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Great news at the doctor's visit!


So I went to the doctor at 5 weeks post op to get my test results and my return to work authorization for Monday. And the great news is that all the tests were perfect! B/P = 120/80, cholesterol normal, blood sugar normal, everything! And this was all with no meds for over a week because I just couldn't choke them down crushed. So, she took me off all meds henceforth! Before the surgery I was taking 6 different prescriptions. Now none. And that is after losing only 33 lbs! WOO-HOO!

The bad news is that I think I am experiencing my first dumbing episode. My hubby made some ground chicken tonight and I think it was too spicy. It was not spicy in the hot way, just spicy flavor. And now it is hitting me hard. I know all I can do is wait until it passes, but it sure is not fun! UGH!!
Thats wonderful you are off all your meds, it happens real fast, I couldn't believe it either when it happened to me, it's a great feeling, I am so happy for you:D. As fo rthe dumping:( I know, it was not fun for mr but I did realize why they call it dumping:eek: Congratulations on the 33 lbs! :cool: Tom
introduce spicy foods a little later. Your body is really sensitive right now. It only takes one episode and you will naturally avoid those foods. greatnews from your dr. keep up the good work...patti
So I went to the doctor at 5 weeks post op to get my test results and my return to work authorization for Monday. And the great news is that all the tests were perfect! B/P = 120/80, cholesterol normal, blood sugar normal, everything! And this was all with no meds for over a week because I just couldn't choke them down crushed. So, she took me off all meds henceforth! Before the surgery I was taking 6 different prescriptions. Now none. And that is after losing only 33 lbs! WOO-HOO!

The bad news is that I think I am experiencing my first dumbing episode. My hubby made some ground chicken tonight and I think it was too spicy. It was not spicy in the hot way, just spicy flavor. And now it is hitting me hard. I know all I can do is wait until it passes, but it sure is not fun! UGH!!
Congratulations! when you feel the pain right before dumping try to get out and walk it off it helps i only did that once....You learn fast!!
Queenie-Congratulations on your weight loss and also for losing all of your meds :) I think all of us have at least one dumping episode. Mine happened 4 or 5 weeks after surgery. I ate one bite too many of my homemade egg custard. As much as I love custard I haven't been able to eat it since *LOL*
Even people that haven't had the surgery can experience dumping....not sure they call it that though. When it happens to me, I get really flushed, my head pounds to no end, the cramps get severe and I feel like throwing up....I usually have to pour cold water over my head to make it stop pounding.....okay...well maybe it's not dumping, but that is what I thought it was....not pleasant at all...

Congratulations on the weight loss and getting off your medications!!! I can't wait till I am at that point....3 weeks to go!:cool:
That sounds like I feel when I get dumping :(except my head doesnt pound but my heart feels like it starts to beat a little faster and sometimes I sweat a little. :cool: Tom
I have the band. Just 5 days post surgery. Did the band not work for you? Did you have problems? Now I am nervous.
Hi Hannah, you should PM Queenie, I think she had some band slipage when she was a few years out but I can't remember but she talked about it in one of her earlier posts. The Band does not always work for everyone but for most who follow the prescribed meal plan it works just fine. There are some pro's and con's with both, The band may not show weight loss as quickly as the bypass but the bypass has malabsorption related to the prceedure so we have to take suplamental vitamins to balance that out and take annual blood tests to make sure we are getting the proper amount of vitamins. The band also requires frequent visits at first to get it the proper size and the bypass is one size only requiring a couple post op visits to make sure we are healing good and vitamin levels are stable. Ther are other pro's and con's and it is normal to second guess your srgery, I did it for a few days and was worried that I did the wrong thing, don't worry your self and just remember why you did this and you did take a lot of though and know it is right for you. Hang in there. :cool: Tom
Thanks for your reply. It is over and done with so I guess I need to stop worrying. I appreciate your response - everything helps. Your weight loss is amazing. You are almost at your goal- congrats - great job. Hannah