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Recent content by Jamie-Sue30

  1. J

    Why did I do this?

    I'm not hungry at all, it is just head hunger. I see certain foods and almost feel bummed out because I won't be able to eat them again. Like, what did I do to myself? I know that I made the right choice though, you know? I got the PICC line but I am going to refuse the TPN, I just don't...
  2. J

    Why did I do this?

    Thank you everyone! I feel a lot better this morning. My doctor put a PICC line in but I feel like it was a little too quick to do so. She wants me to do TPN everynight. I haven't been able to tolerating my carnation instant breakfast shakes but this morning I drank a whole one and I have had a...
  3. J

    Why did I do this?

    I am 5 days post op and I wish I never did this. I am so miserable and uncomfortable it is unreal. I want to rewind and just say no to this. I want to be home with my kids playing with them and enjoying life, instead I'm sitting in a hospital bed suffering. I hate everything right now. Why did...
  4. J

    4 days post op

    Well I had my surgery on Wednesday the 24th. The surgery went off without a hitch, surgeons both said it was a beautiful surgery and was actually pretty easy. I woke up with a lot more pain then I was expecting. I stayed in the hospital until yesterday because my HgB and HcT were declining...
  5. J

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Great job on the weight loss! I couldn't imagine doing a liquid diet for two weeks. It probably is good though because it gets you ready. I am starving today because I can't have full liquids, just clears!
  6. J

    Tomorrow is the day!

    I called my surgeons office to make sure there was no bowel prep! Just clear liquids today and thats it. So nervous! How are you feeling?!
  7. J

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Surgery is tomorrow morning at 7:30am! I am freaking out and starving. All clear liquids today. Should there not be a bowel prep or anything? I ate up until yesterday. So nervous!
  8. J

    I'm a noob, 3 days after surgery.

    Hi! First, congrats on your weight loss and getting through the surgery! It is very common to be heavier when you come home from the hospital. This is due to fluid within your body. Eventually, this weight will go away and you will see the pounds start melting away. When my dad had it, he...
  9. J

    Hospital Stay

    Wednesday October 24th :)
  10. J

    Kind of freaking out

    Sandie -good for you! My dad had his at 60 years old and has never been better or regretted it. I am having surgery on Wednesday. I really didn't start freaking out until I got my date either. My sister is going to be by my side the whole time and my mom will be with me when I get home. I know...
  11. J

    ChocoRite & ChocoLite Protein Shakes & Bars

    I just bought the protein shakes. Banana, Chocolate, and peanut butter. I will let you know what I think when I get them! :)
  12. J

    Kind of freaking out

    Thanks everyone! Sometimes just being able to get out my fears is helpful. I am afraid of dying. I am so young and my kids are so young, but I'm assuming that this is a natural fear to have? Sandie, I am having the RNY. I actually work for the hospital and surgeons where I am having my surgery...
  13. J

    Hospital Stay

    Pat, I know the #1 complaint of my bariatric patient's is gas pain or nausea so we usually give Simethicone. A PCA is the pain button the a patient hits that has either Morphine, Dilaudid, or Fentanyl in it, I'm not sure if all hospitals do it or not. I think the thing I fear the most is nausea...
  14. J

    Hospital Stay

    How long did you all stay in the hospital for post roux en y? Did anyone use simethicone for gas pain? Did it help? Did anyone use a PCA? Any nausea? Some of my fears I guess. Thanks guys! ;)
  15. J

    Kind of freaking out

    Surgery is on Wednesday and I am starting to freak out. Am I doing the right thing? Am I going to be depressed after? Will I miss food? Will I adjust to my changing body? Will I get sick? Will I have complications? Will I die? All of these things are flooding my mind. Do I really want this...