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deer in PA, WV, & 1 other state have tested positive for Covid. Who's gonna monitor all of that deer meat for Covid?
Sounds like poison on a popsicle to me! I despise venison (mom & dad got deer and moose every winter--gag me with an antler!) But moose meat is like beef.

I was just arguing with a neighbor who downplayed the contagiousness of COVID. This is PLAGUE and to say it can only be spread by close contact is folly.

If we dont contain it, we'll see death like The Revelation never imagined in all of John's fevered vision.

This is NOT flu. This is DEATH. Vaccinated people are the largest populations of spreaders. Dont believe me. Check out the CDC.

In the meantime I'm double-masked behind a welders helmet. It's not so much I want to live. I just don't want to die the excruciating death full-blown COVID brings.
Diane, you had me laughing at "gag with with an antler"!!! Of course the rest of the topic is serious, but just had to say I love your humor!!

I just don't understand why people don't get how serious this is. Maybe they should spend a day watching people die in the ICU without any loved ones at their side? I guess you can't fix stupid.
Yes, we have some chronic wasting in deer in a few counties on the other side of the state. But now DNR officials are trying to figure out how Covid is jumping from humans to the deer. I also wonder how they convice those deer to let someone stick the swab up their noses. o_O
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Almost 5 months since my 2nd dose. What's your excuse for not getting vaccinated? If the CDC recommends a booster, I'll be first in line, to protect me, to protect you, to SAVE THE WORLD.

Use your power for good. Or you will be committing evil on babies, seniors, your loved ones, your government, the clerk in the checkout line, little kids at school... you'll kill them all.

COVID is more powerful than a nuclear bomb. GET VACCINATED.
I am in a study at work and they are checking our antibody levels against the vaccine as well as if we have encountered the virus (different antibody). My first does of Pfizer was in December and last in January. The antibodies have been declining since about March, it is eye opening and I totally need a booster. Now it seems like the natural immunity is more durable. With all the breakthrough infections we are seeing in the vaccinated, I "think" we are all gonna get it, hopefully mild if vaccinated. I am due for my next test now, fingers crossed I have not lost any more antibodies. Out of 5 spike protein antibodies I am down to one positive, two borderline and two negative. They were all positive for a couple of months, that's all.

You won't be hospitalized you have some level of protection.

I have worked every day since this #%$ started so I had to get over coming to the public building with sick people all over the place. The hospital has published some numbers that 90% in ICUs are unvaccinated and 93% on vents are unvaccinated. Chance are pretty good we will be ok if we cross the delta or lamda or zeta whichever virus is next in line.

Agree with Missy, get outdoors, you love it and and don't deny yourself, maybe pick up some N95s. I have the Home Depot kind at home but nowadays they are available all over of course they are not "fit tested" so the protection is not the same if it were a properly fitted N95. In the old days they used to put the mask on you and put a cinnamon smelly bottle under you nose, if you didn't smell it you were fitted properly. Now they do it with actual machines reading what is inside your mask from little sampling tubules. I am not sold on the face shield, now they are admitting the plexiglass stuff just made plexiglass sellers RICH and they didn't really work, the air just goes around them. Duh!

I just refuse to live in fear of it, but I want a booster too! They have already started the immunocompromised, hoping the seniors will be next.
I can mail you the N95s I have if it would be helpful to you, I am not using them.
My daughter in-law who is immunocompromised already got her booster. I will be due for mine in December unless they advise earlier. I had been using the KN95s but since I was vaccinated I switched over to the regular masks but our positivity rate here is not bad. May switch back to KN95s again if that changes. Or sometimes I just double up on a regular mask with a cloth one on top of the disposable.
I am totally grossed out without Covid. Everyone coughing and sneezing all over the place with or without Covid. So germy and nasty.

I work in a contaminated setting so we glove/gown and now mask. The gloves are germ spreaders. They stopped allowing people to enter the Medical Center wearing them. In our work area we have places that are "dirty" gloves allowed and "clean" no gloves to bring contamination. I feel fear when I see the general public wearing them, are they handwashing properly when the gloves are removed? Do they touch everything with those gloves, did they go potty with them? I have seen old ladies (I am one too) that are using Purell on their gloves, that only breaks down the glove material and opens them up to let who knows what in. They tried to force the face masks on us, but it didn't fly, not much compliance.

Sorry for the rant, I am over stimulated.
BTW have you all read the latest about the cloth masks. Basically they allow SPEWING of respiratory particles, they are big SPEWERS. Can you imagine that you think you are ok talking to someone, thinking you are ok, but really they are spraying you with particles from their mouth and nose?

It doesn't seem like the mitigation steps are working, look where we are now. Plus we only do what is in vogue (mask kids, let migrants travel maskless and contaminated) so how effective is that sometimes we do sometimes we don't.

I am so over this stuff. I do stay at the house a lot, little concerned about large crowds although I just think it might give you a nice big dose of natural immunity. I always hated crowds anyway, it's too gross.
I just can't wait to get my flu shot, hopefully next month, and my Covid booster, hopefully in October, 6 months after my 2nd vaccine. I have several boxes of paper masks, no gloves, and I want this whole nightmare to end. Wishful thinking.

Our governor still won't bring back the mask mandate while the number of new cases, hospitalizations & people on vents, and death rates keep climbing in our state. And many county school boards are caving in to parental pressures not to require masks, esp for the unvaccinated elementary students. It's so scary!
I don't quite understand what natural immunity is in regards to Covid. Because it is a completely new virus that no one had ever encountered before the end of 2019 or the beginning of 2020, how could anyone have any kind of immunity to it, other than the vaccine, or possibly 2-3 months of antibodies after contracting it (which would mean not having immunity prior to getting Covid)? I'm not trying to be rude. I am just trying to understand "natural immunity" please.

I also don't quite see how the incredible spread of the delta virus in all 50 states has been impacted by immigrants. We don't share a border with another country, including Canada or Mexico, yet our rates are skyrocketing. Thanks for any insight, please.
BTW have you all read the latest about the cloth masks. Basically they allow SPEWING of respiratory particles, they are big SPEWERS. Can you imagine that you think you are ok talking to someone, thinking you are ok, but really they are spraying you with particles from their mouth and nose?

It doesn't seem like the mitigation steps are working, look where we are now. Plus we only do what is in vogue (mask kids, let migrants travel maskless and contaminated) so how effective is that sometimes we do sometimes we don't.

I am so over this stuff. I do stay at the house a lot, little concerned about large crowds although I just think it might give you a nice big dose of natural immunity. I always hated crowds anyway, it's too gross.
The cloth masks can't be that bad. I have worked the last year and a half in facemasks- sometimes up to 12 hours a day and I have not been sick with anything. I usually hVe a pretty healthy system due to be constantly exposed to peoples sick kids but still. When I went back to work after my last child (off for 3 months) I was sicker than a dog for several months as I lost all of my immunity.
So this is my 2 cents worth on the Covid vaccine and masks. Do you ever want to sit down and cry over Covid? I just can't understand some people and wish they would stop making this pandemic so darn political. This is a pandemic, meaning it is just not here in the United States, but all over the world, so how can it be political? Why is it so hard for people to wake up, stop listening to your political party and start paying attention to the medical professionals? They are telling people worldwide to get vaccinated, not just the US. What about Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Rubella, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Chickenpox? Do you see this much controversy over these vaccinations? No, you don't. Why? Because you are trusting the medial professionals. How about chemo treatments? The protocol for treatment is not the same for any one individual. It changes with the person and type of cancer but no one refuses to take the treatment. I have heard more stupid things come out of people's mouths who are against the Covid vaccine including friends and relatives. No, the vaccine does not guarantee that you will not get Covid or spread it to someone else. What it does is slow down the spread of the disease and control the severity if you get it and protect those around you. It has nothing, whatsoever, to do about your rights. What about seatbelts, DUIs, narcotics? And lets not forget no shirt, no shoes, no service; no smoking in public places; seatbelts. I don't see anyone fighting over these like they are doing with this vaccine. I am 63, I got the shot because I do not want to die if I get Covid. I work directly in the funeral business. The deaths in our area from September 2020 to the Spring of 2021, quadrupled from the year before. And yes, it was due to covid that these people died and being in the funeral business we are made aware of this. Since the delta variant started we are seeing deaths once again on the rise and yes I do blame it on the unvaccinated, sorry.

Now, let's move on to the mask. I personally think the mask issue is one of the most stupid of arguments going on right now and the adults are the ones making such a big deal out of it. Shame on them. I am completely for making this a requirement, not mandatory, but a requirement. If a business is requiring you to wear a mask and you don't like it, it's simple don't go in. If public transportation is requiring wearing a mask and you don't like it, don't travel. If your school makes it a requirement for your children to wear masks and you don't like it, keep your kids home and homeschool them. Don't jeopardize the health and wellbeing of the rest of the school because of what you think is right. It's not up to you. It is up to the administration. If they are requiring masks, get over it and have your kid put one on, it's that simple.

With schools starting I have seen more news articles about parents standing outside their kid's school protesting because the school is requiring masks. Guess what, in my opinion, you look like a bunch of fools especially the ones that actually hide behind the sign they are holding so no one knows who they are. Tell me what is this teaching your kids? The next thing you know your going to have kids refusing to listen to teachers and administrators, take tests and follow rules, just because you, the adults and parents, are the ones drilling it into their heads that they have rights to choose not to do these things because they see you out there, holding up signs protesting the school's mask requirement. How are you going to handle the situation if one of your kids get's suspended because they just didn't think they should have to take a required test. Stand by the school or your kid. I don't get it. If a mask in required just put one on. Please!

OK, I am done venting now. Sorry if I offended anyone this is just how I feel.
Great rant! Keep it up. You articulated what so many of us think and feel.

It's a no-brainer, which is the scariest thing--knowing we live among so many idiots. This is NOT an issue of personal freedom. This is a worldwide call to mercy and vigilance. To imagine an unvaccinated person might be responsible for the death of a child, or anyone, is a devastating revelation of our self-absorbed society.

If anyone reading this is unvaccinated, please have mercy, and have the shot, because you want to be part of a loving, hopeful world, even if that requires sacrifice.
I do personally beleive in choice. I do not beleive in forced vaccination but companies also get choice especially in "work at will states." I do get frustrated when people have a problem with masks in school, largely because so many people send kids in sick on purpose. I think it also bugs me because kids count on parents to make choices in their best interests and right now a lot of that isn't happening and they don't get a choice or say.
My brother, his wife, and their granddaughter who lives with them all have COVID. They were unvaxinated.

The sad part is, my wife is the Director of Nursing at a hospital (albeit a small rural one, but she is an RN), and I remember her saying that COVID was just a "sniffle" and the people dying was over-blown. My brother said, "It's no worse than the flu" It's overblown. They chose not to get the vaccine (and endanger their granddaughter in the process because she isn't old enough to get it yet).

My brother is going on 3 weeks of illness, shortness of breath, and fever. The other two are still sick, but not quite as bad. Just a "sniffle" indeed.

I really don't get the reasoning to not get the vaccine unless there is a very solid, medical reason not to, there really just is no excuse. It's selfish, because it's not just about one person, it's about everyone we come in contact with. My little 84-year-old mother with 3 autoimmune diseases, one that is extremely rare, still got the vaccine on the advice of all her doctors. She's doing great, but obviously could still get COVID as a breakthrough case, but she's in a much better position to defend herself against it than without the vaccine. There are just very few reasons to not do it.

I love my brother, but perhaps now he understands. However, I fully expect my sister-in-law to have some sort of "explanation" and minimize it all. She's not one to admit she is ever wrong. I'm grateful that their granddaughter seems to be the least affected.

Sorry for the rant, and if anyone here hasn't gotten the vaccine, I hope you reconsider.
My niece is a Traveling RN and she said that some southern states are inundated with covid and the death rate is horrendous. Staff are exhausted and are quitting. She came home this weekend to plan her dads funeral and she was telling us about the strain of virus that's going around now attacking children. She had tears in her eyes as she told of a couple of children who died as she rocked them and sang to them. The parents weren't allowed in the Intensive Care. She mainly relieves nurses in the larger hospitals which is equipped to handle covid patients. She said every day she goes in to work hoping patients made it through the night . If anyone here hasn't gotten the shots Please Please get them.