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30 Day BACK TO BASICS Challenge

Day 9

I went to take an extra long walk today because I am stuck in the office most of the day. At 5:30 went for my walk got to the road hit the crosswalk lights. cars stop. I have 6 lanes to cross first 3 went fine in the middle and see a truck not stopping. I did whatever I did and ended up and the ground in the middle of a 6 lane rd. Skinned my hands, elbow, side of my leg hurts no bruise and top of the foot on the other side all hurt now. I got up and went back the way I was going. I guess I am happy I didn't get hit. Guess I should take my headphones off when I cross the road. I was back at work by 6:13 so i did not get my big walk in.
Day 9

I went to take an extra long walk today because I am stuck in the office most of the day. At 5:30 went for my walk got to the road hit the crosswalk lights. cars stop. I have 6 lanes to cross first 3 went fine in the middle and see a truck not stopping. I did whatever I did and ended up and the ground in the middle of a 6 lane rd. Skinned my hands, elbow, side of my leg hurts no bruise and top of the foot on the other side all hurt now. I got up and went back the way I was going. I guess I am happy I didn't get hit. Guess I should take my headphones off when I cross the road. I was back at work by 6:13 so i did not get my big walk in.
Omg glad you survived, seriously, that could have been a long hospital stay or worse bc someone driving was careless, in too big a hurry, etc. Glad you walked/limped away from that on your own power. Sorry to hear about this. ❤
Day 9

I went to take an extra long walk today because I am stuck in the office most of the day. At 5:30 went for my walk got to the road hit the crosswalk lights. cars stop. I have 6 lanes to cross first 3 went fine in the middle and see a truck not stopping. I did whatever I did and ended up and the ground in the middle of a 6 lane rd. Skinned my hands, elbow, side of my leg hurts no bruise and top of the foot on the other side all hurt now. I got up and went back the way I was going. I guess I am happy I didn't get hit. Guess I should take my headphones off when I cross the road. I was back at work by 6:13 so i did not get my big walk in.

I'm glad you're safe. That sounds scary and awful. I declare tomorrow NO EXERCISE day!!
Day 9

Protein: 69
Water: 56
Tracking: Yes.
Exercise: Yes. I took my mom out of her rehab place and walked her over to the park across the street and around the pond. So bonus points for pushing the wheelchair. lol AND today I am staining my porch/ramp. It's pretty big with a small deck attached so it's gonna count too.

Have a great day.
Day 9, trying to get back into the tracking and I start out well but later in the day miss the mark. Why is this so hard?
Judy I know what you mean. I do pretty well with my notebook, I write my 4 H2Os across 1 line, start & stop times for each bottle on the next line, leave space for each med/vit & time on the next few lines, then "lunch," what times, & what I have, same for snacks, & "dinner". Tracking how much protein isn't my best achievement but I at least try to guestimate.

My biggest need is to track my exercising/walking the same way. It's the only way I'm gonna get back on track.

Day 9
Water: 80
Protein: 45
Exercise: not much <sigh>
Day 10

Protein: 56
Water: 64
Tracking: Mostly, yes. Celebration dinner out = no idea what's actually IN anything and guesstimating how much I had.
Exercise: OMfG, yes. I stained (most) of my porch/ramp/deck yesterday. I can barely MOVE today. Started at 8:30am, stopped at 4:30, since I ran out of stain. Interestingly enough, my fitbit gave me only 44 "zone' minutes.

Anyone else finding that the healthier you get, the harder you have to work to get your heart rate into the "zone"? LIke, WAX ON, WAX OFF was a workout for Daniel-san .. why not me? LMAO

Hope your days are as great as you all are!
Day 11 .. Was Saturday right? lol
I did not track anything, so ??
I did get some exercise, unwillingly, since I was SORE AF after 8 hours of staining. (I finished up today)
The rehab my mom is in has 1 case of Covid, so all visits must happen outdoors. But their outdoor area is under construction, so I pushed her to the nearby park, across the street and around the pond.
Went to beach today .. cold water felt so good on my sore muscles. So, I'm counting the swimming and walking around in the water as my exericse for day 12. And I'm not doing ANY DAMN THING the rest of the week lmao
Day 12
Water: 80 oz
Protein: 35 g
Exercise: Grocery shopping @ Wally World & Kroger's

Weekly weigh-in:
lost 1.2 since last week
Total wt loss: 36.6
Still tiptoing inside the gates of One-derland. Daily walking should help keep the scale numbers going down, so time to get moving again.

Good luck everyone! Y'all are helping me be more accountable.