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Finally a surgery DATE!!!


May 21, 2012 is my surgery! I'm so excited and ready for this new phase of my life to start. I met with Dr. Neff yesterday, and I only need one more clearance from the lung doctor. I don't think it will be a problem.

Thinner days are coming! It was hysterically funny. I fell out of the chair in the scheduler's office when I was about to leave. The doctor and she had to help me get off the floor, no easy task since I'm so disabled right now. I have a torn tendon in my right wrist, so the pain was my main concern. But the doctor just kept saying, "next year this time, this won't even be a problem." Life gets crazy so close to the surgery, I guess....LOL
Hi valjac51 so happy for you to have your surgery date, still awaiting mine, but i know the anxiety you feel and those happy thoughts that come to mind just knowing like the dr said within a year, falling off a chair won't be a problem and hopefully they'll also fix the torn tendon.
Please keep us informed how you are feeling, stay happy for your healthy journey is already happening and will only get better as time goes by.
Hi Donna, and thanks for your response. I just had to add something I just learned yesterday, which is really getting me down...

I got a letter from the human resources office at my job. I have been on temporary disability since January 20, 2012. Supposedly, my benefits have run out and I will no longer receive any pay, or medical benefits as of May 1, 2012. I am allowed to pay $783.00 a month to maintain my health benefits, but if they do not hear from me, they state that all benefits stop. Therefore, my surgery will not happen.

After all of the waiting, clearances, and my health issues, and the longevity I have on my job, after all of the phone calls and visits to places in search of help for myself and my disabled daughter who is told that she will be homeless on May 1 because there is nothing they can do for her or my grandson, and after all of the chronic pain I have endured even going to work in it for almost 2 full years, I am in disbelief. I have contacted the local senator's office and was given listings for low income apartments with waiting lists of over a year. I have gone to the welfare office for emergency housing for my daughter, and she was turned away with a list of paperwork she had already provided when we tried to get help to avoid eviction from our home now. She is bipolar, in a mental health day program on a few different medications and has attended faithfully for almost 2 years, and they are telling her that she will be forced to live in a homeless shelter with my grandson. We have both applied for long term disability, and as you know, the wait exceeds the ability to live on any sort of income. She finally has a court date, I have just begun the process, and as it is, have no more income.

I am seized with a sense of the evil that exists in the world regarding people who don't "fit" in with the normal. Some days I wonder if death is the better alternative than living in this entire situation. I have no support from my family, since my mother is mentally ill, and my father is limited in his finances. I have no human to go to for help. Yet, I gave my entire career to people, to helping anyoe who asked or was in need, and this is outside of teaching them simply how to read and write. The devil is powerful, but God is all powerful, and this war is between God and the devil, not me and any person. I just am so tired.

I'm thankful to have this forum to turn to for support. I am thankful for everything and everyone who listens to the heartbroken and tries to treat others as they would like to be treated. I just pray that somehow I will have my bypass in spite of everything being thrown at me, and live on in peace.
Please, pray for me and my humble family. And I pray that you have a blessed and happy Resurrection holiday.
I just saw your post this morning,I am horrified of the horrible news you and your daughter have received. we have to find a way to stop this insanity and unlawful actions your work place is trying to take against you, you are too close to your healthy dream comming true to give up, don't because FAITH is BIGGER than EVIL, my situation has alot of similaries to yours, I will be praying for anwers for you and for doors to be opened for you and your family and little grandson too. there is a scripture that is one of my fav. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER! i NEED TO FIND EXACTLY WHERE IT'S AT IN THE BIBLE FOR YOU.you can contact me at bigtallsis@aol.com I will listen and do my best to try to help you with this situation and try to find agencies that can help in your area.
Val, I am so sorry to hear of all the problems you are going through, it does not seem right. I have been told that God will never give us more than we can handle but when our burden becomes to much to bear hand it over to God. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I wish ther were more that I could do. Keep your faith please, this life is worth livivng. God Bless You and Your Family. Tom
Hi, I surely will be praying for you....the devil is working on you big time, but stay faithful and God will get you through this, only hHe knows the plans he has for you!

God Bless You!

I love you all so very much. There is nothing like telling your problems to someone who cares. I feel so honored and blessed to have found all of you!
As it is, I was told today to apply for Medicaid by the disability contact person. She also has been through a similar nightmare, having to go on welfare because of suffering with breast cancer. She was so kind and understanding about this situation, and I thank God for His people who are still in this mad world.

We had a beautiful Easter service at church. I feel inspired to continue and not be so discouraged. God is still on His Throne, and He is protecting and loving me and my family, no matter what institutions do, or the enemy tries. So thank you all for your kind words of support. And I guess I will be applying for Medicaid and hope they cover the surgery! Whew!

Love to you all,

Valjac-Sorry to hear about your situation. I think it is good advice to apply for Medicaid. I am also disabled and went through similar roadblocks. I applied for Social Security disability benefits when it was determined that my disability was permanent. There are also other situations which would make one eligible for disability benefits like not working for or not expecting to return to work for one full year. You may want to contact your Social Security office and go in for a consultation. A lot of people apply for Medicaid and Medicare at the same time. The waiting period for Medicare once you are granted Social Security disability benefits is 18 months so please look into this as soon as you can. The good news is if you are deemed eligible for disability through SS it is usually retroactive back to the date of the disability. Having received short term benefits through your employer may affect the retroactive benefit but in order to get to the bottom of things you need to get yourself in for an appointment. I found everyone at SS to be very helpful and nice to deal with.

Best of luck to you and let us know how you are doing.
I learned when I became disabled that most companies carry long term didability benefits but you have to ask for them. I weill put you on my prayer list. this group of people are all supportive of each other. I became totally disbled when apatient destroyed my right rotator cuff and after 2 faile surgeries there was a settlement.did you get hurt on the job? I can relate to spending a life time career taking care of other people but when I got hurt I had no friends.alll of my friendships were at work and I did not socialize. I didn't have time I was working all the time I know you are discouraged and though we can't fix it we will be here for you so use us to write to and share your feelings. You don't have to be alone anymore....patt
I am thrilled to have just found this site. Surgery is scheduled for one week from today, 4/18. So ready for my new start! And as for Social Security, some of what Pat said is not completely accurate. Medicare is 24 months from your date of entitlement, meaning the point at which payment starts. Retro payments are 1 year from application date if the onset goes back that far and then you have to take into consideration a 5 month waiting period of zero benefits from the time you are found disabled until time payment can begin. I would be more than happy to help you with any questions about SS as I am a current and proud employee :0) Don't get discouraged though. Unfortunately, nothing with governement is ever quick.
I stand corrected. I forgot about the 5 month waiting period although for some reason it seems I had to wait 6 months.
Good Morning!
Well, I am still in disbelief, and still praying. I called the surgeon's office and was told that he will not do the surgery on regular Medicaid, but will on the HMO ones offered. Also, he won't do it without clearance from the pulmonologist. So, I got an earlier appt. with the lung doctor for Monday, but the reason for him making me wait has something to do with the CPAP I was precribed, and checking the results of my breathing. Again, I see it as a roadblock, and somewhat unecessary for the surgery. I have no trouble breathing, and I have been using a CPAP for the last 6 years. Is he just trying to make more money while I am trying to have an operation? Well, thanks to him, the surgery won't happen, now.
I did apply for Medicaid, and hope I can get it. Even if I won't be able to have this bypass, I still need insulin for my pump and all the other meds I take. I just pray I won't have to get all new doctors, since they are all specialists. Then we are moving May 1, and the rental office rep is spreading my woes to other residents, I have been told. Cruelty in a person's time of pain is the ultimate attack. Obviously I am not able to clean my place like before because of my pain situation, but why is she going around talking about that to my neighbors? Isn't it bad enought that I can't pay the last two months rent?
Today I just pray to keep my moods stable. My daughter shared her craziness with me last night. She is distressed about having to do more than she has been doing. Like, working looms in front of her if she is denied SSI, and it has caused her to stop doing everything else. We have a 3 bedroom townhouse to pack, and she lies in bed as if she can ignore it. Then my grandson had a meltdown because I wouldn't allow them to take my care to go to a cookout. So, it was a very horrible realization that my dependents are really so dependent, and can't be appreciative of all I do for them every day. I really pray for her to get her own place as soon as possible, so she may learn to understand how difficult it has been for me to support her in my health condition and bleak financial situaiton.
This week I learned from the Dept. of Labor that even though I am a tenured professor, my job still has the right to terminate me while I am out on disability. Only in New Jersey, it seems, the law allows the employer to fire anyone who they feel will be out from work too long. I do have a disability attorney, who advised me to apply for Medicaid, but he also said I may need an empoyment attorney, which I can't afford. I just pray to be granted SSD on the first try. Either that, or find another job quickly to hobble to, or possibly teach online, which I have never done.
I thought to myself this feels like I could sue my job for attempted murder, since they are ending all of my health benefits, which could adversely affect my health as it is now. LOL, take away my ability to get insulin, and what do I have? If medicaid says no, then what? Death. Not really a pleasant idea.
So, I contacted my neurologist for advice, and it seems he can answer silly Facebook comments, but not my questions. I have a form for him to fill out, so I need another appointment ASAP. I really don't even want to go to any more doctors in light of all of this ridiculousness. My sugars are higher because of the stress. Also, my blood pressure.
Wish me luck with packing, please. I am overwhelmed right now, and not just with having to move to a one bedroom place with my daughter and grandson. And again, thanks to all of your kind comments and prayers.

Valencia-YOUR health should be your primary concern and you need to do whatever it takes to make improvements. As I'm sure you realize it's not going to happen overnight. As I was reading your post I was wondering why you were shouldering the burden of supporting your adult daughter and her child but then as I read on you mentioned that you wanted her to move out ASAP. I'm thinking that now would be a good idea since you are moving to a much smaller place shortly. Maybe if you just pack your own stuff up and leave her things alone she might get the message. If she doesn't then leave her stuff behind. I don't mean to tell you how to live your life but if you are enabeling her to take advantage of your good nature then why should she move out on her own?

Good luck to you Valencia. I hope you make choices in your life that put you on a path to better health.
Hello Everyone!
Well, God has moved. I am going in for pre op Friday morning at the hospital. Something occurred that I can only give God the credit for. My job sent me a certified letter on Monday, stating that my benefits will end JUNE 1, instead of May. Immediately I called Human Resources and spoke to the person who wrote the letter. She was all excited for me, and said it was because of how the state does things in cycles. So, I am once again covered for the surgery!
Then the lung doctor was out of the office all this week, so I couldn't get cleared. Well, my neurologist's office changed that one. They found me another doctor who will see me this week, tomorrow, because my neurologist called and asked him. They are buddies. The original pulmonologist is known to be arrogant and difficult, and my neurologist just stepped over him! God is nothing short of amazing!
My doctors all agreed that the surgery is needed and the one who tried to control it all, has been put to rest. I can't tell you how thankful I am for my neurologist. He has even been seeing me without charging me one cent, because he said he loves me. I am fixing him his favorite....peach cobbler. Also, his nurse, who is becoming a great friend. It means so much when you are blessed to find health care workers who really care.
I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, and of course the normal fears. Will I really lose weight? Enough to stop this pain? Only God knows. But since He did all of this for me, I am sure it is the right decision.
Thank all of you for your wonderful support during this crazy time. I'm stilll floating....better go to Walmart and get some supplies, like protein drinks and sugar free popsicles! I almost forgot! LOL

@ Pat, my daughter has a bad case of bipolar disorder and social anxiety with PTSD from a rape when she was 7 years old. We didn't find out until she was 25 years old. That is why I support her. There is no one there for her, since her father's side abandoned her when I left him many years ago. She is being treated at an adult day care facility and takes her medications, and she is improving greatly. If she were a "normal" person, of course she would have to stand for herself.
Also, I have a disability lawyer who is handling SSD. They are pretty good, and work fast. I did all of the research before applying, so I knew about the 5 month waiting period. Also, about medicare. The problem is for people who are in the wait mode. I did get help from an Obama program for my security deposit, and we moved. It is a wonderful place. And my grandson, who has ADHD is quite happy now, meeting new friends and he loves his new school. Why did I share all of this with you? Because you made an assumption about me not caring enough for myself. This is far from true. I had one child who suffers from an inherited mood disorder. Does it mean I should throw her away? Absolutely not. My mother threw me away and there was nothing wrong with me. It caused unecessary hardships in my early adult life, and I have a lot more love in my heart than my mother ever did.
Love covers a multitude of faults. I believe it is the only answer.

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so happy to hear that god has provided a "way' for you to have your surgery, when his word say's nothing is impossible " he really means it. Please keep us all posted how you are doing before and after surgery. I had you on my mind the other day cause i hadn't heard from you in awhile, i know god is going to continue to take care of you &your family. God is good, so happy for you.
Hi Valencia, I am so happy to learn everything has worked out for you. Let us know how you are doing, your surgery must be soon, I hope your surgon has a follow up program that is affordable for you seeing how your insurance will end at the in June, the follow up appoitments are very important to make sure everything is healing up and to make sure you are getting the right amount of vitamins. :cool: Tom
@ Pat, my daughter has a bad case of bipolar disorder and social anxiety with PTSD from a rape when she was 7 years old. We didn't find out until she was 25 years old. That is why I support her. There is no one there for her, since her father's side abandoned her when I left him many years ago. She is being treated at an adult day care facility and takes her medications, and she is improving greatly. If she were a "normal" person, of course she would have to stand for herself.
Also, I have a disability lawyer who is handling SSD. They are pretty good, and work fast. I did all of the research before applying, so I knew about the 5 month waiting period. Also, about medicare. The problem is for people who are in the wait mode. I did get help from an Obama program for my security deposit, and we moved. It is a wonderful place. And my grandson, who has ADHD is quite happy now, meeting new friends and he loves his new school. Why did I share all of this with you? Because you made an assumption about me not caring enough for myself. This is far from true. I had one child who suffers from an inherited mood disorder. Does it mean I should throw her away? Absolutely not. My mother threw me away and there was nothing wrong with me. It caused unecessary hardships in my early adult life, and I have a lot more love in my heart than my mother ever did.
Love covers a multitude of faults. I believe it is the only answer.

My reply to your post was not to assume that you do not care enough about yourself. You reached out and I responded in the way I felt was appropriate based on the information you posted on 4/21. You mentioned you were praying for your daughter to find her own place. I did not mean to offend you in any way. I also have had many hardships in my life including having the responsibility to care for adults (2 different people) for many years so I know where you are coming from. My older sister was diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder over 30 years ago so I know how challenging things can get from time to time. Good luck in your journey my friend.
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Monday is the day!

Well, now I'm a nervous wreck. I went to pre admission testing yesterday, and all went well, except my blood sugar was 46! I didn't even feel weird. My surgeon called to check on me, to see if I was OK. Now I have to go buy protein stuff and stuff for the first stage. I just hope Walmart has what I need.

Pat, thank you for clearing up your statement. If I sounded harsh, credit it to my mind, and not my heart. These past months have been extremely stressful on so many levels and I apologize.

Now disability has suspended my pay claiming that they need more information from my doctor. He sent them all of my records on Monday, and they still are "reviewing" my case. I won't hear their decision until this Tuesday, and I will be in the hospital. I want to sue my job for undue mental strain during this time. It is bad enough to be in chronic pain, but to have them constantly asking for the same information, threatening to cut health benefits, and demanding me to fill out leave of absence papers is over the top. I have to pay rent on the 1st, and my car payment is late. We just moved, so where is the money coming from? I just want to focus on the operation, and doing all the doctor tells me to do. And I am covered for followup visits for 90 days, so that is another blessing.

So, we made it through this one! Me and God. Thank all of you for your prayers. Please don't stop, since we are in such financial distress. Somehow we will be OK. I just take one day at a time, now. But trust me, I am tired.

Have a wonderful weekend. I'm too nervous to even eat. LOL