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30 Day BACK TO BASICS Challenge

Day 5

Forgetta bout it!

Crisis mode going on here and I am just trying to get through. I must say I am starting off today on the right foot but who knows how I will be by the end of the day. I woke up to 43 missed calls from my daughter, if that gives you a clue. I am trying to talk her into hospitalization but that is not going over too well. My granddaughter has the number for mobile mental health should she need it. Other than that, deep breaths.
Day 5

Protein: 57g
Water: 72oz
Tracking: Yes,
Exercise: We went to the local farm and picked our own veggies .. for hours. So, I'm thinking all that walking on uneven terrain counts. I'm counting it.

AND: I got a ton of fresh veggies that I'm going to prep today. I'm going to make a bunch of freezer meals today so that I can just pop them into the slow cooker or oven on busy days. Unstuffed Cabbage, Chicken Fajitas, Eggplant Parm, Stuffed Peppers, Roasted Veg for daaaaays! Some of which are going into quiche later in the week. This accountability thing is really working for me .. or will be if I can actually get all that done today lol Fingers Crossed.

Judy, sorry you are in crisis mode over there. You're doing great just holding it together! I'll keep you in mind while I'm chanting our mantra!
Day 5

Protein: 57g
Water: 72oz
Tracking: Yes,
Exercise: We went to the local farm and picked our own veggies .. for hours. So, I'm thinking all that walking on uneven terrain counts. I'm counting it.

AND: I got a ton of fresh veggies that I'm going to prep today. I'm going to make a bunch of freezer meals today so that I can just pop them into the slow cooker or oven on busy days. Unstuffed Cabbage, Chicken Fajitas, Eggplant Parm, Stuffed Peppers, Roasted Veg for daaaaays! Some of which are going into quiche later in the week. This accountability thing is really working for me .. or will be if I can actually get all that done today lol Fingers Crossed.

Judy, sorry you are in crisis mode over there. You're doing great just holding it together! I'll keep you in mind while I'm chanting our mantra!
I have enve for people who can do all this cooking and freeze the food. I don't have the cooking know how. I don't have the freezer space. Some day I will try something new I just got a cookbook from DR Winer. It looks good.
Day 5
Water: 64 oz
Protein: 45 g
Exercise: not so much

Judy, please try to stay strong & take care of yourself while shouldering the troubles of so many others in your family.

Missy, all those veggies sound heavenly. I wish we had room in our tiny fridge/freezer for those. Can't wait to hear about some of these healthy meals you'll be cooking. Any pics you share will be eye candy for the rest of us. Yum!
Day 5
Water: 64 oz
Protein: 45 g
Exercise: not so much

Judy, please try to stay strong & take care of yourself while shouldering the troubles of so many others in your family.

Missy, all those veggies sound heavenly. I wish we had room in our tiny fridge/freezer for those. Can't wait to hear about some of these healthy meals you'll be cooking. Any pics you share will be eye candy for the rest of us. Yum!
Wt loss from last wk 1.4 lbs, total wt loss 35.4
Unstuffed Cabbage 2 slow cookers
Roaster full of broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, butternut squash, tomato, onion, garlic, potato & carrots. Good for everything!! Will freeze some when they cool.
5 packs of fajita veggies


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Day 6
Water: 80 oz
Protein: 30 oz
Exercise: Walking around Walmart, loading & unloading, no sitting for 1 1/2 hours

Yesterday I made oven baked slow-cooked barbecue St Louis style spareribs - only ate about 1 1/2 ribs but tasted so good, didn't hurt my stomach bc of slowly chewing & savoring every bite.

Marinated, foil covered, & cooked in zesty Italian dressing & apple juice for 3 1/2 hours at 275°, with only a small amount of bbq sauce added the last 20 min. Nice break from protein shakes.
Needed to go off the radar for a bit. Almost had to admit my daughter into the hospital against her wishes because she was a danger to herself. Instead I was able to talk her into spending the night at my house and got her out of the situation that was fueling her meltdown. She has intensive therapy today, both one-on-one and group. I hope it helps because she was totally out of control. She is currently back in her boyfriend's house but I don't know how long that will last. Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Anyway, slowing getting back on track here but it helps to read everyone's posts.

Even after the last couple of days of not eating properly I did manage to lose 1 pound only because I started the month off so good. I usually only weigh in once a week but on day 3 or 4 I decided to take a peek and had lost around 4-5 lbs. By deviating from my food lane, I quickly started to put those pounds back on. At least in the end I'm not more than I was. I really have to figure out why it is so easy to go off track and I'm working on that.
Day 7
Protein: 45
Water: 60
Exercise: not so much

Judy, your daughter is so fortunate to have a family that be strong for her when she is unable to be strong enough to get through her crises by herself.

Please take care & remember you can lean on our collective shoulders. ❤❤
Judy, your daughter is so fortunate to have a family that be strong for her when she is unable to be strong enough to get through her crises by herself.

Please take care & remember you can lean on our collective shoulders. ❤❤

Thanks Karen. And when it rains, it pours. My daughter got a call from the principal tonight. Turns out someone on my granddaughter's school bus has tested positive for Covid. So they said everyone on the bus has to quarantine. But it gets better (not).... My granddaughter spent the night here on Monday and I also had her in my car today. My granddaughter has been vaccinated and did wear a mask but she is somewhat germophobic. She is very upset about this and was crying. We think we've got her calmed down and to think positively that she did not catch it. Always something.
Day 8

Water 72
Protein 54
Exercise 55 min walk but rest of the day sitting on my butt. Had 3 meeting one did make me laugh had to mute the phone got to here a sister of a member go off on a State coordinator. This woman( coordinator) thinks she knows everything about everything and like to spend time "showing off" (I have her with other members of mine, but she is new to this family) She starts telling us all about his meds and what they should be. how much the Dr's do not know. How much she does and how all of this is wrong. Well the sister is a Dr. and is on top of all this members stuff. (we have become friends) Anyway sister is very nice does not like people to know she is a Dr. she said because others change around her. Now to the funny part she ended up going off the the coordinator about what meds they have tried and how he would seizure and the side effects. Coordinator then tells her how much she knows about the meds and how Sister only has her brother and how much more she knows. on and on. Well at this point sister tells all she is a Dr. how long she has been a Dr. what schools she went to what extra things she has studied because of her brother.

Sorry I know this is probably only funny to me. Just made me laugh again just to think about it. 3 meeting again today. going out for my walk now.
Day 8
No tracking = No idea for protein/water etc. But I had popcorn for dinner, so I'm thinking it wasn't good.

My mom had her WLS consult with the surgeon yesterday and he said he would not operate on her. I can only hope the knee surgeon doesn't feel the same. Otherwise, she's immobile for the rest of her life. And currently, she has no other health issues. But you can't stay healthy without movement so I'm really freaked.

Back to tracking today because I gotta keep me as healthy as possible to deal with whatever comes my way. But the popcorn for dinner WAS good lol
Needed to go off the radar for a bit. Almost had to admit my daughter into the hospital against her wishes because she was a danger to herself. Instead I was able to talk her into spending the night at my house and got her out of the situation that was fueling her meltdown. She has intensive therapy today, both one-on-one and group. I hope it helps because she was totally out of control. She is currently back in her boyfriend's house but I don't know how long that will last. Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Anyway, slowing getting back on track here but it helps to read everyone's posts.

Even after the last couple of days of not eating properly I did manage to lose 1 pound only because I started the month off so good. I usually only weigh in once a week but on day 3 or 4 I decided to take a peek and had lost around 4-5 lbs. By deviating from my food lane, I quickly started to put those pounds back on. At least in the end I'm not more than I was. I really have to figure out why it is so easy to go off track and I'm working on that.

Congrats on your weight loss, Judy. These are trying times indeed. I'm so sorry about your daughters situation. There's no quick or easy answer, just difficult situations and decisions at every turn. I hope you find some time for yourself.
Day 8
No tracking = No idea for protein/water etc. But I had popcorn for dinner, so I'm thinking it wasn't good.

My mom had her WLS consult with the surgeon yesterday and he said he would not operate on her. I can only hope the knee surgeon doesn't feel the same. Otherwise, she's immobile for the rest of her life. And currently, she has no other health issues. But you can't stay healthy without movement so I'm really freaked.

Back to tracking today because I gotta keep me as healthy as possible to deal with whatever comes my way. But the popcorn for dinner WAS good lol

Funny you should mention popcorn because that was one of the things that I made for myself a couple of days ago. I think the act of eating one kernel (or a bunch of them) after another is kind of stress relieving! Only thing, mine was a snack and not dinner so that wasn't good. At least you made yours a meal.

When is your mom's appointment with the orthopedic surgeon? I will tell you that when I had my knees done over 15 years ago I had asked my surgeon if I should have Lapband surgery before the knees or after and he said it didn't matter. Now I couldn't say if during the last 15 years insurance companies or doctors started to mandate that BMI needs to be under a certain figure before having knee replacement but it wasn't an issue then like it is now. I hope that she is able to have the surgery as long as she feels she is able to comply with the rehab PT. I wish you luck.

BTW, as for movement, is she able to do chair exercises to get the legs and the arms moving? That would help tremendously. There are plenty of people confined to a wheelchair that figure out how to still be active and keep their heart healthy. Hopefully it won't come to that but I just wanted to through out that idea should the need arise.