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Excruciating Pain after eating


New Member
I underwent sleeve gastrectomy last July (2013).
Besides some bleeding, the surgery and recovery went fine.
Beginning in early October I began to experience severe pain upon eating.
Initially it was limited to when I ate dairy products, which I stopped.
By December, I was experience severe pain every time I ate.
In early January I was hospitalized, an endoscopy showed that I had developed an ulcer.
Though I tested negative for H. Pylori, there was evidence of bile and inflammation.
I was started on a regimen of Carafate and Pain meds.
In March another endoscopy showed that the ulcer had healed but the pain has not abated.(The inflammation and bile were still present).
I have been unable to eat without excruciating pain for 8 months now and my doctors have been unable to help me.
Has anyone else experienced this and can you recommend where I can turn for help?
I would appreciate any information that you may be able to provide.
Syracuse NY
(PS I started at 236 Pounds, am now down to 105, and am getting scared.)
Wow Cindy, I'm sorry to hear you're having such problems. Unfortunately I haven't been through this and all I can offer is my support and prayers. Have you tried another Bariatric Dr to get a second opinion?



None of us are physicians here, we can only offer moral support and we are happy to do so. Your problems are interesting but you don't provide enough details for us to have any substantial insight. Such as the usual suspects for an ulcer i.e. smoking, taking nsaids, alcohol consumption, nervous conditions or more detailed dietary information.

I am truly sorry for your pain and trials and wish you a quick and total recovery. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing. God Bess you.
Hi Cindy,
Sorry to hear what is going on. I too, am having the Sleeve a week from today. I will be paying close attention to these symptoms. I did however, work for an outpatient endoscopy group for years. I recently quit to raise my baby. Curious, have they switched your medications? There are some PPIs that are stronger than others. Also, some that react differently with ones body than it would anothers. For instance, Prilosec(Omeprozole) doesn't work well with me. BUT, I have found Zegrid or Nexium work wonders!
Food for Thought...
Good Luck in finding some relief!
Oh, Cindy...how discouraging this must be sometimes!
I really like fkrebs' suggestion of a consult with another surgeon. That's not an insult to yours at all. It's just that sometimes a fresh perspective results in new ideas. Your surgeon should not be offended at all. In fact, ask him for a suggestion of where to go for a second opinion.
Praying for you...
I had the same issue also. I joined this site to actually help people that have had issues. My gastric bypass was completely reversed in 2011. If you have ?'s I have answers.