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Caffeine Withdrawls


Hi everyone! I have been having awful headaches and migraines over the course of the past week. I am under some stress at home, but also have stopped drinking caffeine. Is there anything I can do at home to keep my headaches under control?

I can't think, or concentrate on my school work, and I am suffering from chronic fatigue and I can't seem to do anything. Any ideas??? I really need to get a grip on things since surgery is in 2 weeks!:confused:
Nana-The best way to approach stopping the use of caffeine is to do it gradually. Make yourself a beverage with caffeine and drink it. Your headache should go away, if it doesn't then have a LITTLE bit more until the headache stops. Make note of how much it took to stop the headache. Have a smaller amount the next day and so forth until you can stop without having withdrawl headaches. Just start off with enough to make your headache go away and nothing more. You should be able to cut out the caffeine in 2 weeks without any problem if you do it this way.

You will probably have to wait 3 months after surgery before you can have caffeine again. I was allowed to drink decaf and once the three months was up and I had regular coffee it tasted funny to me and now I hardly drink any regular coffee.
Well I had done that to begin with. I was drinking several cups of coffee every morning with my hubby and sodas frequently, I am still drinking some soda but its caffeine free, and I had cut my coffee down to 1 cup each morning. I drink lots of tea, but it too is decaf, because my pcp wanted me to lay off the caffeine. We don't have any caffeine at home except coffee or my husband's tea which I cannot drink due to the sugar content.

I was also told that maybe some of it could be due to my fibromyalgia, and people tend to get what they call brain fog. I also need an adjustment from my chiropractor but will have to wait till I can get a ride that way.

Thanks for the advice Pat.
Well I'm glad you figured out what is causing your headaches. You are probably aware of this already but after you have surgery you need to quit caffeine and soda. Both will cause problems for you if you continue to have them.
Soda is a big NoNo, but luckily coffee is just for a limited time, I cant remember I think it was 3 months. since you still have time you should just slowly stop the cafien, that swhat I did and no headaches. :cool: Tom
Thanks Tom. Yes, I know that coffee and soda are out after surgery, that is why I was trying to stop them now. My husband was trying to be sweet when we went to Wal-mart he saw a great deal on flavored waters and he asked me to come and pick out a flavor, but I told him that the water he was looking at was all carbonated so that was out of the question. It was a really sweet thought though
Hi NanaG67, I am one week post op and I had migraine type headaches from caffeine withdrawals. I did not stop my caffeine before surgery although I did cut down. I suffered more from the headaches than I did from the surgery. Now that I'm off caffeine I hope to stay that way. I don't advise anyone to wait until surgery to stop caffeine so just keep trying. Good luck to you:)
I know everyone is different, but after surgery while still in the hospital I was having terrible headaches. My Dr. stopped in and he said drink some coffee! I did and felt so much better. I have continued to drink 2 cups a day and it has not bothered me. Good luck.
It is different for the band and and I think the sleeve but I am not sure on that one. I slowly cut down on coffee so I never did get the headaches. :cool: Tom
I was told to cut out the soda due to the carbonation but I was never told to stop drinking coffee. I get headaches all the time and since I can't take anything but Tylenol, and that does nothing for the headaches I continue to drink coffee, about 2 large cups a day. Why were you told not to drink coffee?
Ekolpack-I was also told to stop the coffee as well as all other sources of caffeine.Caffeine can be very irritating to the lining of your pouch and also slow down the healing process. I was told to stop for at least 3 months but could have decaf during that time period. I'm surprised that this information was not provided to you either in person from your surgeon or nutritionist or at the very least conveyed in the written material that explained the post surgical meal plans and nutritional information.
The no coffee thing is just for the first 3 months while you heal up. I am back up to a pot a day, but when I first started back to coffe when I could, I would have 2 cups and be caffiened out:rolleyes: I love my coffee so I had to slowly stop the last month before surgery so I didn't get the headaches. :cool: Tom
I buy the walmart brand headache pills for miagraines they have caffeinine in them , I think they would be impossible to swallow once the surgery they would have to be crushed alot, but when I try to go without a cup of coffee I get those headaches now, I have cut back on how much coffee I drink but I know I must stop it compeletly, I love water so I have a 52 oz cup of ice water with me at all times.I also think the fibromyalgia causes headaches and brain fog too and stress, with the up comming surgery your mind is having alot of stuff to think about, still waiting to hear from my surgeon . I am gving them til fri, that will be 7 weeks since seeing surgeon , I really thought I 'd have my date by now. oh well I will keep you posted, I know you must be getting excited for you are so close. how's your diet plan been working for you? I got off kilter and trying to re-boost myself into serious gear for some pounds must come off before surgery.
hope you have a good day and things are going well for you.
Hi Donna, NanaG went in for surgery on Monday, we haven't heard back from her yet so she may not have taken here computer with her or is just to sore and tired to look at it, I took mine with me and it stayed in it's case until the morning I went home and I was board waiting for my daughter to come get me so I checked my email LOL. 7 weeks is a long time, I can't beleive you have to wait so long, just give them a call today, what the heck it can't hurt and at least you can let them know you are patiently waiting for a date. :cool: Tom

Thank you for the answer to my question. I didn't go back to drinking coffee for several months after my surgery. Just couldn't handle it but I suffered such bad headaches that my doctor encouraged me to have a cup or two in the morning when I finally could. That is the biggest problem I have since surgery, dealing with pain and not being able to take the meds I normally took. But you just take it a day at a time and just keep moving. Have a great day everyone.
hi friends
I haven't had my surgery yet but trying to wean myself from caffiene I take walmart brand pills for miagraine s yes they have caffiene in them they are little big, hope can crush them after surgery for they stop the intense headaches, i wonder are we allowed green citrus diet tea???? taste great and so refreshing but someone said green tea is a diruertic anyone know if it's allowed?
Donna-Green tea is allowed after surgery providing it is CAFFEINE FREE. No caffeine allowed until at least 3 months after surgery. Since caffeine occurs naturally in tea it will not be listed as an ingredient on the label. Look for the words caffeine free on the carton. Just a word of caution about the migraine pills you are using, after surgery you can not ever again use any medication that contains aspirin, ibuprophen, etc. because you will get ulcers in very short order. The only OTC pain killer you will ever be able to use is Tylenol or a generic equivalent. You will also need to let every doctor you visit and every pharmacy you use for the rest of your life that you have had bariatric surgery so that they can note you can not have any meds containing aspirin, ibuprophen, etc. in any way, shape or form.
ekolpack - I was told to cut out caffeine & even decaf since it really it's completely w/o caffeine as it is a duiretic and those fluids don't count as what you really need to be taking in presurg & hinder what you do get down.

I read somewhere that afterwards, not sure if it was immeidately or perhaps a few weeks that you can add coffee/tea back in but limit it to 1-2 cups per day.
i didnt stop coffee until surgery and the morphine took care of that headach but i was off that 24 hours total so i had them come give me shots for headach .. i went home with tramadol its a pain med non narcotic and didnt work too well for pain but .. try taking tylenol for the pain and sleep if it gets too bad... good luck im 10 weeks out and started drinking cofee again some people get dehydrated i think thats what they told me or not hungry but i dont get hungry anyways so idk .. everyone is different i never really drank any soda so it was easy for me to quit that ..
good luck hoe this helps in some way