 10 pm last night and I am trying not to eat after a certain time of day, but this was a nagging hunger. So I followed one of the Intuitive Eating mantra's, "honor thy hunger, respect thy fullness." So I picked a healthy snack of grapes and a cheese stick. Pushed my calories higher than I wanted but I am proud that I didn't reach for something unhealthy. I am getting there!!! (My positive affirmation of the day.)

For me, I am correcting a bad behavior that I got into the last month or two. It made me realize how addicted to food I am and I let it take over for a time. It was hard to stop at first and I had a few setbacks along the way, but I really feel good about it now. I learned a lot and have my eyes wide open. I hope I can always pause and make sure it actually stomach hunger and then nourish that hunger with healthy food and wise choices.
Yay Missy & Judy!!!

Day 25
Protein: 70 (finally got it above 60!!!)
Water: 80
Exercise: 20 min walk with a bit of an incline
Tracking: yes
So I picked a healthy snack of grapes and a cheese stick.

This is so smart. My dad used to snack between meals, even minutes before supper, and I asked him why he couldn't just wait five more minutes. He said the snack "took the edge off" his sense of painful hunger.

But he could have dipped into the salad bowl or pinched a bite of the entree. Instead, he'd eat a bowl of cereal or have a sandwich.

There are great strategies like putting a clock on eating, that help curb irregular eating. You did make a SANE choice, Judy, and I salute you. With all you have going on in your life, your instincts to save your life are stronger than sabotage.
Day 25

I started keeping track but did not keep with it.
Water ?? but I know I had at least 64
Protein well under I think 12
Exercise 5 hours with some stopping along the way. We got some hard, hard rain that they were not calling for so wet all over. But all but my feet were dry by the time I got back. Now today I hurt and my feet are killing me I think my blisters have blisters. Even with this all I had such a nice day will do this again as soon as I can.