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Hi :) I'm new here!


Hello everyone, my name is Renae. I am unable to find a support group in my town so I have signed up here hoping that I am can get some much needed support and feedback. First off, my gastric sleeve procedure was completed in April 2011. A couple days after my surgery, my doctor left town and left all of his patients to a different doctor. (you can imagine how upset I was and still am) Luckily, the surgeon said the procedure went flawlessly and I have not experienced any complications. My recovery was rapid and I lost a total of 130lbs in 7 months. I remained at the 130lbs loss for about 7 months, but the last few months I have gained 20 lbs back. :'( I have not seen my surgeon since the surgery date and only saw the sub doctor once. (I refuse to go back there due to the impersonal attitude the doctor had toward me. He wouldnt even give me his advice on whether I should continue or discontinue a medication. He said, "its up to you if you want to take it still." It was a prescribed medication and he couldnt/wouldnt tell me if I should take it or stop.) I am very fortunate to have not encountered any severe internal surgical complications, because I sure am having mental and physician complications. Has anyone on here experienced weight gain? I feel like a failure. I am discouraged and diasapointed in myself for gaining 20lbs, and I keep gaining. I know Im not eating healthy or exercising, which I need to change that for myself, but I am in need of some helpful and encouraging support from people who understand what I am experiencing. Thank you all for listening and I hope to hear from lots of you. :)

Hi Renae, I just replied to your other post, sorry to hear your doctor left you, if you have a primary doctor go to them to monitor your medications, if they are for cholestorol, diabetes, and/or high blood pressure you need to continue to keep an eye on the levels because more times than not we are taken off of them over time. Now for the weight gain, the WLS is only a tool we use to get healthy and lose weight, it will not work if we don't follow our meal plans and exercise program, so you know what you need to do and I know you know if you start doing what is right for you the scale will start moving in a downward progression, sooooooo let's do this OK:D You have been doing a fantastic job so don't beat yourself up over a little bump in the road:eek: it can happen to all of us and has happened to me. Let us know when you start and how you are doing and please come back if you need meal suggestions. :cool: Tom
Hi Renae, Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you know what you need to do, start eating healthy and exercising. Think about how you looked and felt at your maximum weight. You really don't want to go back there. I hope you can get back on track. We are all rooting for you!
Hi Renae, Welcome. You lost a lot of weight with the sleeve in a fairly short amount of time. I am 13 weeks post op and have lost 41 pounds. At first I compared myself to others especially those who had bypass and how much weight they lost. When did your hunger return? Was it later on in your journey. Just thinking if you were not hungry for the first 7 months then perhaps it did not prepare you for the time when your hunger returned. You have gained 20 pounds you can turn this around now. I am sorry about your doctor, but at this point I would use my PCP for any medical questions. I don't have a support group around me and I am very grateful to have found this site. Don't feel alone in your struggle others have been there. Start right now by getting back to following your food plan and go for a walk. Keep coming back.
Hi Kim,
Welcome! I can't imagine what it must be like not to have a good dr./patient relationship but there are other drs out there that can help. Don't beat yourself up about the weight gain. Just get back on track. You have the tools and you obviously know what to do since you lost 130 lbs (a whole person) in 7 months. Good luck!
Hi Renae
I haven't had my surgery yet, but I will be having the sleeve too. You have done amazing!!! I know how discouraging it can be to gain weight. Please Please Please do not give up!!! I don't have answers for you, but many people here will. so listen to them!!! Please keep us posted.
Renae-Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your weight loss!!! Usually, the surgeon will not advise us on our medications. You really should be discussing this matter with the doctor who prescribed the medication or to your primary care doctor. Even when you were recovering from surgery in the hospital you were assigned a medical doctor to oversee your progress. The surgeon has little to do with anything except the surgery. Please don't blame the sub, he / she knows even less about your medical history than the one that did the surgery.

Try finding a weight loss support group through http://www.tops.org/FindAMeeting.aspx
Thanks everyone! With the medication issue, it was a gall bladder med to help prevent gall stones during the initial rapid weight loss. My surgeon had told me to take during the first few months, but when I saw the sub surgeon and had already lost the majority of the weight and inquired as to if it was ok to go off of the gall bladder med, the surgeon said "its up to you". I stopped taking the gall bladder pills several months ago and havent had any issues. Fortunately I have not had to be on any blood pressure or diabetic etc meds. My primary doctor does monitor my current prescriptions, but he is fairly difficuly to get in to, as he is only in the office a couple days a week. I know I have come a long way from 383lbs, but I still feel like I am in that body. And I fear that I could decline and gain more. I lack motivation. I love to work out and have endurance- my problem is getting out and doing it. I'd love to have a gym membership, but Im broke haha. I did this to get healthy. Bottom line. I dont care much abouot the excess skin- I definitely dont like it, but the excess skin is a small price to pay in exchange for years of life. :) I have been out of work also for about a year, so that plays a part I think in the weight gain because Im not moving around physically like I usually do at work. (CNA) I am going to college and working on my prerequisites for the nursing program. To the question about when my hunger returned... I feel physically hungry occasionally, but the hunger is in my mind. I know this, but I dont know how to deal with that and to supress and satisfy the urges to munch and overeat. I have not been to any type of post op counceling, I think it would be a good idea. Talk to you all soon! Thank you! Im glad I signed up to this site. :)
Renae You might check and see if there is a gym at the college you attend. The University that I work for only charges $15 a month for non-student membership and $0 for student memberships.
I had thought about that Karenina- but forgot all about it! hahaha! thanks for reminding me. I'll look right now to see if I can find any info. :) :)
Welcome renae

i like others want to encourage you for all the efforts and success you've already accomplished and like someone else mentioned there are usually "grants at schools" and here at our local ymca they offer "grants" to cover gym memberships you've done remarkably well loosing so much weight and keeping it off, you're only human which means we all slip and get off track but the best part is, you realzie that and you're willing to get back on track i know you must feel and look great with your new body, there are lots of undergarments that help hold back excessive skin, this room is full of so many people who've helped me through so many issues and they truly care about there fellow person.
You're working on your degree give yourself credit for all the hard work you're doing to offer yourself a lifetime carreer and you'll be able to encourage others that are facing the same issues. On the day's i feel down i find that if i just start with 10 of walking i feel better knowing i at least made an attempt then add a little more each day and before you know it your body craves that exercise whether it be walking on a treadmill or neighborhood or lifting weights in your house all exercise counts, make some calls ask who offers memeership grants and find a friend whose willing to walk with you even if only 2 or 3 times a week, look at your "old clothes put them on so you can see just how far you've come' and smile and remind yourself "i did this" and i will conqueor this battle no 20 lbs no 2 lbs is gonna ruin my new life i have started for myself, as you see i love to talk and would gladly listen if you need someone to chat with.
I beleive nothing is impossible with god, so we're asking him to send people into your life to help you with these issues and be your partner, and that your pc person understands your ? About med. For you're only trying to make sure your health stays good.
Keep n touch
Renae-There is no need to have a fancy gym membership, if you have a local YMCA you can go there for a fraction of the cost. Check with your medical insurance to see if they will pay for a membership at the Y. A lot of them encourage fitness programs rather than pay for medications, visits to the ER or urget care or for a hospital stay.

As for your weight gain, you can turn this around but you need to start now. Please make sure to come back to the forum to let us know how you are doing :) :) :)
Karenina- big bummer.... my school does NOT offer use of the gym and pool for students. I'd have to take a credit course. boo! Oh well, I'll have to find something else.
Hi, Renae,

Congratulations on gifting yourself with weight loss surgery!

Now, you have identified another issue in your journey and have acknowledged the need to do something about it. Again, I say, Congratulations to you.

What about Pat's suggestion to check with your insurance company? Any success there?

Please check back and let us know how you're doing.