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ChocoRite & ChocoLite Protein Shakes & Bars


Staff member
We are in talks with the HealthSmart company about carrying their products. Have any of you tried the ChocoRite Protein Shakes or Chocolite Sugar-Free Bars? I would love to hear your thoughts on them!
I just tried the Peanut Butter Cup Patties ChocoLite Sugar-Free Bars. They taste identical to a Reese's Cup, which is good, I love Reese's. So if you're looking for something to replace a Reese's this is it (I haven't tried any other flavor yet). The only problem is there is no protein in these, just 1g. So don't get these confused with a protein bar. They do have 6 grams of Fiber per piece, so if you're worried about getting enough fiber this may be a great option. This company makes Protein Bars too, so I think we're going to start carrying those soon in the American Bariatrics Store as well.
Sugar free and it tastes like Reese's?! Be still my beating heart!!!

I've never been much into candy but every now and then . . . this sounds like a real find! Thanks for getting these in. I'm sure they will be enjoyed by many.

Like anything, too much of a good thing may not be very good. Be cautious of eating too much of these. Though they may not contain any "sugars," they do have a fair amount of sugar alcohols. Erythritol, Maltitol, and Oligofructose.

I remember when I first discovered sugar-free chocolates. Yes, I overdid it. And ended up spending some extra time in the necessary room. Lesson learned!
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