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30 Day BACK TO BASICS Challenge

Hi. I'm starting a thread. If you're interesting in joining the 30 day challenge, "follow" the thread, if not, feel free to skip over. For me, back to basics means

64 oz. Water
70g Protein
Tracking (either full intake or just water/protein is up to you)
Exercise 30+min/3+days a week
Weekly Weigh In - Just an update of whether we're up/down or the same

Since it's Sept 1st, I feel like todays a great day to start. So those will be my challenge for 30 days. Feel free to add your own. Aaaaand GO!
I SO need to do this. I have gotten so off track. I will go all day without eating anything. My scale is just sitting at 270 (I was 310 at my surgery date on 7/9). I am really struggling because the 1 year death of my sister is coming up and she was my best friend and I am struggling with that. I also need to get moving more. Ugh, starting to wonder why I did this when I just want my food to comfort me.
I SO need to do this. I have gotten so off track. I will go all day without eating anything. My scale is just sitting at 270 (I was 310 at my surgery date on 7/9). I am really struggling because the 1 year death of my sister is coming up and she was my best friend and I am struggling with that. I also need to get moving more. Ugh, starting to wonder why I did this when I just want my food to comfort me.
Linda I am so sorry for your loss. Idk if you could use your current 40 lb weight loss (Woohoo Awesome!) as a way to honor her memory, and wrap her love around your heart to help comfort you as you try to deal with your pain.

You lost those 40 lbs and your body is thanking you for your hard work. Please don't give up on your progress, even if you might decide to pick one comfort food that you could enjoy 1-2 bites of, then throw away the rest to show your mind hunger that you are stronger than your cravings.

Please take care. ❤❤
Linda I am so sorry for your loss. Idk if you could use your current 40 lb weight loss (Woohoo Awesome!) as a way to honor her memory, and wrap her love around your heart to help comfort you as you try to deal with your pain.

You lost those 40 lbs and your body is thanking you for your hard work. Please don't give up on your progress, even if you might decide to pick one comfort food that you could enjoy 1-2 bites of, then throw away the rest to show your mind hunger that you are stronger than your cravings.

Please take care. ❤❤
Thank you so much. It has been very hard but I know I have to get back on track fast, and I will. I just don't have any real support systems so I am very thankful to these boards to help me when I'm down and push me when I need it. Then to celebrate success!
Day 14
Water: 80
Protein: 86
Tracking: Yes
Exercise: No. And I think I need to start doing something more strenuous than walking, even while pushing a wheelchair.
Weight Change: +2.5lbs I'm beginning to think I'm going to spend the rest of my life stressed over a 5lb window lol
Linda, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister and how you are struggling with it still. I think death is something we never really get over, we just bury the pain as best as we can. Some days that works, others not so much.
For so many of us, food is comfort and it's hard to separate that once we're on our journey to get healthy. We forget, especially once we've lost some of that weight, just how bad those habits are for us. The difference between food and drugs or booze is that we still need food to live. It's so easy to justify the overuse and harder to stay on the right path. But you can do this. I truly believe that even while we're struggling, we're succeeding. Struggling means we haven't given up.
Today happens to be the midway point of our challenge .. which is a perfect time to join. Welcome.
Day 14

Water 64 and that was hard to do
Protein 64 funny they are the same did know until I just looked
Exercise No none at all had the state lady intoday. She is very nice but gets all my nerves on end. We have one more part of the State to come in tomorrow. They have not been in for 2 years because of COVID so this has been everyone in for the last few weeks. Yesterday was all my member books and my staff books I passed them all and do not have to change anything. But tomorrow I know we will get sited on. I do not have any say on the maintenance part of this job (my mother does) the Maintenance guy will not do anything I ask or tell him to do. He does not like to work he does bad work. He talks to my mother like she is a kid (this makes me sick) We have all told my mother. (my sister, husband, her husband, many staff) but she knows he will never rip her off and how great he is. Well he will not fix things that need to be fixed my mother will not tell him to. We will wait until the state says we have to and then he will. I don't get it!! This is not how my mind goes. I like to have it all done right and only make them come out one time. Oh my the stress I let this all give me.

Sorry for putting this all on here. Have to say it does help me.

Thank you
Day 14

Water 64 and that was hard to do
Protein 64 funny they are the same did know until I just looked
Exercise No none at all had the state lady intoday. She is very nice but gets all my nerves on end. We have one more part of the State to come in tomorrow. They have not been in for 2 years because of COVID so this has been everyone in for the last few weeks. Yesterday was all my member books and my staff books I passed them all and do not have to change anything. But tomorrow I know we will get sited on. I do not have any say on the maintenance part of this job (my mother does) the Maintenance guy will not do anything I ask or tell him to do. He does not like to work he does bad work. He talks to my mother like she is a kid (this makes me sick) We have all told my mother. (my sister, husband, her husband, many staff) but she knows he will never rip her off and how great he is. Well he will not fix things that need to be fixed my mother will not tell him to. We will wait until the state says we have to and then he will. I don't get it!! This is not how my mind goes. I like to have it all done right and only make them come out one time. Oh my the stress I let this all give me.

Sorry for putting this all on here. Have to say it does help me.

Thank you
If it helps you by all means post it. I am the same way, it helps to get things out and this is the perfect place to do it because people can relate. Sorry you have to deal with all that crap in your life! Stress does not help in this fight!
If it helps you by all means post it. I am the same way, it helps to get things out and this is the perfect place to do it because people can relate. Sorry you have to deal with all that crap in your life! Stress does not help in this fight!

Linda Thank you.

Also I passed my files check for the state. Now the person who was going to come today is now not coming until the 29th. Will have time to get some things fixed.