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January challenge

January 7th

Grams of Protein:
Ounces of Water:
Daily Steps:
Mindful Eating Choices:
Self-Care Decisions: Went back to bed after waking up in the middle of the night. Which seems to be the norm lately, but I usually just stay up and suffer. 4-5 hours a night doesn't cut it for me. I really need 7-8 to function without brain fog.
Day 8
: 80 grams
Water: 52 oz-Water main break down the street and boil order made easy drinking a little more difficult. I don’t keep bottled water in the house, but I use this to track water only. I did have a protein water on top of the plain water, so I’m not worried about being dehydrated.
Mindful eating: meh, kind of
Purposeful movement: I was really trying to take it easy today, but my neighbor was getting rid of some dressers because he’s moving, and 2 of my kids wanted them, so there was a lot of heavy lifting and stairs happening.
We had to cancel Christmas due to a covid exposure, so we celebrated yesterday with the whole family. I've done no tracking for the past 2 days, and probably won't be tracking today either. It's like another week of holiday, which is not ideal for my focus on healthy behaviors but is great for my mental health!!
We had to cancel Christmas due to a covid exposure, so we celebrated yesterday with the whole family. I've done no tracking for the past 2 days, and probably won't be tracking today either. It's like another week of holiday, which is not ideal for my focus on healthy behaviors but is great for my mental health!!
I'm right there with you Missy. It was my granddaughter's birthday weekend and that threw me off as I celebrated with her and didn't track. I am too easily sidetracked. :rolleyes: But today I am back to tracking.