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Thanks Ryan for letting us know your side effects after the 2nd dose. Yikes, too bad that storm had to come at the same time. I hope you get your power back soon, and yes a generator is a very good idea. We have one and it has come in handy on many occasions!
I took my mom for her vaccine yesterday and we had a very similar experience, minus the cousin lol She has had no side effects (yet?) She got the pfizer vaccine. We go back in 25 days. I will be very happy when she's all done. My mother in law has her 1st dose in March. I'll be happy once they are both done and I can get back to work. I quit my job in December, since they, and my husband, are all high risk and I worked in a casino. After my 3rd covid scare, and due to the sheer number of people we had out with covid I decided I'd wait it out. I know I'm lucky that I was able to make that choice. I do think it's crazy that when our state's covid rates were at their highest and skyrocketing, they choose to keep the casinos open, like it's essential business.
States dont govern casinos they are typically tribal hence why they could stay open.
Thanks Ryan for letting us know your side effects after the 2nd dose. Yikes, too bad that storm had to come at the same time. I hope you get your power back soon, and yes a generator is a very good idea. We have one and it has come in handy on many occasions!
I have taken them both and no major issues. They told me of the possible side effects with the second one and I had a slight headache for a few seconds, I felt hot in my chest for a few minutes but it went away, but that could have been due to me having acid-reflux or just being nervous, but I think the nervousness gets the best of us also, I was very nervous. Thanks
I am getting my first shot of the Moderna vaccine tomorrow. Then I get my second one exactly one month to the hour later. I had decided I wasn't going to get the vaccine because I had a flu vaccine in January or something and I have been completely healthy all winter. I thought, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I usually spend every winter sick with one cold after one respiratory infection after one sinus infection until the Tulips come up. But I have not had any problems this winter. I don't think my flu shot protected me against covid-19, but it sure did protect me from getting sick with something minor which might have led to Covid. So if you are a little Covid-adverse, get a flu shot. At least get a flu shot.
I got my first I got my first covid-19 this morning at 10 am. It was really weird. Nothing Hurt. The needle didn't hurt going in and there was no soreness after the word and I haven't looked under the Band-Aid to see if there's a bruise or anything but it was completely totally painless. I went and sat in my car thinking I would need to rest up before driving but I was just as perky as could be. I don't know why I didn't have any kind of reaction to it at all. So I'm sure that's going to be true for some other people.
States dont govern casinos they are typically tribal hence why they could stay open.
I don't/didn't work at a tribal casino and it was absolutely determined by the state when we closed (March - June) and when we reopened and stayed open. I am on a border town. Illinois closed their casinos. Indiana chose to stay open.
I got my first I got my first covid-19 this morning at 10 am. It was really weird. Nothing Hurt. The needle didn't hurt going in and there was no soreness after the word and I haven't looked under the Band-Aid to see if there's a bruise or anything but it was completely totally painless. I went and sat in my car thinking I would need to rest up before driving but I was just as perky as could be. I don't know why I didn't have any kind of reaction to it at all. So I'm sure that's going to be true for some other people.
P.s.: my sister tells me the horror happens after the 2nd shot! I'll keep you posted.
P.s.: my sister tells me the horror happens after the 2nd shot! I'll keep you posted.
It's not a total given but it can happen. I've heard several people said no issues but some do. I wonder if that is the difference of the Pfizer and the Moderna or each individuals body's resistance. However, remember that when you do get a reaction like that it is actually a good sign that your immune system is kicking in.
So sorry this definitely sounds like a continuation of 2020.

Check messages I have a question for you?
You have "direct knowledge?" Do you work in the medical field where you observed 480 doses?
I work in public safety and meet with first responders and county physicians every other week who report on the vaccine status of about 1000 first responders, and I have talked with the vaccine administrators from the first responder agencies who are delivering the vaccines and monitoring the vaccines of the first responders. So, no, Diane, I did not sit down next to anyone and observe anyone's reaction. I didn't say direct observation, but my knowledge is not 3rd or 4th hand. I have information directly from vaccine administrators and the chief officers who are tracking how their people react to the vaccines, how many call in sick after getting the vaccine, now after over 1000 doses we have a good idea of how things go down. It's not hearsay.
I got my first I got my first covid-19 this morning at 10 am. It was really weird. Nothing Hurt. The needle didn't hurt going in and there was no soreness after the word and I haven't looked under the Band-Aid to see if there's a bruise or anything but it was completely totally painless. I went and sat in my car thinking I would need to rest up before driving but I was just as perky as could be. I don't know why I didn't have any kind of reaction to it at all. So I'm sure that's going to be true for some other people.
Yes! I always get flu shot in October each year! I am a mandatory employee so I have to get the flu shot but decided to get the Pfizer vaccine because I come in contact with so many soldier’s and civilians. I am everything works out ok with you!
I've decided to hang back, to see how more people react. The last week of reactions have given me pause.
I understand your concern but we did just fine. Thousands of healthcare workers, civilians and soldiers have taken it here, no issues. If people have underlined medical conditions they may experience slight side effects, as for me l had a very slight burning in my chest for about 3 minutes after the second dose, but it’s was probably due to me having acid reflux, and it may have agitated it or it could have been because I was nervous? Good luck with whatever choice you make.
First vaccine down, didn't feel a thing, no reaction...we'll see if a sore arm develops. Second vaccine in 28 days.
The soreness is just like any shot you get in your arms. My arm was a bit more sore than with the first one but it’s not irritating I just picked up my hand weights and gave muscles a workout. Problem was solved. I am glad you did ok, wishing the same when you take the next one.
I completed dose 2 yesterday. Less stiff and painful this round but same nasty headache that I finally not got under control. I'm freezing and slept half the day as I am completely exhausted. Walking down stairs and then back up and showering this morning zapped any energy I had.
I completed dose 2 yesterday. Less stiff and painful this round but same nasty headache that I finally not got under control. I'm freezing and slept half the day as I am completely exhausted. Walking down stairs and then back up and showering this morning zapped any energy I had.
I am so sorry and I hope you feel better soon. It should take about 48 hours. I did have a slight headache and sore muscles around the neck area. You mention low energy I now look back at me having that same feeling when I took 3 flights of stairs that I usually had no problem with and I had done the stairs every day! But it don’t affect me now. Please keep us informed over the new few days. Rest assured that if you did not have any issues in the first 30 minutes you probably will be fine. Thanks for sharing.