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30 Day BACK TO BASICS Challenge

I get that water in my grip .. when I sip, you sip, we sip.
Go ahead 'around that block ... when I walk, you walk, we walk.
We gettin' our groove back .. when I track, you track, we track.
Awesome!!! Congratulations. You have just won a brand new non-tracking day of your choosing, kinda like a get out of jail free card. Thank you for participating. Your creativity rocks!
Day 3

Had a challenging day yesterday but overall considering what it was I did okay. My calorie count was above where I want it to be but the good news is my eating was controlled even with emotions. I know I am an emotional eater but I also have a problem with binge eating, so to be in control even if the calories were on the high side was a success.

Today is my daughter's birthday so I will be practicing that control again today. Fingers crossed!!

Protein: 70
Water 93
Exercise: Not formal but did two trips to different stores walking quite a bit and my step goal was achieved.
Day 3

My calorie count was also above where I wanted to be. I made my goals, but did not make the very best food choices yesterday. I split a slice of peanut butter mousse pie with my husband .. and ate cheese popcorn. But, today is a new day.

Protein: 89
Water: 64
Tracking: Yes, although I wish I'd have found out how many calories are in PB Pie before I ate it. lol
Exercise: I took a 35 minute walk around our local park, which has a pretty pond and some nice fountains so it was nice and peaceful. But I didn't actually get my heart rate up too high.
Protein: abt 35
Water: 70
Exercise: 15 min walk

Struggling with my walking but y'all are helping me try to motivate

Had Chinese takeout last night. I did have some rice noodles mei fun - lots of veggies & protein, couple bites of rice, but skipped my fave - egg rolls

Starting fresh today
Day 4
Protein 65
Water 78
Exercise None in a 8 hour class that lasted 9 hours 12 min. I know they say no question is a dumb question But today I sat in a call with one man who had a lot of dumb questions then would only ask them again. Adding time to the class for all of us. Just happy to say he was not from my work place. I did send a person who has a lot of question so much that Ron who does the classes sent me a text tell me "thanks a lot for sending ____"

Guess this was Karma pay back. hahahah
Day 4

No tracking but I know I hit my protein, water and step goals. Aside from that, I did horrible as far as eating goes. I think in my mind I was allowing my emotions to do whatever.

No need to read more unless you would like to....

Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. As she requested, I picked up bagels, lox and cream cheese and delivered it to her in the morning. When I got there she had been crying. Later that day we had her and her boyfriend (that's debatable), my granddaughter and her boyfriend over at our house. You could have cut the tension with a knife as they say. Although they both were pleasant, I could tell it was forced.

Birthdays are always hard for her leading up to the day, they have since she was in her mid teens to present day adulthood. I can't blame her for that. She was born in India and we adopted her at age 6 months. We had a letter for her from the social worker that described the reason for her being given up for adoption. My daughter was in her early teens when she kept pressing for more information, so we gave it to her. It had some very hard to take truths in it that she has never been able to reconcile with. I tried my best to always put her birth mother in a good light and have never said a negative word against her. But it turned into a storm in her head and that is when her bipolar disorder emerged. (We knew her birth mother also had mental illness which was one of the reasons our daughter was given up for adoption, but her horrible family situation was by far the main reason.)

This morning I got a text from her which I was hoping was only a text to say thank you. Nope. It was her asking me to take her daughter back into our house to live her because she wants to move out of state. Well she won't get very far on that one because she has no money but I can see that the rest of the night got worse.

So birthdays and holidays have always been difficult. That was my reason to give myself grace for yesterday. Today I am back in my food lane and here for the 30 day challenge!
Water: 80 oz
Protein: abt 35
Exercise: <sigh>

And the thought of some fresh lox, cream cheese, thinly sliced purple onion & tomato on a bagel is sending my brain mind hunger into a frenzy! o_O
I guess a nice protein shake will be just as yummy & satisfying, right? Right?
Water: 80 oz
Protein: abt 35
Exercise: <sigh>

And the thought of some fresh lox, cream cheese, thinly sliced purple onion & tomato on a bagel is sending my brain mind hunger into a frenzy! o_O
I guess a nice protein shake will be just as yummy & satisfying, right? Right?
Around 2 1/2 years out and I quite often have 1/2 a bagel. My dietician was fine with it, as long as I have it with some protein. So I have it with a slice of cheese. My favorite thing to eat!
Protein 39 not so good today.
water 65
exercise 30 min walk, clean the floors got laundry done. Went to work for a bit. wanted to take another walk and we got rain again. so now in my JP's at 7:11 pm. Kind of nice.

When I volunteered for a parent support group for parenting children diagnosed with bipolar disorder, we advocated Jammie Day, it was very therapeutic on your day off to stay in PJs all day long! Getting in them early after a rough day helps too. I totally get that!