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Hospitalization, Homecoming and a new start

I have to share with you all my recovery room antics, LMAO..... I started waking up and was hell bent on sitting up, which they would not allow me to do at all. I mean to tell you I wanted to sit up and go for a walk as soon as I was aware of my surroundings. I freaked the nurses out a bit, OK a whole lot because I was determined to sit up.. They did everything they could to keep me down. I was not having any part of laying down, LOL. They finally called my husband back to talk to me and keep his hand on my shoulder. All my husband said to me was, "Honey, you need to lay down and rest," which I did at his suggestion, fell asleep and rested comfortably for about an hour at which time I was able to sit up without any wobbling. Apparently ALL of my Dr.' s heard about my recovery room antics, LOL... I was not to aware of most of the goings on until my surgeons nurse walked in giggling and told me the details... LOL.. We all had a great laugh.

Once I got up to my room all I wanted to do was sit on the commode for a few moments because I felt like I needed to tinkle.. Oh, and did I tell you all, I HATE catheters, LOL.

My nurse was awesome, he took my catheter about 3 in the morning with this warning, "If you do not urinate within the next 4 hours we will have to catheterize you again, LOL... I was like really? :)
Needless to say I did not have any issues tinkling at all..

I never thought I'd hear myself say, "Thank god I am finally fluffing" lol. I don't know what was worse for me, the bloated belly and gas pain or the fact I felt like a I had a stuck power burp / toot.
Walking and hot tea is so good to get things moving..
I am officially gas powered and it is a great thing. No pressure and or pain..

Several of the others that I had gone through classes with were coming and going which was nice because we had the opportunity to visit, encourage and help one another out with walking, drinking and just being laid up.

We will see each other again on 12/5 for our follow ups and at our support meetings..

I will say this, walk, walk, walk it makes a huge difference.

BIG thing to remember when drinking.... Sit Straight backed and tall, this helps your fluids go down easily.
My first protein shake was almost way to sweet for me, but I did get it down.
Hot tea before protein helps your belly relax a lot...
Bring a pillow from home, preferably a body pillow to place under your back when your on your side or to use as a support under your belly while laying on your side.
Take some PJ bottoms to wear with your night gowns, you will have lots of people checking your incision site.
Take a moisturizing chapstick, not the old fashioned kind, they are to hard and pull at your lips.
Sounds like you have done well in the hospital. :)

Are you still in the hospital or have you been discharged yet?
Great job recouping and reporting your progress & experience. I am so happy to hear that you were able to lie on your side, I'm a side/belly sleeper. Thanks for the Chapstick update. I bought a small sampler of body butter to moisturize everything. Thanks for the hot tea and sit straight hints too. You're just full of great info. Which brings me to the fluffing are you still or have you stopped. How long were you in the hospital, 3 days? I'm so happy for you. That is such a precious story about you and your great escape attempt and your hubby taming his little StinkerBelle. LOL I guess you were just being yourself, thus the nickname. LOL2
Fluffing is still happening and it is a great thing, LOL.....
My belly is softening up and feels so much better now that I am fluffing glitter, ;).
The fluffing will go on for a while which is normal. Another nice thing about being gassy and fluffing, you know your stomach is working and healing this way too..
I was in for surgery on Tuesday, Wednesday and home late Thursday afternoon.
Oh that was so me getting up and ready to go, LOL...

I was surprised that I was able to get up to 30 ounces by Thursday..
Keep in mind I had the R-N-Y by-pass.
I don't know how it is for sleeve.
I am a side sleeper and the pillows for support are a need to have.
LOL. My stomach is going to be 2-3 oz. larger than yours. One long suture but no re-plumbing so less invasive a little better absorption. You may already know this, but just in case, the sleeve has been in existence for quite awhile but was used as a surgery for high risk patients who couldn't tolerate the RNY. So they had a two step surgery, first the sleeve then after loosing a significant amount of weight and thus becoming healthier the second RNY surgery was performed. After so many patients opted out of the second surgery and Doctors realized that the sleeve alone was accomplishing similar results as the RNY it became a stand alone surgery. Now Medicare and in many States Medicaid recognize the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and approve the surgery. I'm getting the sleeve because I have arthritis and will need NSAIDs to control the pain, the sleeve allows me to use that medicine whereas the RNY will never allow me to so I'd have to use pain meds instead which I don't like at all, I'm allergic to all Opiates like Morphine, codeine, and Vicodin/OxyContin they make me vomit &/or stop breathing. So choosing the Sleeve was a no brainier. I'm just thrilled that they have this alternative, 5 years ago Kaiser didn't so I decided to try to get & keep the weight off myself which I did then didn't. When I found out that I had type 2 Diabetes I decided to get the RNY anyway and started the whole program all over again, but this time with a different insurance co PCIP, and hospital UCDavis Medical Center. Sorry I'm real 'chatty' today.
so glad things are progressing ell. I'm so excited about my surgery which is Dec 11. How long were you in the hospital? Hope you are better and better every day
Sounds like you are doing well. Lol on your great escape. You are giving great advice on your recovery. Hope all continues to go well. Keep us posted.
so glad things are progressing ell. I'm so excited about my surgery which is Dec 11. How long were you in the hospital? Hope you are better and better every day

I went in on the 26 for Surgery and sent home late afternoon on the 28th.. Not bad at all.

I am sure you are getting excited, :)...
Sounds like you are doing well. Lol on your great escape. You are giving great advice on your recovery. Hope all continues to go well. Keep us posted.

I can say I believe having hot tea was a HUGE help in getting my liquids in. Walking, is a definite. You belly will hurt at the incision sites and your will feel like your being stretched a bit when standing up HOWEVER the walking is another key to preventing clots and to getting your liquids in.
No trouble with the sipping? Had you been practicing before hand?

No problems with liquids at all.. I was up to 30 ounces by late Thursday afternoon.
The key for me is to sit straight while sipping. I also start with hot tea to relax my stomach
As of today I am up to 40 ounces from breakfast to dinner time.

I asked my nurses about liquids and why I wasn't having issues. She told me that sleeve patients seem to have the hardest time getting the liquids in. I am guessing it is due to the individual anatomical changes with each surgery.
The sleeve has one way out, vomiting.
By pass can go around or vomit...

I have learned my signals.. :)
Ohhh Goodie! LOL

All I can say is start practicing. If you have a 1 ounce dose cup that comes with the Liquid Benadryl or a 1 ounce shot glass use that to measure out your sips.. Keep a pitcher of water next to you. Try to get 1 ounce down in 2 to 3 sips.

Also keep in mind your new pouch will be swollen and tender so keep it slow, easy and consistent.

The gas pain, from being inflated if your surgery is laparoscopic, will add some resistance as well...

Walking will help relieve the bloat and help with intake..
Thank you. I have some pretty shot glasses of my Grandmas that I thought I'd use for fun. I kinda figured my tummy would tell me what I could or could not do. I've got the sip sip sip....down but I haven't actually timed my sipping. I will today. I'm on my clear liquid pre op diet now. I report to Admissions at 5:30 am this Monday was told surgery is scheduled for 7:30am and I should be in Recovery by 9:30am. Later that afternoon my personal items can be brought into my room, they don't want anything but my CPAP machine which was cleared by Engineering last Wednesday.

You are doing So Well I am inspired. I had not heard you mentioned any problems with liquid consumption so I was just wondering what your secret was...hot tea. Have you resumed your meds and vitamins. Any suggestions there. These are things I am dreaming about (I troubleshoot in my sleep) and would love to get some feed back from you and anyone else reading this.
You are doing So Well I am inspired. I had not heard you mentioned any problems with liquid consumption so I was just wondering what your secret was...hot tea. Have you resumed your meds and vitamins. Any suggestions there. These are things I am dreaming about (I troubleshoot in my sleep) and would love to get some feed back from you and anyone else reading this.
I am on liquid vitamins for 2 weeks post op, I am taking my Norvasc tablet (bought a pill splitter and cut that bugger into 1/4's), for my potassium I make a slurry (20 ml water in a shot glass drop tab in and let it dissolve) and swallow add about 10 ml more water and swallow. I do the same with my Proton pump inhibitor capsule. I am still a tad bit apprehensive about swallowing whole tables and capsules so I do the slurry thing.
I will say this, Take you Proton Pump Inhibitor (the stomach protector such as Pepcid or what ever your dr. puts you on) first and wait about 10 minutes then follow up with the rest of your meds. I do my PPI, Liquid vitamins, potassium and lastly my Norvasc. I then do my protein shake.

It is getting a ritual going that makes it easier. I have told ALL of my family and friends not to call me between 7am and 8 am and then again between 6 and 7 pm because I need that quiet time to take my medications without interruptions and drama. SO the quiet helps a lot. Everyone understands this is temporary until I get my ritual in place and am comfortable with the whole routine.
Thanks for the advice. My Dr has me on Actigall cap 3x day, for Gallbladder protection, Protonix tab 1x day, the PP; both will be taken for 6 months. I also have Loenox subcutaneous injections every 12 hours for 7 days to prevent blood clots. I have powdered vitamins that can be mixed with water or any liquid hot or cold that i found tasty at Costco. I have Via D melties, but I tried biting the capsules and they don't taste bad, B-12 sublingual tastes good, I have to find B-1 thiamine and calcium citrate liquid or chewable, not Viactive for 2weeks, and I'm all set. I'm going shopping today for that stuff.

We'll I've tried the 1oz/10 min about 3 times now and I've failed miserably. I either forget and don't drink cuz I get bored, or I drink and then burp cuz I'm trying not to swallow too much. All I know is now I've got a belly ache, or it could be I'm hungry ;-). And in the past 35 min. swallowed 3oz of Apple juice

I think if I "like" what you say I can save that info to my Profile page for future use. I'm gonna try this so I can find your advice more easily. Ok here it goes. Thanks StinkerBelle. Keep up the great work and post us your progress it's all very helpful and interesting.