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30 Day BACK TO BASICS Challenge

Wow! Yesterday was a great day for posts on this thread. I want to respond to everyone lol
Nana .. welcome to the group and the challenge. We're happy to have you.
Judy .. you should be so proud of yourself for hopping back into good habits. You could've very easily said .. next month but didn't.
Karen and New .. you guys posting every single day in the challenge really keeps me going. I'm like .. it was my stupid idea .. let's GO lol
(most days I don't really think it was a stupid idea at all)

and DIANE!!! I'm responding on the other post.

Day 20 did not involve self care.
You know, sometimes this forum and especially this thread must be bringing up some deep emotions for me and maybe the rest of us. I have some stuff buried & hidden away, and this is helping peel back the layers so I can expose whatever issues to the light, which may start the healing.

I find myself feeling like crying sometimes when I read some of what we are going through in the past, present, and possibly but not necessarily future. I am not a crier by nature, so I am really trying to examine, not ignore these feelings.

What y'all are sharing really is helping me start to deal, and I figure I'm not alone. You are giving me hope that I wouldn't have found anywhere else.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Day 21

Water: 80
Protein: 102 - high I know but almost everything I ate yesterday was protein so calories were ok.
Tracking: Yes
Exercise: No. It's getting cooler out so I'm going to have to join a gym. I cannot take even cool weather at this point.
Weight: -0.7 .. boy do I miss those 5lb quick drops lol But a loss is a loss is a win is a win!! I'll take it.
Calories a little high but the Autumn Squash Soup did me in with too many calories and not enough protein. I had to add in a protein shake to bring the protein up and I was also still hungry.

Protein: 73
Water 73
Calories 1470
Exercise: yes

Today has been a really rough day regarding my daughter. To make a long story short I was woken up at 5:30 am having her be dropped off by her boyfriend AND escorted by the police. Things did not go well. My mantra that I've been saying all day is: I will not eat my emotions, I will not self-medicate with food. Now I am off to take a much needed nap.
I feel ya, Judy. I literally woke up in a full-blown panic attack and can't find the cause. But there are many suspects. I've been fighting against taking a SECOND tranquilizer, channeling my energy into cyber-communicating here and elsewhere. I WANT TO SCREAM, but if I can just breathe and think logically, I won't need to.

The stickler is, if I drove to the bank and deposited this big check in my wallet, paths to relief would open. But I'm too unstable to drive.

I couldn't nap if I took a dozen sleeping pills. Too much psychic adrenaline is trying to explode out of my body--mania on steroids.

I hate not being able to execute a solution when I plainly see it would work. I can't even EAT, I'm so freaked, so there goes THAT coping mechanism.

YOU KNOW I'm with you and you're in my heart. I won't offer solutions because you already know them. You'll have to travel this Agony Highway until you hit a rest spot.

Just remember: it's not YOU. It's her and them.
I feel ya, Judy. I literally woke up in a full-blown panic attack and can't find the cause. But there are many suspects. I've been fighting against taking a SECOND tranquilizer, channeling my energy into cyber-communicating here and elsewhere. I WANT TO SCREAM, but if I can just breathe and think logically, I won't need to.

The stickler is, if I drove to the bank and deposited this big check in my wallet, paths to relief would open. But I'm too unstable to drive.

I couldn't nap if I took a dozen sleeping pills. Too much psychic adrenaline is trying to explode out of my body--mania on steroids.

I hate not being able to execute a solution when I plainly see it would work. I can't even EAT, I'm so freaked, so there goes THAT coping mechanism.

YOU KNOW I'm with you and you're in my heart. I won't offer solutions because you already know them. You'll have to travel this Agony Highway until you hit a rest spot.

Just remember: it's not YOU. It's her and them.
Diane, I hope you feel better and can sleep.
I went to the zoo Thursday night for a Lantern Night and my knees just wouldn't make it. Didn't realize they were that bad. It was A LOT of walking and I had to stop a lot. Luckily my sister-in-law understood. My knees and legs hurt for 2 days after that. See a knee doctor but not until Oct. 15. I am going to try to walk more just around the house. My next appt with my gastric bypass surgeon is Oct. 5th. That will be my 3 month check up and I have only lost 40 lbs so I want to lose a little more by then. I have been having cravings like crazy and as I've said before, the death of my close sister is Oct. 7th and I think I am trying to use food for comfort. Not getting dumping syndrome but eating carbs along with my proteins. Say a prayer that I get back on track! Thanks for being here
Day 22
Protein 68
Water 57
Exercise 1 hour
Calories 746 I will add this in also

I will add in the new stuff on my house guest. They needed to go to bed before we get home from work so they could leave at 1am. A note was left that we needed to both use my living room as the tv in my husbands would wake them up. Also how they need it quiet when they sleep. Well my husband did use his tv because they have done nothing but make noise until about 2am every night when we do have to ge up and go to work.

Now to the good part we have cameras in/out of our house we have them on at night and when we are not home. The wife had dug in my work bag and took $1,000 out. I had $3,000 to take into work today for the petty money. When I was packing my work bag I could tell things were moved than saw I was missing money. Woke my husband up he first told me I was wrong no one would take this. He went and looked on the computer at the cameras and what does he see but the wife going in my bag and something being taken out and put into her pocket.

My husband now at 5am calls his brother on the phone to ask if they know anything about money being taken out of my work bag. They both say no and act all offended by this.

Now he asked who was driving and asked his brother to pull over he would like to send him the video. Now they had to turn around after driving for about 4 hours to bring the money back that the wife did not take. She was telling her husband that is not what happend, how can you say what is on video is not what happend. Now they get to come into my work to bring the money she took. The husband did not know this happened he was not around.

In the end I now get my wish she will not be at my house again.