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Liquid Diet

Ascooke-Judging from the number of replies so far I think we are all in agreement that there aren't any *LOL* But if I had to pick three I would have to say protein drinks followed by no sugar added hot chocolate then sugar free popsicles.
What are some of the liquids that you post opers found the most satisfying and most filling?

I'm not post-op but I do have a stomach!

Generally speaking, I'd say any of the protein shakes which contain fiber (or to which you add fiber) are more filling and satisfying than those without fiber. One brand which contains some fiber is ChocoRite, offered by our Forum sponsor, americanbariatrics.

Can you be a bit more specific by what you mean by "liquids"? If you own a VitaMix or a Blendtec, nearly any food can be turned into a "liquid."