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I'm finally home from hosptial


Well, I'm back home and thankful for that. Monday was a long day. We got there early, had to sign some papers, have labs done and then they sent us to a pre-op holding area. Then we found out that the surgeons were running behind schedule. So, instead of a 3pm surgery, I didn't get it done until 6pm. They had to keep me an extra day because I had bleeding at one of the incision sites and my blood pressure was elevated. I did lots of walking and breathing and they finally cleared me to go home.

Some of my things my flex card wouldn't pay for, the wonderful nutritionist gave me a whole bunch of samples and I was very happy with that. Other than a severe cotton mouth and several bruises where they couldn't draw blood.

I am now in bed resting will post some more tomorrow
Welcome home! Sorry to hear they were running late. That is always a bummer. You came home quickly. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Joy
Hi Nana, Glad to hear everything went well with you:D, I rember that darnd breathing thing I think it is called a spirometer or something like that, I didn't care for it but I did like doing laps in the hallways :p Don't forget to sip lots of water and walk often when your not resting, it helps the healing. Take naps too. :cool: Tom
Glad you are back home and safe. Don't forget to walk as often as you can, drink as much water as you can stand, and don't be shy about using the pain medication. I'm wishing you a fast and pain-free (as much as possible) recovery, NanaG67!
Welcome home Nana. Rest as much as possible and don't worry about what's going on around you. Everything can wait.
Thanks everyone. I am told no more Metformin, I still have to take blood pressure pills, and lovonox (sp??) shots, and I am omeprezole and still taking the fluexotine. The pain medicine is gross, I hate drinking it. I found that I love the Isopure grape drinks, just didn't have extra money to purchase them yesterday.

I also find that I can tolerate ice chips, but not necessarily drinking something ice cold as I can feel it burning. So its a guessing game at this point. They were giving me coffee and tea in the hospital, though I didn't drink the coffee, the tea tasted so good. They gave me a stack of medicine cups to get used to sipping. And I did like my walks around the halls. I would stop and talk to other bariatric patients that would be walking around too.

I am not a back sleeper, but am finding that for the time being I have to sleep on my back, as it hurts too much to try and lay on my side.
Hi NanaG, It's good to hear you are of the dibetes medication I bet that is a relief. Keep a close eye on your blood prssure, it took about a week and mine started to drop ino the low 100's to upper 90's over some even smaller number and I was getting dizzy every time I stood up or bent over, I know there were some other signs that were out of the normal for me but those were the ones that grabbed my attention. I rember having to sleep on my back too, I never felt comfortable sleeping like that but after a couple of weeks I got used to it, I can't believe they gave you coffee, as soon as I was cleared I had my coffee maker on and brew. Get plenty of rest. :cool: Tom
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I'm with you on the coffee thing Tom. I had the date marked on my cell phone calendar and set everything up for the coffee the night before so all I had to do was open my mouth and pour it in *LOL*

I had the Lovenox shots too Nana, 10 days I think. Thank goodness for prescription insurance!!! It still took a big bite out of my yearly med allowance on Medicare and I'll end up paying 100% for all my meds the last 2 months of this year :( Did they tell you to still monitor your blood sugar? I had a couple of spikes during the 5th and 6th weeks but nothing too serious. It happened when my appetite came back and I ate a few too many crackers.

It sounds like you are happy to be home and it's probably a treat to sleep in your own bed. Get plenty of sleep, nap when you feel like it and sip, sip, sip those fluids :)
Pat, I am keeping my eye on my blood sugar, It was 104 this morning. Tom, am watching my blood pressure it was 126/77 this morning.

I'm not very thirsty, but keeping an eye on my fluid intake, and urine output, it is barely yellow, so I know I'm not dehydrated, I keep water and ice chips near my bed. I am currently having some broth. I do find that drinking room temperature or warm things it is easier on my stomach then when I drink cold stuff. My granddaughter brought me a Popsicle earlier but I could only eat part of it, so back in the freezer it went for later.

Donna, it sounds like maybe the insurance and the surgeon's office aren't speaking to each other. I wish I could help you get some news. And 5 lbs is a great start...you didn't gain it overnight, so you aren't going to lose it overnight. Keep you chin up I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You'll get there.
Well hi everyone! Still not very hungry or thirsty but I am drinking fluids, taking my meds and doing what I am supposed to do. I am not dehydrated so I know I am doing ok. Blood sugar has been ok, blood pressure was a little elevated and I took my meds. I am experiencing some pain, but I know that it's all related to gas, taking GasX strips.
Hey Nana, glad to have you back. It's an adventure for all of us; I doubt 2 ever go the same way. I know it's hard to sleep on your back, I've found that surrounding myself w/pillows helped & sometimes I simply slept in the recliner or on the couch. You may feel a little bloated from the surgery, it's unpleasant but passes. Like everyone else, keep the fluids going & sleep as much as you need to - you deserve it. Get all the protein you reasonably can to assist w/the healing & keep an eye on that incision but it should be fine.

The last one to heal on me is the big one they used for the stapler but then again I had the surgery for the hiatal hernia at the same time, too.

I find walking in the am best before it gets too hot & it aids with everything running smoothly through the balance of the body.

You will soon be off more meds - celebrate! Best wishes for the best of possible healing outcomes, positive vibes & prayers. We're always excited to hear from you.
hi robergnm
how are you? wow you lost 35 pounds this month since surgery? geez I can't wait to have mine and be able to report such a quick loss. are you still on liquid diet or at next stage?
how many days did it take til you felt comfortable walking ?
why do they make you sleep on your back? and for how long?
last surgery I had 18 months ago on my stomach the hospital gave me a huge triagular shaped pillow and let me lay on my side with it to support me and then they would come and remove it when I needed to shift sides or lay flat, I was able to bring it home with me, it was very helpful. did you get one?
Big Tall Sis,

The surg asked me to lose 10-15 lbs pre surg, I lost 17.4 before the surg. I was sort of fast-tracked to my surg, meaning I didn't have to go through the 6 months of dieting in advance, etc. since the primary reason for the surgery was the repair of a large, hiatal hernia. The roux-en-y is the surgeon's suggestion to give me the best chance to keep the hiatal hernia repaired and to lose the weight & give me the tool to do my best to keep if off forever.

I was shocked to hear of the roux-en-y suggestion but really thought it out; I'd been looking into the surgery for probably 16 yrs already but was petrified to have my guts rerouted. I thought I'd be okay after the surgery but I was really depressed & went through a rough initial 3 weeks.

The scope of the abdominal surgeries was the reason I was initially unable to lay on one side for awhile. I have a large incision on the right side just under my right breast that is the last to heal. I thought it was pretty good sized and was told by the surg that it was the largest of the 6 because that's the one used for the stapler.

So not only do I have an angry, new little stomach & food issues but the diaphragm is healing as well. Belly surgeries are hard; I had a 26 lb ovarian tumor removed Dec 2010 along w/a large dermoid cyst on the other ovary & appendix removed all in the same surgery. Yes, I was gutted vertically from above the pubis area to below the breasts - about 14 inches in length. I hope to God I never had a 3rd belly surg; I know have 10 incisions since I had my gall bladder removed in Mar 2003, too.

I felt comfortable walking straight away but since I initially took the oxycondone at home it wasn't safe to let me go by myself. I had some complications & stopped taking the oxy b/c of the way it made me feel itchy & super depressed & stopped taking meds altogether after I checked out of the hospital again the following week.

I feel fine to walk by myself, just make sure you haver shoes that your toes don't catch things on & be careful & watch where you're going - sounds silly but it's true. 2 weeks ago a neighbor came over for a walk w/me & I was coming down 3 stairs off the deck out the back door & my feet got tangled up & I feel from the second last step to concrete pavement below. To make things a little more interesting I also dislocated my right shoulder 05/15/12 and am presently getting PT for the shoulder, too.

If you're going to be home - well, get it all handled I guess??!!
Nana, you sound good & everything you've said makes complete sense. I sort of didn't really feel like doing anything initially except sleep. Wasn't thirsty or hungry initally either. It's sort of weird to relearn truly being hungry & feeling true hunger again. What was fascinating was how it was literally almost 20 mins after I ate that I felt really, really full. Just like we hear, it takes 20 minutes for your brain to know you're full.

Hopefully we can continue to work with this tool and not go back to our former ways.

May God continue to bless you with progress, good health & spirit. Know that we're all here rooting for you!
I am drinking what I can, protein drinks are going down ok, with no taste issues ;) The only problem I am facing right now is soreness in the back of my mouth, just behind where my upper dentures sit, and it feels very irritated and raw and nothing is easing it except popsicles. I am wondering if this could be from my medications that are horrible when I take them; considering they either have to be crushed, opened up or in liquid form...I am going to discuss this with my doctor on Tuesday when I get the stitches out.

have any of you had this issue??
I had a sore throat and horseness for about 10 days but it was from the breathing tube used during surgery and popsicles helped me too. But I think you are talking about something different. Is the tissue actually raw looking or does it just feel raw? Have you been drinking hot fluids that could have caused a burn back there?